In the backyard of the manor, Hood walked slowly into the lawn.

Looking around, the manor was surrounded by a high wall of more than 30 meters.

The 50-acre backyard is even large enough for people to drive around.

The luxury level can be ranked the highest in New York.

Swimming pools, football fields, basketball courts, and golf courses are all available.

Not far away, a yard was specially built for parking cars so that the backyard can be better taken care of.

There is even a huge stone sculpture in the center of the backyard. It is a giant horse made of stone, roaring at the sky on one foot.

Originally, the high wall here was less than five meters, and later he considered the rewards given by the experimental system. He simply asked someone to increase the height of the high wall to 30 meters. The thickness of the wall alone has reached six meters!

Even if the shells hit the wall head-on, they would remain unscathed.

"Since even Wanda has worked so hard, I should also get familiar with my abilities!"

Hodder stretched and yawned lazily. He had been doing intense exercise these days and had not practiced his abilities properly.

This was a good opportunity for him to practice his abilities while Wanda was practicing. He had not studied the reward he received last time, so he took this opportunity to study that ability.

Looking at the endless sky and the beautiful scenery in the backyard, he felt a little happier.

""The power of the fire element!"

Huo De just said it silently in his heart, and the system panel instantly appeared in front of him.

【[Power of the Fire Element]: The owner will have super strong control over the fire element! The higher the development depth, the stronger the control over the fire element!

"This reward is really good!"

He couldn't help but sigh that completing the mission of the Barbarian Bull really rewarded him with something good.

The god-level magic talent gave him the talent to learn magic faster, and now he has the power of the fire element, which means that he can easily control the power.

Although it is not as good as the power of the phoenix, it is one of the natural elements after all, and it can still be of great use in battle.


Hod raised his right hand and snapped his fingers.

I saw a wisp of flame like a swimming snake ignited on his index finger.

This flame kept wandering on his fingertips, and even wrapped around his index finger.

Just a thought, this flame can even swallow and spit out its tongue like a fire snake.

From this, it can be seen that the control of the flame can be extremely delicate.

Don't look at it as just a detail, but the details are extremely important in the battle.

"Fire Lotus!"

Hod muttered in his heart and suddenly opened his palm.

The original small fire snake burst instantly, forming a lifelike flame lotus on his palm.

With just a thought, the flame lotus began to surge continuously, and at the same time began to shrink continuously into a fireball the size of a fingernail.

This is to compress all the fire elements together. Although it looks small, it contains extremely terrifying energy.

Once Hod shoots it out now, the explosive power is no less than that of a cruise missile.

Then, he put his hands together, and the fireball floated in the sky and slowly dispersed to form words.

The raging heat wave swept over immediately. Although it was a floating flame in the air, it still made the grass on the lawn bend and turn yellow, and even began to dry up.


Hodder only had a thought, and the words exploded instantly.

At the moment of the explosion, the space around the flames began to distort due to the rapid rise in temperature.

The scorching heat wave rolled in, and the powerful power even caused the dry grass on the ground to start igniting flames.

"This should also work this way."

Just as he was thinking, the flames had already wrapped around his body along his fists.

But strangely enough, after the flames wrapped around him, his clothes and hair were not affected at all.

But judging from the feedback from the surroundings, the flames simply had no effect on Hood.

This is the horror of being able to finely control the flames. As long as he is willing, he can even stop the enemy who wants to attack him from losing one thousand and two.

After a series of attempts, Hood waved his hand to disperse the flames.

It must be said that this flame is far more interesting than he imagined.

Because of the power of fire, it can even change into various forms.

For example, letting the flames erupt at a designated location, this alone can crush most magicians.

However, because his development of the fire element is too low, there is no way to continue to make fire.

""I'll practice it later."

Hod shook his head deeply, not planning to continue playing with fire.

Although this reward is good, it is still far from the power of the Phoenix.

Next, he also plans to practice the power of the Phoenix.

Although his research on the power of the Phoenix is deeper than Wanda's research on the power of chaos.

