【Ding! You enjoyed a wonderful nap!】

【Reward: Transformers - Bumblebee]

Hod opened his eyes, and the system prompt sound echoed in his mind.

Transformers Bumblebee?!

"The reward was actually a Bumblebee?!"

He really didn't expect to get such a reward.

A long time ago, he had imagined that he would own a Bumblebee.

After all, it was simply too cool, not only in appearance, but also in combat power.

Although this thing is not as eye-catching as other luxury cars, but the Bumblebee is indeed one of the things he wants most.

【Transformers - Bumblebee]: It is the dream of all men to own a Transformer, and it is now parked in your garage


Hod hugged Wanda beside him and kissed her hard on the face.

Since Wanda appeared, the rewards he got were all good.

This is really a big treasure falling from the sky!

This is already his lucky star!

"What's wrong with you?"

Wanda noticed the excited smile on Hood's face.

He was lying quietly just now, but now he couldn't stop smiling.

Could it be that because she couldn't stop smiling just now, he was also smiling happily?

Otherwise, she really couldn't understand why Hood was so happy.

"I just got a new car. Let me take you for a ride!"

After getting the Bumblebee, Hood couldn't wait to try it out.

After saying that, he picked up Wanda and said,"Let's take a shower first, and then go out immediately."

"Is it necessary to be so anxious?"

Wanda really couldn't understand what kind of car could make a rich man like Hood so excited.

After all, judging from Hood's ability, even buying the most expensive car in the world would not be a problem.

"You'll know in a minute!"

Hood picked her up and walked towards the bathroom.

Two hours later, Wanda followed Hood to the garage with weak legs.

"Look, it's the yellow one.……"

Hodder pointed excitedly at the Volkswagen Beetle in the middle of the garage, and was stunned for a moment.

This shouldn't be the case, how could it be a Beetle!

"Is this the car you mentioned?"

Wanda covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing.

After all, this Volkswagen Beetle looked too...out of place among those cool cars. Any other car could buy hundreds of Beetles.

She looked at Hood's surprised expression and couldn't help laughing.

After all, Hood looked like a child who got a gift.

But after opening the gift, he found that it was homework.

"This shouldn't be……"

Hod twitched his mouth. If he remembered correctly, this should be a Chevrolet Camaro!

Soon he suddenly remembered that Bumblebee could scan the appearance of other cars and transform them.

"I didn't expect you to like this old car that's almost broken."

Wanda held back her laughter, patted Hodder on the shoulder and said

"Who is laughing at me?"

The speakers in the yellow Volkswagen Beetle suddenly said,"I can go so fast that you want to vomit!"

The speakers in the car were sometimes male and sometimes female, and they kept switching between different channels.

"It can actually talk?"

Wanda couldn't help but be a little surprised:"Such an old Beetle is actually equipped with artificial intelligence?"

She really didn't expect that someone would be willing to install artificial intelligence on this broken car.

After all, artificial intelligence is a high-end technology, of course it is not the current kind.

For example, Tony's Friday, this kind of artificial intelligence is very difficult to develop.

So similar technology is actually installed on this kind of car

"It's not artificial intelligence."

Hod smiled and said,"It has its own consciousness."

"I am a little old, but I am not useless!"

Crack, crack...

At this moment, the appearance of the yellow beetle began to change rapidly.

With the sound, it trembled a few times and rose from the ground.

Soon it formed a tall robot, and the yellow paint on its body made it look extremely handsome.

Bumblebee looked down at Wanda.

"It's so cool, it can also turn into a robot!"

Wanda stepped back in surprise, and the tall Bumblebee's head in front of her hit the ceiling.

She really didn't expect that this car could turn into this.

And it was actually quite cool after the transformation.

She finally understood why Hord was so excited.

This kind of thing might really have a fatal attraction to men.

""Woman, now you know how cool I am!"

Bumblebee said, proudly standing on tiptoe.

Although the voice he made was that of a child, one could still hear the boastful tone.

""It's so strange, why is your voice different every time?"

Wanda asked in a surprised tone.

It sounded like something was wrong.

"Its generator is broken, so it can only speak through the radio."

Hod remembers the original plot very clearly, after all, he watched the movie two or three times.

