The periphery of the huge auditorium was guarded by serious illnesses.

In the auditorium, many people have already gathered. If someone blows up this place at this time, it will basically wipe out the entire country's high-level officials!

"It's almost time for people to come." The familiar old man looked at the time and said to Feng Yu beside him: "Comrade Feng Yu, is he sure to come back?"

Feng Yu didn't feel low, but she still insisted: "Since he said that, he will definitely come."

"Is it a world that our eyes can't touch?" The old man sighed and said, "I'm looking forward to it, but also afraid."

Feng Yu pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

Seeing this, the old man comforted: "Your An Xing Bureau has done a good job in Haiquan. I heard that there are more and more evolutionaries?"

Feng Yu nodded and said, "Well, according to statistics, the number is close to 300,000 now...there may be folks who evolved independently, so there is no way to count them."

"I have seen the advantages of evolutionists over ordinary people. The original decision was not wrong. We must all evolve, whether it is to fight against the next invasion, or to enter the universe in the future..."

Just as he was talking, a familiar person appeared: "Chief... Director Feng, let so many people wait, will Jing Xing come?"

There was a certain resentment in the tone of his speech.

Fengyu's tone was unrelenting: "So it's Bureau Tan... No, it's General Tan, I almost forgot that you are no longer the director of An Xing Bureau!"

"You..." General Tan choked, with a bitter expression on his face, and said, "Do you know how many things will be delayed if you delay so many leaders' time?"

Feng Yu said: "I didn't invite them, they heard the news from nowhere, they insisted on coming here, such as the one behind you."

Behind General Tan was a young man who didn't get angry when he heard the words, but just smiled and said, "Hi Feng Ju, my name is Tan Wu, and I just came here with my father to learn a lot."

"Old Tan, let's put personal conflicts aside for now." The old man smoothed things over and said, "Young people, it's good to be more knowledgeable, and the future belongs to them after all!"

Tan Jiangjun was silent for a while, and said, "Understood, Chief."

Feng Yu also nodded, expressing her agreement.

As time passed, many people present showed signs of impatience, while some waited quietly.

Finally, in the middle of the auditorium, there was a wave of fluctuation in the air, followed by a blond angel wearing miniskirt armor and carrying a dark red sword, walked out.

"Yo, so many people!"

Feng Yu quickly said: "Angel Yan, why didn't Jing Xing come?"

She spoke first, on the one hand to explain the identity of the other party to the people at the scene, and on the other hand to avoid conflicts between the two parties.

After all, she has a deep understanding of Yan's temper.

Yang Yanmei glanced at everyone, and said casually: "Come with me."

After speaking, he turned around and fell into the wormhole.

The people in the auditorium looked at each other, not knowing whether to follow or not.

In the end, the old man stood up first and said, "Let's go, it's time for us to open our eyes!"

With that said, he stepped into the wormhole without hesitation.

Feng Yu followed closely behind.

Others entered one after another.


As everyone stepped into the wormhole, their eyesight changed, and the scene that caught their eyes immediately stunned everyone.


They actually just took a step and came to the universe!

It was dark all around, but not pitch black.

Up, down, left, and right, there are countless star dots dotted in all directions, and hazy cloud-like vortices can be seen in the extreme distance...

"Is this some kind of environmental simulation technology?" Someone couldn't help but mutter to himself.

"No, this is Proxima Centauri, which is 4 light-years away from Earth." A clear voice said.

When everyone looked over, they saw a tall figure standing there, with black hair, an inhumanly handsome face, and those pale golden eyes.

Two beautiful and extraordinary angels were standing behind him, and one of them was the "Angel Yan" that Feng Yu had mentioned before.

"I am Jing Xing. I have changed the space medium here to simulate the earth environment, so you can breathe and talk freely here."

Jing Xing expressed a flat expression, pointed at the three suns in one direction, and said: "That is the triple star of Proxima Centauri, composed of three stars that are entering their later years...Of course, the temperature of the three suns determines the temperature of this galaxy. It is impossible for life to survive, so I can use it with confidence!"

"This is what you want us to see?"

Someone said with difficulty: "It is indeed far beyond the current technology of the earth, but it is not unimaginable... If the civilization of the earth can enter the universe, sooner or later we will see this scene with our own eyes!"

"That's right! In fact, even if we don't have the ability to travel far, we have discovered this piece of Proxima Centauri just by observation!"

"Just that, it's not eye-opening!"


Facing everyone's questions, Jing Xing just smiled and said: "I asked you to come here, of course it's not to see these three suns... It's like turning on Genichi before watching a movie. These three suns are just me. Ready energy!"

Everyone was silent, and many people had already begun to be in a trance.

Using three suns as energy sources, and ensuring that there is no life in this galaxy... What exactly is Jing Xing going to show them?

Jing Xing didn't explain, just stretched out his hand to the three suns.

It seemed that something was pulled out of the sun and fell into Jing Xing's hands, and the sun directly changed from a bright dark red, dim to the naked eye, to grayish white, as if it was about to collapse at any time.

This scene directly made everyone's thinking almost stagnate.

"What... did it do?"

"Extraction, is this the energy source of the sun?"

"how is this possible?"


Letting go, the three suns became bright again, Jing Xing said: "I just analyzed the energy data of these three suns.

Next, is what I really want to show you! "

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