Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 1017 Prison

Let the refugee representatives tell their experiences, gain sympathy, establish a common enemy and mend the gap.

Anyway, the Alliance, the old government and the Rockets are to blame.

At the same time, Shiori also found some representative figures who showed good qualities in this incident to praise and reward, and gave various invitations.

At the same time, the people were promised that the remaining Rockets would be cleared as soon as possible, order would be restored, work would resume, losses would be compensated, etc.

After this round, the emotions of the people were also mobilized. It seems that it is still the easiest to touch them when it comes to their interests.

Some places that had been suspended due to the Rockets and refugees have begun to resume work.

However, food and firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea related to people's livelihood are directly controlled.

Only in specific places, purchase is limited.

At the same time, Shiori announced a major event, that is, the relevant criminals will be publicly tried in the central square tomorrow.

Seeing that Shiori quickly entered the role and controlled the overall situation, Xiu couldn't help but sigh that this person's ability is really too strong, and the growth rate is also ridiculously fast.

A year ago, he was still a student, and now he can serve as the acting mayor to control the entire city.

It was really a treasure at the time.

Seeing that he didn't need to help, Xiu turned to another interesting place.

Prison, Rainbow City itself doesn't have such a thing, because this type of building can only be started under the control of the police.

Generally, people who commit crimes in Rainbow City will enter another temporary resettlement place, and then apply a very strange method, that is, paying money to exempt from punishment.

That is the bail mechanism.

Except for those who have no money, prisons are generally not used.

However, Xiu's prison is different. It was transformed from several factories. There are no fancy facilities inside. In addition to the cells, there are several assembly lines.

Basically all the people Xiu caught before were put here.

The refugees who took advantage of the chaos to make trouble, the Rocket Team who did evil, and the spies of various forces, all of these people add up to more than 20,000 people.

These assembly lines were specially selected. Xiu's meaning was very simple. These are free laborers. They work on the assembly line for 16 hours a day, and the rest of the time they eat and sleep.

Whoever makes trouble will stay in the small dark room for a few days. They won't beat you, but just starve.

Anyway, they are all criminals, so he doesn't feel bad about using them.

As for the so-called human rights, there is no such thing in this world. How many people die every day~

What's more, Xiu's hands are covered with blood, and he doesn't seem to be a person who talks about human rights.

Murder and arson must be punished, and it is a joke to treat criminals as masters.

In fact, Xiu still values ​​the labor of those people, who don't need wages, but only need to provide basic food.

Three thousand per person, 20,000 people is 60 million, how many schools can be built with this money? How much food and warm clothes can be bought?

You have to know that those refugees are still in the cold wind, and it is outrageous to care about these criminals here instead of caring about those disaster victims.

Moreover, the extreme price advantage of the product can quickly occupy those markets. The other side doesn't care how you come, and cheapness is the biggest signboard.

Xiu has been optimistic about this group of laborers for a long time. He believes that labor reform will let them learn to be a new person.

Xiu walked between the cells, because Xiu didn't expect that there were so many as 20,000, so many cells seemed crowded.

The first stage has not started yet, and these people are just trapped in this unattended prison.

But after being hungry for two days, few of these people could get up and make trouble.

Xiu went straight to a special space, where the Rocket Team cadres were imprisoned.

Three of the core figures were able to enjoy a luxurious single room.

Xiu walked slowly and alarmed those guys directly, but these people had completely lost the prestige of the Rocket Team before, and they were very scared after seeing Xiu.

They will never forget that terrifying scene.

Xiu came to the interrogation room, raised his hand and three people appeared here.

They were Apollo, Athena and the last one was Manato.

A woman in her twenties wearing a Rocket Team uniform, with purple hair and glasses, looks pretty good, and I don’t know if she has been played by Sakaki.

Yes, she is Sakaki’s secretary.

Xiu sat upright in his seat, his expression was casual, and the three people were not restrained by anything, but they dared not move at all, and their expressions showed high alertness.

Xiu looked at their reactions and said casually with a smile: "Tomorrow's trial, I need a member of Team Rocket to come on stage to state the charges. Who of you three will come?"

The three of them understood what he said and turned to look at the other two.

Isn't this asking them to backstab Team Rocket?

If they do so, Team Rocket will not tolerate them, and they will be assassinated by Team Rocket, and they will not be able to rest all day.

"You three are typical leaders. If you don't speak up, you will die. No one can save you."

Xiu's words reminded them that if they speak up, they may die, and if they don't speak up, they will die.

The expressions of the two major cadres have fluctuated a little.

Especially Apollo, who was originally a cadre leading troops outside and was not under Sakaki's control at all, so his so-called loyalty was a bit ridiculous.

As for Athena, most of her elves were lost. Even if she escaped from here and returned to Team Rocket, her status would be much worse than before. Who would want his former subordinates to step on their heads?

"I'll do it!"

Xiu was a little surprised. The first person to speak was not someone else, but Manato.

According to the preconceived impression, shouldn't the person who can become a secretary be a confidant? How come he defected so quickly?

"These 10,000 people are already the last core members of Team Rocket. The remaining people can't support Team Rocket at all. It can be said that Team Rocket in Kanto is now in name only.

I don't want to be buried with an organization that is destined to die."

As Sakaki's secretary, Mana knows more than the two cadres. This activity has already overdrawn the life of the organization in advance.

And it failed. Even the secret weapon fell into the hands of this man. It is so powerful that it is impossible to resist.

The scene yesterday is still deeply engraved in her mind.

Going against this man is a kind of despair without seeing any hope, and the feeling of suffocation is entangled in her.

Xiu looked at her with interest and found that he underestimated this person.

"Okay~ I like smart people." Xiu raised his hand and nodded at the two cadres, "Then you two are typical, wait for death when the time comes."

The two cadres were also anxious when they heard this. What about the loyalty they promised?

I didn't expect that you, a man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would also betray.

"I can do that too!"

"I know a lot of Team Rocket's secrets."


The two of them expressed their opinions eagerly. Just as Manatori said, no one wants to be buried with an organization that is doomed to perish.

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