Fengyu felt wronged and wanted to cry.

But Jing Xing ignored it, picked up the sword from the ground, handed it to her, and said, "Bring this to Yang Ning and let him try the effect."

Feng Yu was holding a sword and was about to speak, but Jing Xing went straight to the folding bed and fell headlong into it.

"Hoo hoo hoo..."

Fengyu: "..."


what is life Various theories have their own explanations, and even philosophy joins in the fun.

Jing Xing focuses on genes, so in his opinion, life is very simple - life is what survives and passes on genes!

The transmission of genes requires the operation of genetic material, that is, a system of self-replication and mutation, which can change from one to two, two to four, four to eight...

Such a system must have an algorithm that works continuously, and a huge database!

The so-called databases all exist in the gene sequence, which can also be called the genetic code.

Matter, adding database, adding algorithm, is equal to life!

Regarding the genetic research of man-made monsters, Jing Xing suddenly felt as if he had mastered some extraordinary knowledge.

The body sleeps, but the consciousness comes to the storehouse of divine knowledge.

"Call out relevant knowledge about dark data and dark planes."

"Searching... dark data, like dark energy, is a conceptual existence!"

"For matter, dark data represents the atomic structure that makes up matter, and how those atoms fit together..."

"For life, dark data is the genetic database of life, which records the trajectory of all life activities..."

"When civilization develops to a certain level, the cognition of matter has broken away from the low-level cognition of the naked eye and has evolved to a higher level..."

"The Kamigawa civilization collectively refers to this high-level understanding as dark data, and the dark data of all things are recorded in the dark plane..."



Haiquan City.

The once bustling city became dead silent after the population was forcibly relocated, but now it is bustling again.

The erratic blue light waves have steadily formed a blue light curtain about ten meters high and six meters wide, hanging one meter above the ground.

Strong monsters constantly jumped out of the light curtain... and were then flooded by countless bullet rains.

The monster looks ferocious and ferocious, and its body is comparable to a giant bear, but it has no hair, only a thick cuticle.

From the head to the back, there are spikes of different lengths, and the tail is thick to thin, and the sharp tip of the tail seems to be able to pierce any defense.

Standing on all fours, strong and powerful, with sharp claws, grasping the concrete floor, can directly scratch the ground with four scratches.

Xuepen roared, revealing sharp sawtooth...

If there is no defense, there is no doubt that any monster can cause terrifying damage to ordinary people, enough to be the protagonist of a horror movie.

But as Jing Xing said, anyone who can be killed with a gun will not threaten the current order!

One or two bullets may barely penetrate the cuticle, but when countless bullets come together, the thick cuticle will be smashed in an instant.

Without the protection of the cuticle, a bullet can directly penetrate from one side of the monster's body to the other, leaving a terrifying cavity damage!

So ever since the "door" was completely opened, monsters rushed out one after another, but they could only spread the corpses all around...

Not even the army's first line of defense could get close!

The powerful chancers stood behind the first line of defense with a dazed expression.

Seems like there's no place for them to come into play?

Gradually, there were no more monsters running out of the "door", and the gunshots also gradually stopped.

After waiting for about a minute, it was confirmed that the attack on the other side was suspended, and the staff drove the machine to drag away the corpses of monsters everywhere.


"This is the third tentative attack."

A house near the "gate" was requisitioned as a temporary command post. Bureau Tan smoked a cigarette, frowned, and said, "The first wave of testing only had seven monsters, the second wave had twenty-four monsters, and the third wave just now has already There are fifty-two heads, and there is no regularity in the growth of the number, just more and more!"

"If the next wave exceeds a hundred, the first line of defense may not be able to withstand it, and it must be covered with artillery fire."

An officer of the army said: "We can only defend passively in this way. Sooner or later, we will be unable to defend... When will it be the end?"

Everyone here is aware of this, all of them have heavy faces and are speechless.

Bureau Tan sighed and asked, "Did the scientific research team find anything? Is there any specific solution?"

Director Jiang of the Academy of Sciences shook his head and said, "Monsters are highly adaptable to viruses. No matter what kind of virus they are, they have no effect on them. The reason... I haven't figured it out yet."

"That's because monsters don't rely on metabolic activity!"

A female voice suddenly sounded, followed Fengyu into the room, glanced at everyone, and said: "Monsters don't need to rely on food for energy. Naturally, there is no need for chemical reactions such as metabolism in the body, and the virus is naturally ineffective."

"Fengyu is back."

Director Tan nodded, frowned, and said, "What you said just now, why didn't you people with memories mention it before?"

"Because we didn't know it before."

Fengyu looked at Dean Jiang and said, "This is Jing Xing. It took five minutes to pass a piece of monster meat, and he came to the conclusion that this monster is man-made and only needs to absorb solar energy to maintain its activities. You can also become stronger by killing lives!"

The room suddenly fell into a dead silence!

Dean Jiang suddenly felt that his face was flushed, and subconsciously argued: "Who knows if it's true..."

Feng Yu said lightly: "You can verify it."

"This... how to verify?"

"Catch a monster and lock it in a room that doesn't see sunlight...or will the monster still move at night..."

After Feng Yu casually said a few words, she looked at Tan Ju, and said sternly, "Tan Ju, Jing Xing made a point, and I want to talk to you!"

"The meeting is over!"

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