
The wind roared and thunder roared in the sky, as if the weather had changed.

The whole sky was covered with dark clouds, even the dazzling light was blocked by the dark clouds.

The waves swept towards the shore, and in the distance, you could even see huge waves more than ten meters high rushing towards you with a terrifying aura.

"Run! The tsunami is coming!"

"Why is it suddenly dark? There is a monster!"

"Everyone rushed to the shore!"


Tourists on the beach cried and shouted, trying to get as far away from the beach as possible.

The lifeguard on the beach stood on the observation deck with a loudspeaker and shouted in fear.

He had been here for so many years, but this was the first time he saw such a horrific scene.

The huge waves of more than ten meters high were enough to sweep everyone on the shore into the ocean.

What was even more terrifying was that this strange black fog made them feel as if they were in another world.

The woman in the black robe floated in the air, the corners of her black clothes swaying in the strong wind, and she looked down at the people below from above.

"Who is she?"

Wang held the red rose in her hand, with murderous intent in her eyes.

She finally mustered up the courage and was ready to confess in a romantic atmosphere.

Where on earth did a bitch suddenly appear and disturb her good thing!

Scarlet light flowed in her eyes, and her hands began to condense chaos magic unconsciously.

She couldn't wait to press this old woman to the ground and rub her!

Moreover, she also felt that when this old woman appeared, the chaos magic in her body was very agitated.

Obviously, this has a lot to do with the bitch in the sky!

She bit her scarlet lower lip, and there was no fear in her eyes.

No matter who it is, disturbing her date with Hood will only lead to death!

What's more, this is the time when she is ready to confess!


Hodder looked at the person in the sky, and a figure appeared in his mind."One, one, seven"

He recognized the person. The woman in black robe was Agatha Harkness!

She was an old witch who had lived from the Middle Ages to the present! She was about the same age as the Ancient One.

In terms of strength, although not as strong as the Ancient One, she was also very strong.

"How could this guy appear here?"

Hodder could see that Agatha must have come here for the two of them.

After all, it was impossible for her to come here to show off her power when she had nothing to do.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that this guy was practicing the Dark Book.

But the progress was extremely slow, so he had been coveting chaos magic.

"Agatha?" Wanda's eyes were cold, and she spoke in a cold tone:"What an ugly name!"

Although she didn't know the origin of this guy, it was obvious that he was disturbing them.

In this case, she didn't intend to indulge this guy.


Wanda's whole body suddenly burst into scarlet light, and she soared into the sky with murderous eyes, looking at Agatha.

She couldn't wait to press this guy's face on the beach and rub it.

"Look! It's the Avengers!"

"Scarlet Witch is here and we are saved!"

"Great, I thought we were dead!"

"Come on! Scarlet Witch!"


The tourists who were fleeing frantically recognized that it was the Scarlet Witch.

In addition, the Scarlet Witch's reputation has begun to improve recently, and everyone showed excitement when they saw the Scarlet Witch.

Even the panic was reduced a lot, after all, this was the famous Scarlet Witch.

Last time, three extremely terrifying bull monsters were annihilated!

Hood frowned slightly when he saw this scene, and then prepared to fly.

But Wanda noticed Hood preparing to take action, turned around and stopped Hood with her eyes.

【Don't come over here, let me do it! 】

She used telepathy to convey her thoughts.

For this kind of troublemaker, she had to do it herself to eliminate the anger in her heart.


Hod felt the anger in Wanda's heart and stopped his action awkwardly.

Although he didn't know what was going on, it was obvious that Wanda was angry now.

It would not be a good thing to go up and get into trouble now, and this was also a good opportunity for Wanda to practice. All he needed to do was stand below and watch the fight, protecting Wanda's safety.

"Wanda Maximoff?"

Looking at Wanda flying up, Agatha panted and the smile on her face became more ferocious.

The sky was filled with the hoarse and terrifying shrill laughter.

She looked at Wanda with eyes full of desire and her expression became more excited.

"Bitch, you can call me by my name too!"

Wanda gnashed her teeth and looked at Agatha, the chaos magic around her fluctuating even more.

This guy should have come to me earlier or later, but he chose to come to her at this time!

