"It turned out to be you!"

Agatha suddenly turned her head and looked at Hood.

The reason why Scarlet Witch suddenly changed was entirely because of the spiritual communication between the two just now. In other words, this guy must be directing Wanda!

She said in her heart:"I didn't expect that I really underestimated the owner of the Phoenix Force!"

"You are not allowed to look at Hod!"

Wanda noticed Agatha's gaze, like a kitten with its fur standing on end.

She clapped her hands, and the sea below suddenly began to surge violently, with countless scarlet lights mixed under the sea.

Along with the surge of energy, the scarlet energy swept towards Agatha with huge waves.

""Damn it!"

Agatha faced the scarlet waves that were sweeping in front of her, and her playful eyes finally became solemn at this moment.

She suddenly raised her hands and pulled them down.

The dark clouds in the sky surged as fast as flowing water.

In just a blink of an eye, they condensed into a huge black wall in front of her. The next second, the huge wave hit the black wall fiercely.

The moment the two collided, there was a loud noise, as if a giant beast from the abyss was roaring.

The air made a buzzing sound.

The tsunami and landslides caused by the collision of the two constantly eroded the black wall formed by the condensation of dark clouds.

Every time it impacted, it could erase some dark clouds.

Finally, when it hit for the third time, the black wall was finally washed away.

The scarlet wave, wrapped in a strong wind, slammed into Agatha fiercely.

"Die! Die!"

Agatha screamed with a hideous face and pain, and the whole sky was echoing with her sharp voice.

Because chaos magic carries mental attacks, it can constantly destroy people's willpower!

The huge waves and strong winds dispersed the heavy black clouds and swept across the land!

Even the chairs and parasols on the beach that were not taken away were swept into the huge waves by the hurricane.

"Oh my god, is this the strength of the Avengers?!"

"This is even more terrifying than a missile. It is not a power that belongs to this world at all!"

"Even with such powerful strength, it's incredible that the old witch is still alive!"


The crowd in the distance sighed as they watched the doomsday scene.

Is this still a battle between humans?

They had never thought that this kind of battle would be so shocking.

At this time,

Steve and others on the plane who were rushing to the scene saw the scene through the pictures broadcast by reporters.

"Have you found out the identity of this woman?"

Steve frowned and turned to look at Natasha who was typing on the computer quickly.

"Not yet, at least there is no record of this person's identity in the official archives!"

Natasha shook her head and said with a serious expression.

She had just compared the appearance of everyone in the database, and there was no record at all.

You know, this portrait comparison is not just about data, even the content published in the newspaper will be compared.

But even so, no useful information was obtained!

This woman in black robe seemed to have appeared out of thin air in this world.

"Compared to this, the situation at the scene doesn't seem to be very good!"

Falcon Sam looked at the situation being reported on the scene with a serious expression.

At this moment, at the scene.


Agatha resisted the horrible chaos magic, and stretched her hands to the side.

With a roar, extremely terrifying black air suddenly burst out from her body.

The black air mixed with purple light, instantly surrounded her whole body.

The next second, these black airs instantly burst out in all directions, and black ripples hit the huge waves one after another. The scarlet huge waves were forcibly dispersed, and water splashed everywhere for a while. The aftermath of the huge waves hit the rock wall on the coast fiercely.

Even the rock wall was directly smashed to pieces by this terrifying force.

The black air did not stop after dispersing the scarlet huge waves, but hit Wanda fiercely with the aftermath.


Wanda was directly shocked and flew backwards more than ten meters.

In the air, she hurriedly used the scarlet light to control her flying figure.

However, her body was also injured by the impact of this terrifying energy.

The surging blood in her body made her fair skin slightly red.

But despite this, Wanda still raised her head and looked at Agatha in the distance with an angry look.

"Scarlet Witch, I have given you a chance. Since you are unwilling to compromise, then go to hell!"

Agatha's face was gloomy, and she no longer had that crazy smile.

She thought it would be easy, but she didn't expect things to turn out like this.

She no longer planned to hold back, and anger began to spread in her heart.

According to her original idea, she did not want to kill anyone, and planned to leave Wanda and Hood with a worthless life.

After all, she didn't want to see the Avengers sticking to her like a dog-skin plaster.