But after all, he has not taken the time to practice it carefully, and he relies entirely on actual combat to practice.

""The power of the Phoenix!"

Hodder looked at the entire backyard, with an orange-red light in his eyes.

As he raised his right hand, a ball of power containing terrifying energy instantly shot out from his fingertips.

It was a dark red energy line, and one could even vaguely see the energy on the line jumping.

And the next second, this energy went directly into the ground.

When the energy entered the ground, it spread rapidly around as if it could be infected.

In Hodder's perception, he could even devour everything with this little bit of Phoenix power.


The originally cloudless and clear sky became extremely gloomy at this time.

The bright sunshine also disappeared without a trace, and the sweeping breeze turned into a terrifying hurricane in an instant.

In addition to the whistling.

The sky was also covered with dark clouds, and purple lightning flashed in the sky, and the thunder resounded through the world.

For a moment, it seemed like entering the end of the world. If you look up, you can even see the dark clouds pressing down.

The surrounding trees were rattling at this time because of the violent hurricane. , the leaves were also swept away by the hurricane.

Countless leaves were constantly flying in the sky with the hurricane, and it was extremely terrifying to look at.

Even the water in the swimming pool in the backyard was constantly surging and roaring, as if seeing something extremely terrifying.

The statues, fences, swimming pools, ball hoops, and trees underwent extremely strange changes at this time.

They actually began to shatter one by one, turning into gray-black dust and flying towards the sky with the hurricane.

Even the green lawn was not spared at this moment. The earth wailed, and the lawn began to shatter into countless tiny particles flying all over the sky.

Cracks appeared in the land in an instant, as if a giant reached into the earth and tore it apart.


The next second.

Countless cracks spread rapidly around, and the broken edges were even swallowed by the power of the Phoenix.

What followed was the collapse of the earth. The yard that originally looked peaceful was now left with only a huge sinkhole.

Looking at this huge sinkhole, even Hood couldn't help but sigh.

"Is this the essence of the Phoenix Force, to annihilate everything in the world?"

Hod could even feel that this energy had not reached its limit, and the energy was still surging in his body.

It seemed to be urging him to burst out with his true power. The violent power seemed to destroy everything at this time.

"Since you want to destroy, I will destroy you!"

Hod opened his arms and looked up at the sky with a faint smile.

The terrifying energy also spread rapidly at this time.

At the same time, Wanda, who was looking at the Sithorn scroll in the house, suddenly felt horrified.

Because she could clearly feel the terrifying power coming from the backyard, this power even made her spine chill instantly


Wanda didn't care about anything else, picked up the parchment book and rushed towards the backyard.

But when she ran to the backyard, her steps stopped.

Because the scene that came into her eyes was too terrifying, even beyond her cognition.

The scene of the sudden change of the world, the cracked earth, and the storm accompanied by the roar of the storm all proved the horror of this power.

And there was obviously no big movement, but a huge deep pit appeared on the ground.

It was as if something had swallowed a piece of it out of thin air, and even the cross-section of the swallowed big stone underground was extremely smooth.

And Hodder was suspended above this huge deep pit.

He opened his hands, as if he was a god descending from the sky. It only brought indescribable fear and indescribable despair. (To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

""Hod, what's going on?"

Wanda cast a horrified look at Hod. The more she looked, the more shocked she was by the powerful energy in Hod's body.

She boasted that her chaos magic was already very strong, but in front of Hod's power, it was nothing.

And she knew very well that the power Hod released now was much stronger than when he dealt with the barbarian bulls.

Or it could be said that Hod had already mastered this power very well, so last time he just controlled this energy so that it would not cause damage.

But the more this happened, the more terrifying it was, because the more terrifying power one had in the body, the more difficult it was to control it precisely.

It was like an adult chopping wood with an axe weighing more than ten pounds and a child chopping wood with an axe weighing more than ten pounds.

There was already a big difference in the grasp of strength, and it was for this reason that this power was so terrifying.

What was even more terrifying at this time was that this power did not stop, but spread outward rapidly like a desert that devoured all life.

