"It turned out to be Stephen. Just now, Imelda told me that there was a magician, and I was wondering who it was.

In the waiting room, Huode lit a cigarette and looked at Stephen sitting opposite with a surprised look.

He really didn't expect that Stephen would come here to find him.

"Have you ever seen a magician as gentlemanly and handsome as me in any circus?"

Stephen leaned back in his chair and spoke with a little displeasure.

This guy really could accurately make him unhappy every time he spoke.

"No, but your clothes are not very common."

Hod looked at the floating cloak behind him and said teasingly.

"This is my exclusive suit, how can it be common!"

Stephen took a deep breath, and the sound seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth.

He really didn't expect this guy to be so irritating. He even suspected that this guy was deliberately teasing him.

If it weren't for him wanting to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor, he would probably have taken action.

"Stephen, be quiet!"

Wang on the side interrupted Stephen with a serious look:"We have something important to do this time!"

Stephen shut up awkwardly. They did have something important to do this time.

"There is no such thing as a visit to the temple. Tell me, what is the matter?"

Huo De also knew that if there was nothing wrong, these two people would never come here.

"Have you ever heard of nightmares?"

Stephen took a deep breath and his expression became serious.


Hodder frowned slightly and said,"You mean, a demon who draws power from dreams?"

The Nightmare is a demon of unknown origin who can pull sleeping creatures into nightmares and torture them.

Once in a nightmare, the Nightmare is almost omnipotent. In addition, this demon is also proficient in magic.

So once the other party is awake, they will send their men to attack them.

If an ordinary person faces a nightmare, he will lose his will in just a moment.

It is said that only gods and extremely powerful magicians can resist this kind of attack.

The most terrifying thing is that the nightmare can absorb the fear of others and become stronger.

"I didn't expect you to know anything. I thought you had no interest in magic or anything like that!"

Stephen interrupted and teased Hood.

"Wang, can you bring a quieter guy next time? This guy talks too much!"

Hodder ignored Stephen, but spread his hands and spoke to Wang helplessly.


Stephen felt sick after hearing this. He took a deep breath and said,"We hope you can help us."

He realized that if he continued to argue with Hood, he would never be Hood's opponent.

This guy seemed to be proficient in all the disgusting words, and he didn't even repeat them.

"What help? What does it have to do with this nightmare?"

Hod was actually very curious about what exactly happened. Two great wizards actually needed his help.

No matter what, this matter was definitely not simple.

"What are you talking about?"

"What nightmare, what magic or something?"

Wanda walked down the stairs gracefully.

She had been eavesdropping at the stairs just now, and now she couldn't help but ask.

If it was about magic, she would also like to know about it.

And she recalled that Hood also said that he could do magic.

"Have you finished breakfast? Come and chat with me. This magician is quite interesting."

Hodder greeted Wanda, and he did not forget to tease Stephen.

Wanda slowly sat down on the sofa, and Hodder casually hugged Wanda's slender waist.


Stephen recognized Wanda's identity the moment she appeared.

He really didn't expect that Wanda would appear here, and it seemed that she had a close relationship with this kid.

"Boy, I really misjudged you. Now I have a new respect for you."

This boy can actually hook up with one of the strongest Avengers. That's really amazing.

""Okay, tell me what you want to talk to me about!"

Hodder waved his hand unhappily and brought the conversation back to the point.

After all, he was really curious about what they wanted to talk to him about.

And he was also quite interested in this nightmare. To be honest, it was quite interesting.

"I have a spell here that I need your help to break, otherwise we won't be able to find Nightmare's apostle in the mortal world!"

Stephen straightened his body and opened his right hand while speaking.

The bag beside him floated up out of thin air, and a parchment scroll slowly floated on the table and slowly unfolded.

From the appearance, this parchment scroll has a long history, and there are many complex and strange runes on the yellowed leather surface.

"Looking for the Apostle of Nightmare?"

Hod also knew that Nightmare could not directly descend to the mortal world, that is, the Earth.

Therefore, the Apostle in the mortal world was needed as a medium.

So as long as the Apostle was dealt with, Nightmare would not be able to directly contact the mortal world.

"We have been worrying about this spell for two days and two nights."

Wang Zhuangshuo moved on the sofa and looked at the parchment scroll.

No matter what method they used, they could not break it.

So he suddenly remembered the miracle that day.

"I only knew about this spell this morning, but Wang insisted on coming to you, otherwise I should be able to do it myself."

Stephen couldn't help but refute at this time.

In fact, when he saw the spell, he already knew how difficult it was.

If he were to crack it, it would take at least several weeks, because there are too many things involved.

Don't look at it as just a small spell, it contains too much information.

"If you are not good at it, practice more. If you can't afford it, don't play it."

Hodder glanced at Stephen with disdain.


Hodder was seen holding a cigarette, pinching the spell with both hands, and looking at the spell on the table with a serious expression.

With top talent, he understood the logic of the spell at a glance.

And the next second.

A huge magic circle flashed around, and the dark black mark spread rapidly on the ground.

A gloomy and terrifying power emanated from the magic circle, and the strange black gas floated towards the sky.

In just a moment, a black star map was formed on the ceiling.

A bright star mark appeared on the star map, which clearly pointed out the direction.

""It's solved."

Hod picked up the cigarette and flicked the ash slightly, as if he had done something insignificant.


Stephen and Wang looked at each other, their eyes filled with disbelief.

They originally thought it would take a long time, but it was solved in just one glance!

Just one glance and it was solved?! What kind of top pervert is this!

The two were stunned for a long time, and neither of them spoke.

"Hurry up and leave!"

Huo De waved his hand unhappily:"Don't waste my time enjoying life!"


The two stood outside the gate, their hair messy in the wind..........

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