If it weren't for the people arranged by Shiori trying their best to control the situation, I'm afraid those people would rush up and tear those people to pieces alive.

Those criminals who had been hungry for two days saw the indignation of the crowd below the stage, and their legs went weak and they knelt on the ground.

Especially when Shiori announced the death penalty for these people, those guys who were still showing off their power two days ago all became useless.

They cried and begged for mercy, had incontinence, and collapsed directly on the ground, and couldn't be dragged away.

Xiu, who was standing aside, looked at those people who were extremely ugly with indifference.

It turns out that they are also afraid of death~

But why didn't they show any humanity when they faced the victims begging for mercy?

These people were sentenced to death, but Shiori didn't mention how to execute them.

The reason is very simple. These people will be sent to test drugs to contribute to the development of science.

After this group of people were dragged away, the next group of people came.

These people were originally high-ranking officials of the Rainbow City Government. They were sitting in the office yesterday, and they were escorted up today.

The focus of these people's crimes was not on this disaster, but on a series of damages to the city before.

Starting from these people, the various ugly faces of the former government were exposed, and then the legitimacy of its rule was denied.

Corruption, bribery, and oppression of the people were nothing.

And the fact that they gave up the West District was the biggest stain, which could not be washed away.

They also had to bear the consequences of their subsequent inaction.

It seemed that they were being judged, but in fact, they were judging the former government.

The former government officials who were "invited" by Shiori were also horrified when they saw this scene. If they had not cooperated just now, they would be the ones in the upper position now~

The trial meeting was more like a criticism meeting. Shiori was too busy to preside over it for a long time. She left after the beginning and handling of the typical cases, and handed the matter over to the people below.

In fact, these people had been convicted according to the specific circumstances, and the only thing missing was to read it out.

Most people like to see this scene of bad guys being punished, but Sakaki, who was hiding in the crowd, left early, and even the disguise on his face could not hide his hatred.

He didn't care much about other people, but Apollo, Athena, and Mana, the three people he trusted the most, all surrendered!

Just now, when he was standing on the stage and recounting the ugly deeds of Team Rocket after entering the city, he almost fainted from anger and had to leave quickly.

Mewtwo, who was standing next to Xiu, seemed to have noticed something and turned his head to look over there.

"Don't worry about him. We need him to attract firepower. Only when he is alive can he play his role. Once he dies, the remaining old nobles will point their spearheads at us, and the Alliance will have an excuse to start a war."

Xiu didn't even look over there, as if he knew what Mewtwo was concerned about.

It must be said that Sakaki is too courageous. He dared to come out when the city-wide search was not over.

It was only Xiu who intended to let him go, otherwise this guy would have been caught countless times.

A waste, he really thought he was the son of destiny~

"Let's go, let's continue to clean up Team Rocket's base."

He has the memory of Mana, and he knows all the bases and strongholds of Team Rocket in Kanto.

He swept through yesterday.

He doesn't mess with people, but robs supplies. When he arrives, he directly takes the things away and runs away.

Of course, he still values ​​talents, and he has also snatched back some researchers and doctors.

These people are still in prison, and they can be dealt with by the people below.

This move of Xiu cuts off the firewood from the bottom of the pot. Without resources, those small fish attached to the Rocket Team will soon find another way out, and then they will fall apart.

If the prison is not full, he can still be a messenger of justice.

But now supplies are more important.

Thanks for the gift of nature~


"Teacher, we received a tip-off that supplies were lost in many Rocket Team bases, and because their boss lost contact, there are huge changes happening within the Rocket Team, and many people have left the Rocket Team."

"I'm afraid there will be no Rocket Team in Kanto soon~" Senmu said slowly, with some emotion on his face, "I didn't expect that the Rocket Team that has been fighting with us for decades would fall to an unknown kid."

"Teacher, do you also think it was Xiu who did it?"

"Who else has this ability besides him? This guy has grasped the lifeblood of the Rocket Team, and knowing the relationship of interests is the essence of the Rocket Team.

Take advantage of the time when the Rocket Team leader is missing to directly destroy the Rocket Team's resource supply. You have also seen the effect. Without supplies, the Rocket Team will fall apart."

"That's a good thing. Without the Rocket Team, we have one less troublesome enemy."

"Haha~" Senmu laughed when he heard Du's innocent words.

"Why do you think Team Rocket is still standing? Is it really because we are incompetent? It's just because there is a space. If we don't clear that space, there will be Team Rocket without Team Rocket. There will always be such organizations."

Speaking of this, Mori Mu's expression became a little solemn, and he slowly added.

"Now it seems that Xiu is the next leader of the criminal organization~"

"Huh! Not really? Xiu didn't do anything similar to Team Rocket."

"You wouldn't know if he did it, not to mention that Team Rocket doesn't dare to occupy a city openly, but he dares, what do you think~" Mori Mu glanced at Du, and then reminded: "Remember that we are also a member of the alliance and need to safeguard the interests of the alliance."

Du thought about it and it seemed to be true.

"What should we do now?"

"The original plan was not to take sides or interfere."


In the mayor's office of Rainbow City, Shiori was reporting to Xiu on the work of the past two days.

"According to the data of the original government, there were 300,000 refugees in the first statistics after the destruction of the West District. Until today, we have determined that the refugee statistics are 120,000, including young and middle-aged people..."

"Is there something wrong with this number?" Xiu looked away from the report and looked at Shiori.

"The total population of Rainbow City is only 700,000. As the original industrial area, the West District was mainly composed of factories and employees at that time, and the density was not too large.

Besides, the West District had declined at that time, and most people moved to other districts. The maximum number of people left in the West District was no more than 200,000."

Shiori raised her hand to adjust her glasses and nodded when she heard this: "There is indeed a problem with this number. It is mentioned on the seventh page at the back."

Xiu turned to the back and saw the traditional operation of eating empty salaries.

The actual number is more than 130,000, but these refugees need to receive subsidies. Those people directly raised the number to 300,000. Needless to say, what happened to this empty share.

But where does the money for refugee subsidies come from?

This brings us to another “great achievement” of the previous government.

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