Wherever it went, trees and land would be crushed into black powder by this power.[]

No matter how hard something is, it is impossible to escape the engulfment of this force at this moment.

When this range reaches the towering wall, the wall quickly collapses and shatters.

""Hodder, are you going to tear this place down?"

Wanda shouted in a hurry, watching the house almost gone.

She didn't even dare to approach Hodder now, because the source of this power was Hodder.

Once she approached rashly, she didn't know if she would be dissipated in the world along with all these things.

At this time, Hodder did not pay attention to Wanda not far away, but slowly closed his eyes, feeling this power with a smile.

This power is like an addictive poison. He can even feel that he can rely on this power to become the most powerful existence in the world.

""Huh~ Interesting, this is so interesting!"

After letting go of his hands and feet, Hodder raised his mouth, even though he had closed his eyes.

But he could clearly feel the changes, annihilation and disappearance of all the matter around him.

This was a very strange feeling, he could even feel that everything around him could disappear through his thoughts. He could even clearly feel the flow of this power.

In order to further control the power of the phoenix, Hodder once again shot out a stream of energy from his fingertips.

With the injection of this energy, everything around him shattered faster.

"~This guy... he really doesn't even want the house anymore!"

Wanda looked at Hood from a distance, with a helpless look on her face.

All she could do was wait quietly.

Because this terrifying energy was constantly surging and spreading.

This was no longer something she could stop.

At the same time,���.

Inside the Avengers Base

""Rod, aren't you bored playing with those things every day?"

Natasha lay on the sofa with her legs dangling unscrupulously on the expensive table.

In her left hand, she held a handful of melon seeds. I don't know if she was infected by Tony.

Recently, she likes to eat melon seeds to pass the time.

"This is to promote scientific research."

Rhode carefully assembled the weapons in front of him.

After all, no one knows what dangers will appear in this world in the next moment.

【Beep, beep……】

Rhode's hand trembled, and the weapon he was assembling fell to the ground.

He looked back with an impatient look, and saw that the machine developed by Tony was constantly flashing.

"Why is this thing making a noise?"

Rhodes quickly came to the detection instrument. When he saw the display on it, his eyes shrank into pinpoints.

The energy value marked on the instrument was rising rapidly, and the speed of the rise was getting faster and faster.

The energy fluctuations that appeared at present were already able to compete with"Little Boy".

For a moment, he wondered if other countries had thrown something incredible at them, the United States.

"How is this possible? This force is too strong!"

He widened his eyes and even began to wonder if there was something wrong with the instrument.

"Natasha, go call Tony over here!" (Yes, OK)

Rod turned and yelled at Natasha not far away, his eyes filled with anxiety.

If there is nothing wrong with this instrument, then they will be in big trouble this time.

This force is much stronger than all of them put together.

Natasha didn't even bother to eat, she threw all the melon seeds on the table and ran to Tony's office in a hurry.

"What?! The value is still rising?!"

Tony's face suddenly changed when he got the news. He was still very confident in the scientific research he developed.

The instrument had provided a lot of help before, but at this time it had risen to this value.

He ran directly to the laboratory in the base.

When the door was opened, all the Avengers members in the base arrived here.

"Huge energy field fluctuations detected?!"

Tony looked at the display above, his face became extremely solemn.

Since the development of the instrument for detecting energy fluctuations, there has never been such a situation.

"Tony, can you think of a way to find the location of the energy fluctuation?"

Steve looked at Tony in front of the instrument with a serious expression.

Since such a serious thing has happened, no matter what the situation is now, they must rush to the first place.


Tony waved his right hand in the air, and a virtual keyboard suddenly appeared.

He quickly typed in the air, and when he pressed the enter key, everyone's eyes were focused on the instrument in front of them.

The panel searched quickly and finally detected a large area.

This was clearly a location outside New York!

"This position!"

Tony's face suddenly changed when he saw this position!

"What's wrong?"

It was the first time Steve saw Tony so nervous.

"My friend's house is in this area."

Tony looked serious. This is the area where Hood's house is!!!.

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