But now it is obviously not the time to stop.

She has decided that she will not only take away the power of the Phoenix and chaos magic, but even destroy the souls of these two people!


Agatha's wrinkled face became ferocious, and the black air around her seemed to be pulled by an invisible force.

It kept pouring into her palms, and you could faintly see the black air struggling.

It was like a soul, constantly moving inside, and an extremely terrifying force condensed between her palms.

Even the dark clouds in the sky changed at this moment.

The dark clouds separated into countless gray lines and merged into the gray-black sphere.

The rolling sea surface was attracted by this terrifying force, and wave peaks appeared one after another.

It seemed as if it wanted to be sucked into the black sphere.

The next moment, Agatha suddenly���His eyes widened, and the black ball in his hand instantly turned into a ray and shot towards Wanda.

""Damn it!"

Wanda felt the power contained in the black ray.

She waved her right hand repeatedly, and countless scarlet lights quickly condensed in front of her.

Forming layer after layer of shields.

But before she could condense all her power, it had already hit the scarlet light fiercely.

Facing the impact of the dark atmosphere, the scarlet light began to gradually melt.

The aftermath of the collision splashed on the ground, and even exploded countless densely packed small holes.

"This guy! Hiss! He's actually draining my power!"

Wanda, who was using chaos magic to resist, could feel it very keenly. The energy beam that was bombarding her seemed to be a bridge between her and Agatha, and it was constantly devouring her power.

She looked solemn and her expression became more and more gloomy.

The rapid loss of power made Wanda inevitably panic.

If it continued, she would eventually face death!

Although she wanted to change the current situation, she had no way

【In a specific space, only the wizard who wrote the runes can use magic.

Suddenly, Hord's voice rang in her mind.

"A specific space?"

Wanda was stunned, and a glimmer of enlightenment flashed across her eyes.

She seemed to have understood what Hood meant.

If that's the case, then maybe she can get out of the predicament!

Suddenly, more scarlet light burst out from Wanda's body, and these lights kept surrounding her.

Slowly forming a surging scarlet wave, the huge wave suddenly pounced on the black ray.

Although the power at this time was already very huge, it was still swallowed up by Agatha.

On the plane

"Drive faster, Wanda's situation is not optimistic now!"

Although Steve didn't understand magic, he could see that the black rays were constantly devouring Wanda's energy.

"This decision is really wrong! At this time, we can only reduce the output of energy!"

Natasha's face was pale. After all, since the other party wanted to absorb, the best way was to cut off the connection between them. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if she used a more powerful force, she would only be swallowed by the other party.

"This is too bad, this kind of enemy is Wanda's natural enemy!"

Falcon Sam's expression was ugly. After all, Wanda's means of attack were all that scarlet light.

Facing an enemy that could absorb the scarlet light, it was not a battle on the same level at all.

Although they were already very anxious, this was already the fastest speed they could rush over![]

"Have you given up? Little witch!"

Agatha saw Wanda continuously releasing chaos magic, and a ferocious smile appeared on her face again.

The more chaos magic Wanda released, the faster she would absorb it.

Feeling the endless power pouring into her body, she became more and more excited.

After all, as long as she could absorb the energy���The more she has, the stronger she will become.

She was originally worried that time would drag on, but this little witch actually took the initiative to strengthen her chaos magic.

This is simply the best thing for her!

But as the scarlet light continued to pour in, Agatha noticed something was wrong.


"What's going on?!"

Agatha could clearly feel that the black rays she released were gradually out of her control.

Even her hands that cast the spell became extremely dull at this moment, as if they were petrified.

Her expression suddenly became extremely terrified, and she had no idea what was going on.

The next second, her hands that cast the spell instantly lost their strength.

The black rays in her hands also disappeared instantly at this moment.

The dissipated black air returned to the dark clouds above her head.

"What on earth did you do! Damn little witch!"

She widened her eyes, her expression became extremely panic, and she cursed sharply!

For a magician, losing power is like losing life.

She couldn't even feel the existence of magic. At this moment, there was only fear in her eyes.

Suddenly... under the dark sky, several huge scarlet runes suddenly appeared around.