So now Bumblebee can only extract sounds from different radio stations to reply

"It's actually possible to do this?"

Wanda's eyes sparkled, because this is even cooler.

When talking, it can even change into different voices.

It's like those mechanical creatures in science fiction movies.

"Am I really amazing? I am much better than those old cars you mentioned!"

The Bumblebee shook his body excitedly after receiving the praise.

He could tell that this was his master's lover, so he deliberately showed his

"What a pity."

Wanda shook her head and complained helplessly:"But the Beetle is still a little too ugly."

After all, Hood is a man of noble status. If he drives a Beetle out, it would be too cheap for Hood.

Even if he is said to be low-key, he shouldn't be so low-key.

"You look at……"


At this moment, Bumblebee began to change rapidly the moment he lay down.

The protruding armor on his body began to shrink rapidly in just a few seconds.

Bumblebee had turned back into a car, and what surprised Wanda even more was that it was a different model.

This is clearly a Chevrolet Camaro.

The classic black stripes extend from the center of the front to the rear.

The appearance of the sports car and the slightly upturned hood show a unique taste.

Although it is yellow in appearance, it is not so ostentatious, but rather a little restrained and exudes style.

"How on earth did this happen?"

Wanda's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

She had seen a lot of high-tech, and if it could transform from a car to a robot and back again, she wouldn't be particularly surprised.

What surprised her was that it could actually transform from a beetle into something else.

This made her completely confused as to how this was done.

"What do you think? I'm not a broken car!"

After Bumblebee made a sound, the doors on both sides of the car suddenly opened:"Come on, get in the car, I'll take you to go racing!"

"Let's go out for a walk!"

Hod pulled Wanda into the car.

""Sit tight! Get ready to go!"

The car's speakers sounded.

Then came the fierce roar of the engine and the strong sense of pushing back.

With the roar of the accelerator, the yellow shadow drove quickly onto the road.

And the speed of the car was rising rapidly, reaching more than 200 kilometers per hour in just a few seconds.

"Holy shit, what was that car that just passed by?!"

"How could a Chevrolet Camaro overtake my Lamborghini?"

The driver who was speeding on the road looked at the disappearing taillights, and his expression became stiff.

He was already driving at a speed of 180 km/h, but he was overtaken in the blink of an eye.

Hod was holding the steering wheel with one hand at this time. If he was not worried about being too shocking, he would not want to hold the steering wheel to pretend.

After all, Bumblebee has self-awareness and can drive itself.

""So fast!"

Wanda held the seat belt tightly. Although she could do it in the air, it was a completely different experience to be in the car. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Even her adrenaline began to be secreted, and an unprecedented sense of excitement surged to her head.

"I haven't let go yet!"

Bumblebee's arrogant voice came from the speakers.

"There is a turn ahead, slow down!"

Wanda warned with a trembling voice that it is very likely to overturn if the car passes the turn at this speed! []

But Bumblebee's speed did not slow down, but even faster.

At this time, Hord also turned the steering wheel sharply, but did not turn the car around.

Instead, he rushed to the side of the road!


Wanda's face suddenly changed when she saw this scene, and even her lips turned pale. If thrown out at this speed, it is very likely to be seriously injured!

But there was no fear on Hood's face, instead he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.


The next second, the door near Hood suddenly turned into a mechanical hand. It instantly supported the ground, and with sparks flying all the way, it instantly made a perfect tail swing turn.

It returned to the road and continued to speed.

"Why are you driving so fast?"

Wanda complained with rapid breathing. She almost wanted to use chaos magic just now:"You scared me to death!"

"You can always trust Bumblebee, it will never let you fall over and get hurt!"

Hodder's mouth curled up, he knew Bumblebee's ability very well.

Even if the two of them flew high in the sky, Bumblebee could transform in the air and catch them safely.


Although Wanda knew that Hood would not lie to her, she was still scared.

She couldn't help but let go of her left hand holding the seat belt and hit Hood's arm.

She could see that Hood was deliberately trying to scare her.

"Where are you going to take me today?"

Hodder looked at Wanda and asked with a puzzled look.

After all, Wanda was acting mysterious today, which made him curious.

"Go to Guolin Beach."

Wanda looked at Hod with a smile, and there was a little excitement in her eyes.

