Suspended Russell slowly fell back on the bed, his voice echoed in the air: "There are 100 billion neurons in my body, and now I can clearly feel that except for this part of the brain, the others are gradually going on strike... You just said I'm dying?"

Tan Wu frowned slightly, and said: "Almost all the energy in your body is used to supply your brain, and you will die at any time!"

"No, I won't die, but exist in another form!" Russell's voice seemed to carry some kind of joy.

Tan Wu said affirmatively: "As I said before, you can only save one brain in the end, but that's not you anymore!"

"It's not the old me, but it's not what you describe... a computer!"

"Now I can feel everything, the blood that gradually stops flowing in my body, the outside air, vibrations, gravity, the rotation of the earth... even the universe!"

"Of course, I can also feel that my brain is being opened up little by little. The memory of the past is extremely clear. I even clearly remember Jing Xing's inexplicable expression when I snatched Jing Xing's chance!"

Tan Wu had a bad premonition, and subconsciously took a step back: "Why are you so cooperative today?"

"I still remember the feeling of suffocation when I was just born, and the exhilaration of taking the first breath of air..." Russell didn't answer, but said to himself.

"This feeling is so wonderful! Although I can only feel it now, I have a hunch that if I further open up my brain, I can gradually control all of this... So, I don't want to die yet!"

Tan Wu swallowed, and said with difficulty: "You should know that I have tried my best to maintain your body, but now I have reached the limit..."

"Body? The body is just a shackle, it is no longer needed!"

Russell's voice became more and more joyful: "Now it's 25%, I can feel more, and it's clearer... Magnetic fields, radio waves..."

The turned off TV suddenly turned on, and Russell's head appeared, and the same picture appeared on the mobile phone beside him, and the instrument at the bedside showed violent fluctuations.

"30%...So that's it! I'm beginning to be able to control my new city metabolism, although I don't have enough energy to maintain it, but..."

The next moment, Russell sat up suddenly from the bed and ripped off the patch on his body.

Tan Wu first showed a frenzied look, followed by panic, and backed away again.

"35%... Are you afraid? I can clearly feel your thinking and fear, why? Isn't this what you have always wanted?"

Tan Wu leaned against the wall, his face filled with horror and disbelief: "You are actively developing your brain?"

"No pain, no fear, no desire... My humanity is fading away! I am becoming a god!"

Russell raised his hand, his skinny fingers were slowly dissipating from the fingertips: "I need to change to a body, a body that can support my divinity!"

With that said, Russell looked at Tan Wu: "You will help me, right?"

Struggles appeared on Tan Wu's face, and finally turned calm: "Yes, I will help you! Jing Xing can definitely provide such a body."

"Very good!" Russell lay down again, and the dissipation of his body slowly stopped: "Go to this place, when you see Jing Xing, I will wake up!"

As he said that, he closed his eyes, and the heart rate monitor at the bedside made a long beep!

The equipment that detects brain waves is no longer beating.


On the Sky Blade, Jing Xing opened his eyes and stretched out his palm:

"Start the super god engine and build an intermediate material definition."

"In the construction of matter, load a new definition."

"Definition complete!"

A dark red long sword appeared in Jing Xing's hands bit by bit from scratch.

The shape is the same as the flame sword in the anime.

It's also fortunate that he has been upgraded, otherwise the material of the Flame Sword would not be able to be constructed based on the definition of elementary substances!

"Make weapon engines, load algorithms!"

"Raging Flame Energy, Raging Flame Bombardment, and the Heavenly Blade Trial Algorithm has been loaded!"

"The weapon engine is complete!"

Looking at the flame sword in his hand, Jing Xing stood up and stepped into the wormhole.

The next moment, it appeared on the surface of the moon.

At this time, Yan and Ruan Man were fighting on the surface of the moon... To be precise, it was a crushing beating!

Yan is beating Ruan Man!

After Jing Xing appeared, Yang Yan quickly left Ruan Man behind and flew over excitedly: "I've upgraded to the second generation!"

"I can see it." Jing Xing said unhurriedly, passing a glance at Ruan Man who was lying in the deep pit.

Ruan Man was crawling out of the deep pit. Although he was not really injured, he was pushed to the ground and beaten, his expression was ugly.

Yang Yan laughed dryly, changed the subject, looked at the sword in Jing Xing's hand, and said, "Is this the weapon used by angels in the future?"

"Well, I have uploaded the corresponding algorithm, you can learn by yourself."

Jing Xing held the sword and said, "Try the power first."

Ruan Man also hurriedly flew over to watch.

"First is the flame energy!" Jing Xing simply chopped down with his sword in hand.

An arc of energy formed by flames appeared in front of him as the flame sword cut down.

Followed by the horizontal cut!

The arc energy formed a burning cross, and as Jing Xing raised his sword, he flew out and landed on the ground not far away.


The ground exploded directly, and the dust filled the air.

Yang Yan and Ruan Man couldn't help opening their mouths.

"Then it's flame bombing!"

This time there were no fancy special effects, Jing Xing just pointed forward with the flaming sword, and the ground he pointed at exploded, the power was many times stronger than before!

"The last is the Heavenly Blade Trial... This requires receiving the energy of the sun, and the power is determined by the amount of energy received."

Jing Xing hesitated and didn't try.

Looking at the previous two algorithms, one can roughly estimate the power of the Heavenly Blade Trial.

If it was a full-power Heavenly Blade Judgment, it might have unfathomable effects if it hit the moon.

Throwing the flame sword in his hand to Yang Yan, Jing Xing said: "The second generation of angels should be able to use the flame energy and the small power of the sky blade to judge. As for the flame bombing, you can master it if you study hard."

Yang Yan caressed the sword in his hand fondly: "It's too powerful! It's too powerful!"

Ruan Man looked at Jing Xing helplessly, with as much aggrieved expression as he wanted.

Jing Xing couldn't help but smiled, reached out and constructed a flame sword again, and handed it to her.

Only then did Ruan Man show a satisfied smile.

"Be careful when you play, don't blow up the moon!"

Jing Xing warned: "When you are almost familiar, come with me, those people have already gathered."

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