Wanda suddenly mentioned this battle suit because she wanted to put it away and wash it.

After all, the battle suit is a personal item, and she can't just leave it to the maid to clean up.

"What? Do you still want to?"

Hod never thought that Wanda would bring up this matter.

And it was he who brought it up after he brought it back to Gwen.

"No, no, no……"

Wanda shook her head repeatedly. She couldn't even stand up now, so how could she possibly think about it?

But she had to admit that it was quite interesting to transform into Ghost Spider-Man.

"As for that battle suit, I have thrown it away. If you like it, I can buy it again."

Hodder smiled evilly.

"Who... who likes it."

Wanda kept struggling in Hood's arms.

But she found that the more she struggled, the more uncomfortable the gun on Hood's waist became.

"If you don't like me, how can you remember it so clearly!"

Hodder looked at Wanda restlessly.

Wanda jumped up from her arms in fear:"It's obviously you who likes me. Did you mistake me for a ghost spider yesterday?"

Because of that battle suit,

Hodder's fighting power doubled yesterday. He almost wanted to tear her apart.

"How is that possible? You are slandering me! Blatant slander!"

How could Hood admit that he did think so yesterday.

After all, thinking that there was a Gwen downstairs, the excitement was immediately maximized.


Wanda snorted coldly and gently pushed Hood's head with her slender fingers:"You were very happy last night. I was really happy, right?……"

"What do you think?"

Huo De had a half-smile on his face.

"If you do this again, I won't want to talk to you anymore!"

Wanda sat on the chair with an unhappy face.

After all, it didn't matter if it happened once or twice. If you think of her as a ghost spider every time, then what would she become? She is not a substitute.

""Okay, okay!"

Huo De comforted,"I will never let you do this again."

"I'll forgive you once."

Wanda saw that he admitted his mistake seriously.

"However, you really need to practice chaos magic well."

Hodder rubbed Wanda's head, his expression became more serious.

Chaos magic is too harmful. If you don't practice it well, you will lose control one day.

Although the control ability has improved now, it is far from enough.

Wanda's true strength can completely affect the reality around her, so he is so serious.

""According to what you said?"

In fact, Wanda has taken time to contact Hood when she hasn't been with him recently.

But the improvement is not great, and it is very difficult to influence reality more smoothly. There is no way to do what Hood did when he took her to practice.

It is already very difficult to simply change some objects.

"No, you do it according to what is written in this book."

Hodder shook his head and took out a parchment book out of thin air.

Wanda's eyes widened:"How did you do it?"

Because she didn't feel any fluctuations of magic just now, as if the parchment book was in Hodder's hand.


Hodder grinned and continued:"This is what you need to learn"

"What is this? What is written on it?"

Wanda frowned and looked at the contents of the parchment book, but she couldn't understand the words on it at all.

These words seemed to not belong to this world at all.

"This is the Scroll of Sithon, and it fits the chaos magic in you very well!"

【《"The Scroll of Sithoun" (2/2)

Just yesterday, Hod had obtained all the Scrolls of Sithoun.

The complete Scroll of Sithoun contains much more content than the Dark Book.

Because the Dark Book is a copied version, and a large part of the dark magic and necromancy is missing. The actual difference between the two is very large, otherwise the Scroll of Sithoun would not have attracted the attention of so many dark wizards.

After all, for them, this is the supreme divine object, and obtaining it is equivalent to getting the source of dark magic.

It's just that the one he took out for Wanda now is a version that he has modified himself.

Because there are many dark magics in it, it is not a good thing for Wanda to practice.

Sithoun's magic itself is extremely persuasive, and it will subtly intensify the dark side deep in the practitioner's heart when practicing.

Excessive practice may even cause the practitioner's soul to return to Sithoun.

But he himself is not worried about this, after all, Wanda has chaos magic.

What's more, as long as he is there, it feels impossible for Sithoun to succeed.

""The Scroll of Sithon?"

Wanda had never heard of this name, and the words on it could vaguely feel the evil aura.

And looking at the ghostly talismans all over the sky, she felt dizzy and even a little drowsy.