The patterns on them were clearly ancient words that only a few people could understand.

These scarlet runes floated and rotated around, like a huge barrier.

"You set up a barrier here?"

Seeing this, Agatha instantly understood what happened.

Her face turned extremely ugly. She had never thought that Wanda's talent in magic would be so terrifying.

It took her a long time to learn how to set up a barrier, but judging from the current situation, it might even be something she came up with temporarily!

It was also because of this barrier that her magic was completely out of control!

"In a specific space, only the wizard who wrote the rune can use magic!"

Wanda said coldly, her eyes full of disdain.

But after saying this, she couldn't help but secretly glance at Hood below.

If it weren't for Hood's reminder, she would never have thought of breaking the deadlock in this way.

And it was also because of Hood's guidance, otherwise she would never have been able to release the barrier at this time.

"It seems that Wanda is really smart and learns very quickly!"

Hodder crossed his arms and looked at the scene in front of him calmly.

What the people around him didn't notice was that although the fight between the two had produced countless aftermaths,

Hodder, who was standing not far away, was not affected at all, and even the beach under him did not change at all.

""Damn little witch, she actually used such a method!"

Agatha roared angrily. She regretted that she should have dealt with Wanda with thunderous means at the beginning.

Wanda's growth rate was too amazing. She had never seen such a gifted person.

If she continued to delay, she had no idea what would happen.

She also knew that the Avengers must have been rushing in this direction quickly.

Just when she was hesitating whether to really do that, Wanda moved not far away.

Wanda stretched out her hand suddenly and pulled back.

Countless scarlet lights suddenly burst out from Agatha's body.

This was clearly the light that Agatha had just absorbed, and at this time it began to flow away. It quickly gathered on Wanda's body and returned to Wanda's body.


Feeling the chaos magic flowing from her body, Agatha let out a shrill wail.

For her, this was like taking her life, and she had no way of accepting it. What was even more terrifying was that even the original energy in her body was dissipating. If this continued, the energy she had cultivated for many years would vanish at this moment.


The wrinkles on Agatha's face were constantly trembling, and a hint of determination flashed in her eyes:"You force me to do this!"

If she doesn't fight hard at this time, she will lose everything. She will never allow this to happen.

And if she can get the power of the phoenix and chaos magic at such a price, then everything is worth it.

She was ruthless and kept chanting spells in her mouth.

There were huge changes around her. The originally black gas turned into ink at this moment.

This black color seemed to be able to swallow all the light. The black energy on the body was like a tiny sharp needle, instantly connecting to the sky.

The terrifying power continued to surge in the sky, and dark clouds formed a huge vortex in the sky.

Something seemed to be brewing in the vortex, and this power made everyone look up.

"What on earth is this? Is the world really going to end?"

"It’s so painful, I feel like my lungs are about to suffocate!"

"It's really too terrifying, can a human actually obtain such powerful strength?!"


This depressing feeling made everyone feel like a huge rock was pressing down on their hearts, and they even had difficulty breathing.

"It's forbidden magic!"

Hod's expression was solemn.

Agatha was burning her life to forcibly break through Wanda's barrier and cast a forbidden magic!

But I didn't expect her to be so decisive, because if she wanted to run, it was still possible.

In other words, Agatha would take away Wanda's chaos magic no matter what.

But Wanda is too young now.

If it were ten years later, it would be the state of the blackened Wanda in the original book.

Agatha would never be able to break through Wanda's barrier even if she gave her life.

A black pillar that was enough to support the sky and the earth burst out from the vortex and blasted straight towards Wanda.

"This energy fluctuation!"

Wanda's face changed drastically, and she panicked immediately. She raised her hand to release an energy barrier to block it.

Agatha seized the opportunity and directly condensed a black giant sword to stab Wanda. Wanda had no time to dodge.

When this scene happened, the people below turned pale.

They all clenched their fists, and could even imagine what Wanda would look like when she was pierced through the body.

Steve and others who were watching this scene felt their hearts tighten.

At this distance, it was impossible to dodge!


Agatha laughed crazily.

At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Wanda.

The man just stretched out a finger and touched the tip of the sword.

There was no fluctuation or movement.



The black giant sword melted into a black mist with a slight sound.

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