"Hehehe!" Agatha's mouth was almost grinning to her ears:"It's really you, the chaos magic in your body is not lying!"

She also found this place through induction, she seemed to have seen the chaos magic waving at her


Wanda sneered, not intending to waste time with Agatha at all.

She suddenly opened her hands and waved them forward, and a strange scarlet light instantly bloomed.

In the blink of an eye, it appeared on Agatha's body, and tied Agatha's hands together like a snake.

Moreover, the scarlet light continued to shrink, as if it wanted to directly tie Agatha's hands off.

"Is this the charm and power of chaos magic?"

Agatha was like a pervert. She was not nervous at all, but closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

She felt the chaos magic that bound her hands with an intoxicated look, and even her voice seemed so disgusting.

""She is a perverted bitch indeed."

Wanda did not tolerate her at all, and further increased the output of the scarlet light.

With the power she exerted now, she could easily squeeze a van into a discus.

But Agatha was not nervous at all, but frowned and groaned.


The scarlet light disappeared instantly.


Wanda was stunned. This was the first time she had encountered such a situation.

No one had ever been able to break free from her control so easily before.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, Agatha didn't seem to have exerted much strength.

And just now she could clearly feel that the aura emanating from Agatha was very strange.

"You are too weak, it's as if you have never practiced magic!"

"You don't deserve this kind of power at all, chaos magic is a waste on you!"

Agatha's expression changed, she gritted her teeth and looked at Wanda with hatred.

This kind of power should have been hers, and only she could master it.

Only she deserved to have such power, but God gave this power to this woman who didn't even know magic.

The more she thought about it, the more hateful her expression became.

"Let me show you what real magic is!"

Her palm was filled with an evil purple light, which was also filled with black air.

The next moment, a ball of purple light mixed with black air shot out instantly.

In just a blink of an eye, it had arrived in front of Wanda.

Boom! Bang!

At the moment of impact, the black air instantly exploded in all directions.

As the black air dissipated, Wanda condensed a scarlet shield to block it, and swung her right hand violently.

Undeterred, she gathered the scarlet light and shot it towards Agatha like a cannonball.


When the scarlet light hit Agatha, it immediately knocked Agatha several meters away.

"Scarlet Witch hit that old witch!"

"Scarlet Witch is still so powerful. I thought that old witch was very strong!"

"This is definitely no match for Scarlet Witch! Damn old woman, die!"


It can be said that the audience watching this scene were extremely excited.

After all, from the brief confrontation just now, Scarlet Witch has firmly gained the upper hand.

""What... happened?"

Wanda looked at her hands in confusion, and the expression on her face became very strange.

She was not even happy at all.

Agatha in the air in the distance did not look injured at all. Instead, she looked at Wanda with a hideous smile. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

She raised her head with excitement, and saw that the scarlet light was absorbed in her palm:"I said, it's such a waste to give you chaos magic!"


A vortex suddenly appeared in the palm of Agatha's hand.

This vortex was like a millstone that constantly consumed the scarlet light in her hand.

In just a few seconds, the scarlet energy was actually absorbed directly by Thor.[]

"This... How is this possible!"

Wanda's eyes widened. She had never seen such a strange scene.

Scarlet energy was actually absorbed by this old witch of unknown origin?

You know, even she needs to be extra careful when using this chaos magic.

If you rashly inhale chaos magic without certain training, there may even be extremely serious consequences.

But now the old witch is not afraid at all, instead she lets out a shrill laugh.

【Wanda, be careful. This old witch's ability is to absorb. No! To be precise, it is to devour! 】

Just when Wanda was confused, Hood's voice suddenly came to Wanda's mind.


Wanda had a puzzled look on her face. It was the first time she had heard of such a strange ability.

This was completely contrary to her cognition. How could such a violent energy be devoured?

【That's right, this guy's strongest ability is to devour other people's magic energy!】

Hodder is very clear about Agatha's ability. This old witch has done this before.

Once, in order to improve her own abilities, she even absorbed all the people of her clan.

As long as she can become stronger, Agatha will even do anything.

Now this old witch is obviously eyeing chaos magic!

"Is that guy down there your lover?"

Agatha felt the connection between the two and asked in a hoarse voice.

From her eyes, it was clear that she had set her sights on Hood.

