In the conference room, there were only Feng Yu and Tan Ju.

After Fengyu told Jing Xing what she heard and saw, she said, "As Jing Xing said, the first wave of invasion is controllable. If we simply resist, there will be nothing but waste of supplies. No benefit, not even combat experience...

On the contrary, if it can be used well to allow human beings to evolve, they will be more confident about the next invasion! "

Tan Ju was smoking a cigarette with a serious expression on his face. Instead of expressing his opinion in a hurry, he asked, "Jing Xing...what do you think of him?"

Feng Yu paused for a moment, and said, "It's no different from the king of gods in my memory!"

"I only met him once, that is, the last time Yang Ning beat Russell and held a mediation meeting."

Tan Ju recalled, and said: "I was in a daze at the mediation meeting, and afterward I just asked for a compensation, and it was over... Do you know what we think of him?"

Fengyu shook her head.

"He is... so arrogant! Although he looks very peaceful and easy to talk to, but... he is not a kind of arrogance of "this kind of thing, he can't even get into his eyes"!"

Tan Ju said, shaking his head and laughing: "He, the guy who has been robbed of his chance, is more arrogant in his bones than you who have a chance, so those few... don't like it!"

Fengyu was silent for a moment, and said: "When an irresistible disaster strikes, when you see the arrogance of the king of the gods makes those enemies who can easily destroy us bow their heads, you will like this arrogance, and even worship it!"

"Maybe, after all, we just listened to what the rememberers said, and didn't experience it personally."

Director Tan stopped talking about this topic, and instead asked: "You said just now that Jing Xing used some incomprehensible means to create a sword after he vetoed the method of allowing human beings to obtain the evolution of killing?"

"Yes." Feng Yu said: "I have given that sword to Yang Ning."

"That is to say, the method of killing evolution was loaded onto that sword by him." Tan Ju thought for a while, and said, "Compared to humans acquiring this ability, we who have been banning guns are easier to control. weapons..."

After talking about it, Tan Ju couldn't help complaining: "What kind of fairy technology is this? Didn't he learn genetics?"

"The future..." Fengyu pointed to her head, meaning the future in her memory, and said, "The gods created by his "God-making" project are no longer limited to strengthening the body...he once drove A star, destroying a nearby civilization...

Do you think this ability has anything to do with genetics? "

"Drive the star?" Tan Ju exclaimed, with a cloudy expression, swallowed, and said: "You memorizers, it seems that you have never mentioned Jing Xing's ability, only that he is the king of gods?"

"That's because we can't understand what his abilities have to do with genes, so we can only attribute it to the chance he got!"

Fengyu's expression was a bit complicated, and she said: "But after seeing him forge that sword with incomprehensible technology, I suddenly felt that maybe human civilization highly restricts our thinking."

The meeting room fell silent again.

After a long time, Tan Ju asked, "Is it wrong for us to train Russell?"

"I don't know." Feng Yu said truthfully: "But the value of Jing Xing now far exceeds that of Russell!"

"I need to report to the people above. Yang Ning, when the effect of the sword comes out, let me know as soon as possible!"

"I see!"


"A heartless man! A scumbag!"

Lei Xiaoyu followed Jing Xing into the laboratory full of resentment, looked around, and kept complaining: "I clearly said that I would not accept the funding, but ended up with other rich women..."

Jing Xing yawned at a discount, and said speechlessly, "I don't need was given to me by someone else."

"Why didn't anyone give me a laboratory?" Lei Xiaoyu pouted, dissatisfied: "I can also give you a laboratory, will you want it?"

"don't want!"

"A heartless man! A scumbag!"

Jing Xing picked out his ears, pretending he didn't hear it, and said, "Okay, let's get down to business."

Lei Xiaoyu blurted out, "Aside from asking me for money, what other business do you have?"

Jing Xing was embarrassed, and said: "It's not this time... I have researched a genetic medicine that allows humans to absorb energy from the sun."

Lei Xiaoyu looked at him suspiciously: "What's the use of this? Let people not eat and bask in the sun all day long?"

"Uh... the absorbed energy can slowly enhance the quality of the human body..."

"How slow?"

"Probably..." Jing Xing couldn't think of a quantitative standard for a while.

Lei Xiaoyu glanced at the lunch boxes piled up next to the workbench, and said with distaste: "Eat well and have a strong body, so what's the use of it?"

Jing Xing was speechless, thought for a while, and said, "Solar energy won't accumulate least you don't have to worry about losing weight!"

"It's done!" Lei Xiaoyu said decisively.

Jing Xing breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously, and said, "I want to order a batch of materials..."

"Jing Xing! You still need money to come to me!" Lei Xiaoyu roared angrily.

Jing Xing turned a deaf ear: "I'll send you the list."

Lei Xiaoyu looked at him angrily, her little face flushed red.


In the universe, a nearly kilometer long meteorite slowly floated towards the back of the moon.

Compared with the huge meteorite, Yang Yan, who was so small that he could almost ignore it, was flapping his white wings, pushing the meteorite to move.

When the meteorite entered the relative position of the moon's orbit, Yang Yan let go of his hand and flew back for a certain distance.

Looking at the meteorite that is relatively stationary with the moon and moving around the orbit of the earth and the moon, Yang Yan can't help but smile, thinking:

Such a big piece is enough to make a difference, right?

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