Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 1019 Evolution

But it didn't stop eating, just like a dry land absorbing water like crazy when it encounters rain.

Xiu didn't waste any words, and brought bags of iron sand. As long as it can eat, continue to feed it.

Soon, the bags alone piled up half a person's height, and Onix's eating gradually slowed down.

Xiu was busy and didn't notice it, but Mewtwo next to him found that the cracks on Onix's body became more and more obvious, and there were signs of expansion.

If this continues, the situation will probably be more troublesome.

He explained the situation, but Xiu didn't care about it. Instead, he said loudly: "There is no way out now. We must complete the evolution before the [Life Crystal] is consumed. There is no way to build without destruction!"

Onix heard this and let out a low roar, which echoed directly in the pit.

But its eating speed did not slow down much, on the contrary, it accelerated, regardless of whether it could digest it.

Maybe its crazy eating finally caused adverse reactions, and its whole body began to collapse.

The dark black rock on the surface of its body has begun to peel off. The pain makes it difficult for it to hold on. As it twists its body, more fragments fall off its body.

Its originally huge body has become thinner in a short period of time. Even its head has begun to change like this. The long horn that was originally strong enough to split mountains and rocks has broken.

But Onix did not stop eating, and Xiu did not stop feeding.

This change has driven both of them, making them faster.

But suddenly Onix stopped eating, turned its body suddenly, and crashed into the ground without caring about Xiu.

A "boom" sound was heard. Even in this state, Onix still has the ability to break rocks.

Xiu stopped moving and stepped aside, and it seemed that he had no intention of following.

Mewtwo looked at Xiu who was packing up and asked curiously.

"Aren't we going to follow it?"

"It needs higher temperature and pressure and can only go deeper and deeper. The end of this road is evolution or death, otherwise it will not stop."

"And we..." Xiu suddenly stopped what he was doing and turned his head to look at the hole, "We can only accompany it here, and the rest of the road is its struggle."

After saying that, Xiu simply packed up all the garbage and took it away, then picked up the broken long horn, turned around and returned to the crater with Mewtwo.

After the winter, the sea breeze became more fierce, even the heat radiated from the crater was instantly taken away by the cold wind, blowing on the face like a knife.

Xiu did not support his superpowers, just standing in the cold wind with Mewtwo and looking at the raging magma in the crater, and at the same time told Mewtwo how he discovered it that year, and then tracked its traces all the way, and found the clues of Dr. Fuji here...

From Xiu's perspective, Mewtwo can feel the huge mistake he made when he helped the evil.

Countless elves and humans died because of him, and countless people suffered.

"I have no interest in power. If I can, I would rather be a traveler who travels around the world, rather than getting involved in power disputes and being entangled in messy affairs.

But I found that the whole world is full of various ugly faces along the way."

Shu's tone suddenly rose, and his expression was a little excited.

"The world of elves should not be like this!"

Mewtwo turned his head to look at the man, and found that there was a hint of powerlessness on his face.

"At least in my impression, the world of elves is not like this, so I want to make a change, even if it is just a part of it."

Xiu's emotions calmed down, as if he was simply telling the story.

But Mewtwo felt the heavy emotions in it.

Just at this moment, a slight vibration attracted its attention to the floating magma.

"Did it succeed?"

Xiu closed his eyes without saying a word, catching the subtle feeling.

Soon the vibration became stronger, and Xiu seemed to have found something, and turned his head to the other side.

Mewtwo subconsciously followed him and saw Xiu standing in the outer circle, looking at the steep rock wall.

It curiously followed Xiu's gaze and looked over, and at that moment the rock wall shattered, and a bright silver body broke through the thick rock and crawled out.

The rocks collapsed wherever it passed, leaving a deep scratch.

It climbed up the rock wall easily.

Xiu recognized it as the evolved Steelix at a glance, and his originally tense face gradually relaxed and showed a smile.

To be honest, he was not sure just now, after all, there was no reference for this thing, and he had no experience, just going by his feeling.

Now that he can complete the evolution, it can only be said that his judgment is correct.

Soon Steelix climbed up the crater again and stopped in front of the flat land.

Xiu looked at Steelix and walked over.

Different from before the evolution, its body made of rock has become metal, its head has become flat, its cheeks have protrusions, and its big steel mouth can crush any stone and steel.

But relatively speaking, its body has become thinner, and its waist circumference has become thinner, but several of its limbs have grown two steel protrusions symmetrically, and its tail has become a pointed cone.

And normally, after evolution, its size will definitely become larger.

Normally, it will grow to at least 50 meters, but in fact, it is shorter than before evolution, and it is estimated to be only more than 30 meters.

This abnormal behavior is suspected to be "malnutrition" caused by not eating enough metal just now, so it is not fully developed.

Xiu approached and Steelix leaned down, communicating with them telepathically.

Xiu soon felt relieved. The reason for its shrinkage was not malnutrition, but it needed time and food to grow back slowly.

According to it, it felt that the limitations of its body were broken, and it had never felt better than this.

"I didn't expect your evolution to come so soon. If I really came here a year later, I'm afraid something big would happen."

"I was impatient. I should have slowly digested and accumulated strength, but I don't know why I was impulsive."

Steelix was a little scared. After all, he should have transformed slowly at that time, and he didn't know why he was impulsive.

The two communicated a little, and soon Xiu mentioned the reason for his coming.

"I need your help."

"As you wish, my friend~"


Xiu and Mewtwo were wandering in the vast ocean. After seeing the scene just now, he became more and more curious about Xiu's friend.

This person's experience seemed to be very legendary.

Suddenly, Mewtwo seemed to notice something. There seemed to be something moving under the sea in the distance, which directly caused waves on the sea surface.

Xiu also noticed this, and floated over, standing directly on the sea surface to overlook.

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