"Guolin Beach?"

Hod was a little surprised. After all, going to the beach in autumn is not a particularly wise choice.

Not only is it impossible to go to the beach in this weather, but many coastal shops are closed.

The only advantage is that there are fewer people on the beach at this time, which is more suitable for couples to go sightseeing.

""Bumblebee, let's go! Go to Guolin Beach!"

Hod gave the order and simply let Bumblebee drive.

After all, Bumblebee has navigation and can drive much faster than him.

"Got it! Heading to Orchard Beach!"

A voice came from the speakers, and then they disappeared into the horizon.

Orchard Beach is a famous beach in New York.

As the car stopped on the beach,

Hood held Wanda's hand and walked to the beach.

Looking at the waves, he had to admit that this place was indeed a tourist destination.

The weather was mild and sunny, the light blue sky covered the top of their heads like a lake, and seagulls were circling with cries. The fishy and salty sea breeze blew on the two of them, and a unique smell of the seaside came.

Because of the weather, there were fewer people on the beach.

But because it is a well-known tourist attraction, even if there are fewer people, there will be many.

And most of them are couples, who come here to see the scenery.

"It's much better here than in the photos."

On the beach, under the coconut trees, Wanda took a deep breath in the sea breeze.

"You've never been here before?"

Hod looked at Wanda in confusion.���I thought Wanda had been here so I wanted to bring him here.


Wanda seemed to recall something in the past, and said with a depressed look:"After coming to the United States, I stayed in the laboratory, and then the Avengers base. I often had to carry out missions, so I didn't have much time to go out and play."

In addition, because of her bad reputation, she didn't dare to sneak out in her free time.

It was also because of this opportunity that she wanted to come to this beach with Hood that she had wanted to come to for a long time.

"Then you can enjoy yourself now."

Hodder couldn't help but feel distressed when he looked at Wanda, who looked gloomy.

The witch's life was really uprooted.

If it weren't for his appearance, perhaps her uprooted life would never end.

After all, in the original book, the Scarlet Witch's final ending was very miserable.

"I want to soak my feet in the sea."

Wanda looked at the sea, the blue sea, the strong wind blowing the sea surface up and down, the waves sparkling

"Let's go, let's go soak our feet together!"

Hood also wanted to try it. While helping Wanda take off her shoes, he continued,"Although Guolin Beach is nice, there are too many people, so forget about swimming."

There are still many people on the beach now, and he doesn't want to see his own beauty wearing a swimsuit and being seen by others.

If she really wants to swim, he can just book a place when he has time.

"By the way, Hod, I want to show you something."

At this moment, Wanda took a deep breath, as if she had made up her mind.


Hodder looked at Wanda with a puzzled look. Is Wanda, who has been mysterious today, finally going to reveal the answer at this time?

After all, since he came here, he noticed that Wanda was hesitating, as if she was about to say something.


Wanda closed her eyes and forced herself to calm down.

She pulled out the scarf she carried with her from her pocket and shook it in front of Hood.

Then, with the appearance of a crimson light, the scarf slowly stood up.

The blood-red scarf actually began to change, with green branches extending on both sides.

A tender red rose slowly grew on the top.

Seeing this scene, Hood's expression was stunned.

What was going on?

He had never thought that Wanda would actually send him flowers.


Wanda took a deep breath and prepared to speak out her thoughts.

In fact, she had always wanted to have a relationship with Hood that she could talk about.

But fear made her never bring it up. But at this moment, her heart was in turmoil.

She looked at the rose stuffed in her arms and was about to ask.



The sky was covered with dark clouds.

A black line swept in from the horizon and instantly covered the entire beach!!!

The atmosphere of terror was everywhere.

A strong pressure filled the air.

"Someone is coming!"

Hod blocked Wanda's red lips with his index finger, signaling her not to speak.

Not far away, in the sky, there was lightning and thunder.

A strange figure appeared.

Her face was covered with a strange smile under her hooked nose.

���At this time, it became depressing, and dark clouds appeared in the sky.

The originally blue sea was covered by large patches of dark clouds, and even the color of the sea water turned dark black.

The calm sea surface was like an angry creature at this time, with huge waves rising and rushing towards the shore quickly.

An indescribable dark breath rushed towards the two people..

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