"None of your business!"

Although Wanda was surprised for a moment, she quickly gathered her energy and rushed towards the old witch not far away........

The output of scarlet energy was even greater, and even the surrounding air was fluctuating.

In just a moment, the scarlet energy had already enveloped Agatha.

"Scarlet Witch, these sales outlets of yours are of no use to me at all."

Faced with the menacing crimson light, Agatha's smile remained unchanged. For her, this was just a tonic delivered to her door. She just squeezed her hands into her arms, and the scarlet light that permeated the surroundings was like being pulled by a black hole.

In just a blink of an eye, the scarlet light had been wiped out and absorbed.

She looked up at Wanda not far away again, grinning and saying,"It's useless. Hand over the chaos magic obediently, and I may be able to spare your life and your little lover's life!"

As she said that, she looked at Hood, with greed in her eyes.

Because she had already faintly felt the power of the phoenix emanating from Hood.

If she could take both powers into her hands at the same time, she would be the strongest existence.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help swallowing her saliva, and even her body trembled slightly with excitement.

She actually ran into such a great thing, which was simply a joy from heaven.

""Don't look at Hood with those dirty eyes of yours!"

Facing Agatha's extremely invasive gaze, Wanda was even more furious.

This damn old witch actually wanted to use Hood to threaten her, and even looked at Hood with those dirty eyes.

She could even feel that the old witch was still spying on Hood!

This was simply courting death!



With a loud noise, for a moment, crimson light continued to spread over Wanda's body.

Even the dark clouds in the sky were stained by the scarlet light at this moment.

The earth was rippling with the faint red light!

At the same time, in the chairman's office in Stark Tower

""The recent fiscal expenditure is much greater than expected!"

Hodder rubbed his temple and casually threw a document on the table.

Since he began to lead the Avengers, there have been too many projects that need to be compensated.

After all, the house that others have spent years and decades to pay off was destroyed by them, and it is impossible to turn a blind eye. He has to be responsible for the Avengers' affairs every day and deal with so many documents, which makes him unable to handle everything.

"Boss, there was a supernatural vicious attack at Guolin Beach!"

Just as he was thinking, Friday's voice suddenly rang out.

"A vicious incident? What exactly happened?"

Hod frowned slightly when he heard this.

"According to the feedback from the scene, Wanda was attacked and is fighting the enemy!"

Friday reported the information he got as soon as possible.


Tony stood up suddenly. He didn't expect Wanda to be attacked!

"Friday, call Steve immediately and send someone to Golin Beach to support Wanda. I will be there soon!"

Over the beach


Wanda was panting heavily, her chest rising and falling violently.

The long battle made her extremely tired.

And what was even more terrible was that no matter what method she used, she could not cause any harm to Agatha.

At this time, Agatha was looking at Wanda calmly.

4.9"Little witch, you don't look right!"

She said with a mocking tone.

The two people's current state was very different just by looking at each other.


Wanda panted. She knew very well that the other party was absorbing her power.

She wanted to use more energy to forcibly hurt Agatha, but it didn't work.

【"Wanda, have you forgotten that you can perform magic?"

Hood's voice came at this time.


Wanda suddenly remembered the magic she learned today.

The reason why she had not tried it before was because she had just learned it.

She didn't even know if these magics would work on this old witch.

Wanda took a deep breath and put her hands together. The originally scarlet light changed slightly at this moment.

This light was deeper than the others, and it even seemed as if something was flowing in the scarlet light.


As Wanda's hands suddenly withdrew, a condensed energy ball flew towards Agatha at a rapid speed.

"I've already said it, this has no effect on me!"

Agatha looked disdainful and tried to absorb the flying ball of light.

But when the ball of light approached, her eyes suddenly widened!


And the next moment���She was knocked out directly!


She flew a distance before stopping, her face slightly pale.

How is this possible!

Normally, I should have absorbed that energy!

"Did you use a special spell?"

Agatha reacted instantly and realized that the other party had used an offensive spell.

This caused the energy to have a backlash effect!

She would be hurt if she absorbed it!

"Did he teach you?" Agatha thought of Hood , who was in spiritual contact with Wanda, and looked at the man below.

His eyes were full of murderous intent!.

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