"Don't worry, little fool, I will teach you."

Hodder did not laugh at her, but sat down next to Wanda and spread the Scroll of Sithorn in his hand on the table.

He knew very well that Wanda's past life was basically spent in smoke and escape.

It was very good to be alive until now, not to mention the opportunity to learn.

Moreover, the Scroll of Sithorn was basically written in ancient language, and basically not many people could understand it.

In other words, even if some dark wizards took the Scroll of Sithorn away, they would not be able to learn anything in a short time.

Just trying to decipher the ancient language on it has become a very difficult problem.

Not everyone can master so many ancient languages.

This threshold alone has blocked most people.

"You are stupid!"

Wanda felt warm in her heart.

Although she didn't understand, Hood still took the time to teach her.

This alone touched her deeply.

Moreover, she could see that Hood was doing this for her own good, otherwise he would never repeat the matter of chaos magic again and again.

"Come, follow me.……"

"This section tells the origin and origin of the Scroll of Sithon!"

"As for this paragraph, it was fabricated by later generations, and it records the deeds of the ancient god Xisong.……"

Hood opened the parchment book, placed his fingers on the lines of ancient language and began to explain.

Although these have nothing to do with magic, they are extremely important because they are related to the vigilance and fear of Sithorn in the future.

This is black magic after all, and every time it is used, it will be affected by Sithorn.

The more vigilant you are about this, the more you will pay attention to it when using chaos magic in the future.

As Hood explained, Wanda gradually got into the state, because Hood's explanation was very detailed.

Many things that she didn't understand can be explained again and again in different ways.

"Yeah, I understand that too.……"

As time went by, Wanda was still listening at first, but her eyes were gradually attracted to Hood beside her.

She couldn't help but look at Hood's handsome face.

When he was talking, his voice had a unique magnetism, and that gentle voice made Wanda fall deeply in love.

Even she herself didn't realize that she had fallen deeper and deeper in Hood.

The more you discover the mystery of a person, the easier it is to fall into it.

She was completely fascinated by the man in front of her. All women admire strong men. Even if Wanda is already very strong, she can't help but be attracted to Hood.

What's more, this is the man who brought her all kinds of first experiences in her life, even more so

"Little witch, what on earth are you reading?" (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Hod noticed that Wanda was distracted and reached out to flick her forehead lightly:"What is so beautiful? Is there any knowledge in it?"

"No, I just thought of something else."

Wanda cried out in pain, covering her forehead and looking at Hood pitifully.

She knew what was important, but even so, she still had trouble controlling her emotions.

"You've thought of something else, I see that's what you want to do!"[]

Hod grabbed Wanda's little face and gritted his teeth and said,"If you don't listen, then you will be punished!"

He didn't want to go to Sithorn to fight with him one day.

These are very important to Wanda, otherwise he would not have specially selected some magic for Wanda to practice.

"I didn't mean it! And I'm watching again!"

Wanda slapped the back of Hood's hand, rubbing her pink face and retorting indignantly.

She quickly shifted her gaze to the book, but what emerged in her mind was not the knowledge.

What appeared was Hood's figure and all the things Hood and she had done.

Sometimes, after falling in love with someone, you can't help but think of that person no matter what you do.

Although I have tried my best to control my emotions, it still has no practical effect.

He can cook, is capable, handsome, and even his strength is unfathomable. Until now, Hood's background has not been figured out.

Not only that, but more importantly, that waist seems to be made of vibranium, and it simply has endless power and energy.

The more I think about it, the more confused my mind becomes, and I feel like I'm about to be filled up.

It's just that what fills my mind is not knowledge, but something indescribable.

"Little witch, pay attention!"

Hodder looked at the witch's wispy eyes, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He even suspected that he had played too much. Now he seemed to be almost seeing the heart pupil. He didn't know where the eyes were floating on his body.


Wanda came back to her senses after hearing Hord's cold shout.

She quickly adjusted her posture, turned her eyes away from that, and returned to the parchment book.

"Wanda, you have to remember that your greatest advantage right now is chaos magic"

"So you must maximize your advantages!"

