Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 1018 Old Friends

These people have no loyalty to speak of. They are all desperate people united by interests. Who the hell will be loyal to you without interests?

Sakaki? I don’t know him. Who are you sending to?

“It seems that everyone is smart~”

Xiu stood up and walked towards the three. He could clearly see the vague resistance of the three, but he didn’t dare to be too obvious for fear of attracting his attention.

Xiu didn’t care about their opinions. He directly used his superpowers to forcibly freeze the three people, and then left [shackles] on them.

When he was done, he threw it away.

“I will return your elves to you. Now you can draw your own people from these people. When the time comes, engineers will come to guide you and get the factory running as soon as possible.”

The three felt their bodies, but did not find anything unusual, only the strange pattern engraved on themselves.

This situation made them even more frightened.

“Boss, what is this?” Apollo asked tentatively.

"A little trick to prevent you from making trouble. Since you want to know, I will demonstrate it to you."

Just a slight movement of the mind tortured the four people on the field to death, and Xiu introduced it on the side.

In less than ten seconds, the three people completely lost their ability to resist.

"These are just some small functions. You will slowly discover other effects later."

Xiu was not polite to these people. After all, they were still criminals.

"Go down and do it yourself. I want to see the results as soon as possible. If there is a problem under your jurisdiction, I don’t need to say more about the consequences~"


The two cadres realized that they had just escaped from the tiger’s den and entered the wolf’s den, but their lives were in his hands. They had no room for bargaining and could only do what he said.

After a simple deterrence, Xiu began to make arrangements. Zhenniao directly became the warden to lead the prison, responsible for executing Xiu’s orders, and supervising the two people.

And these two people are responsible for controlling and managing those prisoners.

Xiu gave them 30 quotas each and asked them to select prison guards, while Zhenniao was responsible for the subsequent operations and could recruit people from outside.

And promised to help them become legal citizens of Rainbow City according to their performance, and also provide benefits such as salary.

It is difficult to control them with threats, and actual benefits must be given to bind them with interests.

It is interesting to say that Manori has no Pokémon in her hands, and can only be regarded as a civilian beside Sakaki, which is a restriction on her by Sakaki to some extent.

According to her, Sakaki is very insecure, and the staff around him are all people without Pokémon.

It’s just that Xiu doesn’t need such ridiculous means, and directly releases her restrictions.

Anyway, after the things here are settled, Xiu finally has free time.

But the invitation meeting two days later still involves most of his energy. If he can bear it, Rainbow City will be his, and if he can’t bear it, it’s hard to say.

At that time, success or failure depends on this, so he needs to contact some old friends.

"Let’s go, call Mewtwo and go see our friends."

The space was torn, and the figures of Xiu and Casey disappeared directly from the original place.

Soon a familiar figure appeared on the crater of Crimson Island.

And there was another figure beside Xiu, it was Mewtwo.

"This is Red Lotus Island, located at..."

Xiu was on the edge of the crater, looking at the entire island and explaining the situation here to Mewtwo.

"Is that your friend? What is it doing?" Mewtwo noticed the Rhinoceros climbing the volcano.

Xiu also looked over there and found that it could now pass the mountainside, but it was still difficult to reach the top and slid down again.

He probably told it about his encounter with it, helping it to deal with the hunter, and finally encouraging it to exercise, and then changed the subject:

"My friend is inside the volcano, go meet him."

Kathy gave the coordinates, and the group disappeared on the spot.

But when they got to the pit, Xiu only found some metal debris on the ground after rusting, and some messy scratches.

And the giant Rock Snake was not here.

There was a passage on one side of the pit, which looked like it was dug by Rock Snake.

And the direction was downward.

You know, the closer it is to the magma, the higher the temperature is than here.

Mewtwo seemed to realize that something was wrong, but it was used to silence.

"Let's go, let's go down and take a look." Xiu realized that he shouldn't have set the time too long, maybe there was something wrong with Onix's breakthrough.

But shouldn't he leave here by going up? Why go down?

Xiu was wrapped in a heavy superpower, isolating the high temperature and poisonous gas, and then continued to go deeper into the tunnel.

Then he found a newly constructed pit after going down for more than 200 meters, and the traces on the ground also proved that Onix stayed here at that time.

Was it because the temperature was not high enough to break through, so he chose a deeper place?

Xiu soon found a passage to continue going down.

However, at this time, Xiu had to take out the oxygen tank and distribute it to everyone before he could continue. Even with the isolation of superpowers, the temperature was still like steaming buns. Xiu was sweating while drinking water. The surrounding rock walls were probably over 100 degrees, and touching them would result in peeling.

Soon they went down about 100 meters, and at this time they finally found Onix in deep sleep.

At this time, its state was a little wrong. Its body was full of various metal patches, but these metalized parts were incompatible with the original body, resulting in many cracks on its body, which almost cut its body into a pile of rubble.

And its mental state was not very good, as if it had lost consciousness.

The superpower swept over its body, and at the same time connected with telepathy to try to wake it up.

On the other side, Xiu directly took out a box, took out a small bottle of green crystals like fine sand, and carefully poured a few grains into the mouth of Onix.

Mewtwo on the side watched Xiu's actions silently, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Under Xiu's medicine, Onix regained some consciousness.

Xiu simply communicated with it and quickly determined that the reason for this situation was still due to the problem of insufficient metal conversion.

Fortunately, Xiu always had some snacks for giant mantises.

He took out a bag of metal particles directly, but this bag was a drop in the bucket for Onix's body of more than 40 meters.

Xiu had to disappear with Casey for a while, and then brought new metal particles.

At the same time, Xiu also added a few cans of liquid metal that he had designed based on Onix.

Onix's eating is different from normal ones, and its digestive system cannot be classified as that of ordinary Pokémon.

It used to eat stones, but now it eats metal, and the energy conversion occurs in its body.

The originally weak Onix recovered slightly after eating a large amount of metal and various potions prepared by Xiu.

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