"Because the spell is only auxiliary to you, you should practice chaos magic instead of the Scroll of Sithon."

Hodder met Wanda's eyes and spoke in a serious tone.

The biggest role of this spell for Wanda is to help control chaos magic.

Because the power of chaos magic is very terrifying, being able to affect reality is equivalent to being invincible.

For example, when he ran away and controlled the parallel world and killed the entire Avengers, it can also be seen how terrifying chaos magic is.

"Is that so?"

Wanda's face showed a thoughtful look.

Although she said that she had seen the horror of her own power, she did not have a clear understanding. She just knew that it would make her power stronger.

She basically used external force to attack the enemy.

If it were not for Hood, she would not even know how to change it by controlling other things.

"Yes, as long as you can make the chaos magic in your body stronger, this is the real power, and the Dark Book is just an auxiliary tool."

Hodder also knew that Wanda at this time had no idea how terrifying the power in her body was.

This is one of the three ancient magics. As long as it is one of the three ancient magics, there must be no weak one.

Looking at the entire universe, even the multiverse, it is an extremely terrifying energy.

It can even be said that it is easy for Wanda to tear the purple potato spirit apart with her hands.

If you can practice to the extreme, breaking through the single universe is only a matter of time.

""Yeah, I get it!"

Wanda nodded solemnly.

She was in awe because Hood knew so many things.

He knew everything about things that had nothing to do with him. He was like a powerful encyclopedia. Nothing could escape his eyes.

He even knew his own chaos magic better than she did.

"So you must be serious. Of course, if you want that, I can reward you after you learn it!"

At this time, Hod's mouth corners slightly raised, with this wicked smile, he teased

"You are really... bad!"

Wanda looked at the change of expression and couldn't help but gently hit Hood's arm.

"Come, let's continue reading. What I need to teach you next is the text in it."

Hodder rubbed Wanda's head, and then began to talk about the other contents in the parchment book.

He knew very well that more haste makes waste, so this time he mainly taught Wanda to learn a few simpler spells.

In fact, with Wanda's comprehension, this was not a problem at all. She had learned the meaning of it after just a few teachings.


Wanda, who was sitting cross-legged on the chair, slowly opened her eyes, and her pupils flashed a scarlet light.

A layer of flowing crimson light covered her fair skin, making her already charming even more unique.

Wanda silently chanted the spell. , reaching out to a bonsai.


A scarlet light flashed.

With a buzz!

The flowers in the pot were instantly entangled by the scarlet light, and surrounded by the red light, it actually began to grow rapidly.

The bonsai that was originally full of flowers also began to become twisted and hideous, spreading rapidly around like a vine. In just a blink of an eye, the plant was already covered with black barbs, and the originally green plant turned dark black.

The spreading vines also tightly bound the other bonsai around it, and the barbs that grew out seemed to have life, constantly eroding the vitality of other bonsai.

"Very good, you learned it!"

Seeing this scene, Hood gave applause without hesitation.

"That's because you taught me well!"

Wanda took the initiative to hug Hood, and her flaming red lips gently touched his face:"This is a reward for you!"

"This reward alone is not enough."

Hod tapped Wanda's mouth with his finger:"And you kissed the wrong place!"

"No! I'm very tired now!"

Wanda knew what Hood was thinking

"So what do you think we should do?"

Hodder could see that Wanda seemed to have other ideas.

"I want to go out with you tonight."

Wanda leaned close to Hood's ear and said in a gentle voice,"Come back tonight and I'll give you a big surprise."


Hood's ears were tickled by her. He wanted to kill her right there and then.

But thinking of the surprise tonight, he had to endure it.

He pinched the witch's face and said,"We agreed that you are not allowed to lie."

"Well, I'm not lying."

Wanda opened the Black Sithorn scroll and looked at the contents seriously:"I want to continue studying, don't disturb me"

"I'm in the backyard, if you want it, come find me."

Hod pinched Wanda.

Looking at Hod leaving, Wanda's mouth twitched slightly. How can this guy always say such shameless words!!!

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