Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 1022 Negotiation

After the destruction of the West District, the government imposed a tax on other citizens, which was used to subsidize refugees.

The cost was passed on to other ordinary people. Those people only knew that the money was collected to subsidize refugees, but the refugee problem was not solved, and the public security was getting worse and worse.

If you really think that they only took that part of the empty salary, you are doubting their business ability.

These people not only swallowed up the extra money, but also cut the resources originally corresponding to 130,000 refugees. It is conceivable how much is left in the hands of the people.

Without shelter, work, money, and warm clothes, those who are able to move can only steal, rob, and pick up garbage.

It is precisely because of this that the public security has deteriorated, and the conflict of interests between the two sides has led to such a widespread opposition.

If this continues, even if the Rockets do not take action, the two sides will cause conflicts due to other reasons, which will evolve into a disaster with all the refugees.

Can't the managers of Rainbow City see clearly? Are they incapable of solving it?


On the contrary, they are very clear and capable of rebuilding the West District.

But they still do this, the reason is very simple, that is, they want to accumulate contradictions and create opposition between the two, turn the residents of the West District who were originally members of Rainbow City into refugees, and then conceptualize them to leave Rainbow City, so as to deepen the contradictions and deal with them.

All the people died, so that the West District would not spend a penny to return to those people, and cut a bunch of leeks from other people.

Good tricks~

They want to kill someone with a borrowed knife, unfortunately, Xiu thought the same thing.

All the old nobles who planned this became the ghosts of Team Rocket.

"We are short of money for construction, so they sent it up~" Xiu looked at the report and smiled and asked casually: "How to deal with these people?"

"All have been recorded, but there are many people involved. If we deal with all of them..."

"Pick out some of the greediest ones and confiscate their property. Hand them over to Manato first, and let them exercise their bodies and temper their will on the 18-hour assembly line.

I found a group of researchers from the Rocket Team. They are talented and can be used to do some special research. When the new research institute is established, it is estimated that materials will be needed, and these people sentenced to death will have a place to go.

As for the less, let them spit it out voluntarily. There is only one chance. The unwise ones will be handed over to Manato to create social value."

"Understood~" Shiori did not raise any objection to Xiu's words, but simply took out a notebook and recorded it.

The report continued. Except for some old government problems, Shiori handled most things very well.

"You did a perfect job. Even I can't compare with you. It turns out that everyone has their own expertise." Xiu naturally praised her generously. In fact, she did a good job.

"It's all because the boss's plan already has a solution, I'm just executing it."

"Okay~ Let's calm down and talk about this kind of thing first."

Xiu doesn't like meaningless praise, especially from the people below.

"The old government system is rotten to the core. Those people should be cleared out as soon as possible after they are used up. Keeping them will only cause trouble. At the same time, the armed forces should also clean up the garbage and streamline the team as soon as possible. At the same time, rules should be formulated to improve quality education, and an honor and reasonable promotion system should be established.

Now that the weather is cold, don't worry about other things. Try your best to build temporary housing to accommodate refugees. At the same time, clothes and bedding should be followed up as soon as possible. All children should go to school, don't go to work or make trouble. The elderly should be organized and resettled first.

Supplies in the city can be gradually released, but food must be controlled in hand, and food prices should be stabilized so that ordinary people can afford it. Food should be stored as much as possible, at least enough for the whole city to eat for half a year. Later we will face the blockade and counterattack of the alliance.

If anyone makes trouble and you can't deal with it, notify Manatori, she will deal with it."

Xiu arranged the general direction for the next step, and Shiori was in charge of the details.

Why did he keep Manatori's people?

They just need to do the dirty work.

Some things are not easy to do by yourself.

"Boss, the alliance will definitely block and restrict us in the future. At present, the pillar industries of Rainbow City are tourism and gambling, which need tourists, so..."

"You don't need to worry about these. Everything depends on tomorrow's results. Your temporary mayor is over~" Xiu smiled mischievously, "After tomorrow's election, you will be the real mayor. Unfortunately, I have something to do and can't go to see it."

Shiori fell silent, looking a little uneasy.

"Don't worry, I'm not Sakaki, the brainless and lucky gambler from Team Rocket. I won't do anything I'm not sure of." As if seeing what Shiori was worried about, Xiu took the initiative to comfort her.

"Hmm~" Shiori nodded slightly, and her calm expression did not show any more inclinations.


Taking advantage of the heat accumulated yesterday, when the election plan was announced, it caused an uproar in the entire Rainbow City.

I think they have never heard of this way of selecting a mayor.

The upper politics that was usually out of their reach showed a corner to them.

So basically everyone who had the opportunity to go rushed to the central square early in the morning.

However, the iconic square was occupied by the crowd. Most people could not even squeeze in and could only look out from the adjacent streets.

However, they could still clearly understand the progress of the event from the voices transmitted on the radio.

And the voice of the acting mayor brought people's attention to the distant history of the founding of Rainbow City and its development along the way...

At this time, Xiu was standing on the ruins of the West District. Compared with the tall buildings on the opposite side, this place looked like a desolate no-man's land, with a taste of the end of the world.

The West District was severely damaged by the beast tide, and after two years, it had not been properly cleaned and renovated. It was covered with various weeds and shrubs. Some elves such as Rattata and Arbok made their homes in the ruins.

Suddenly, Xiu turned his eyes to the side and saw a sparse group of people walking towards this side.

Seeing this, Xiu had a faint smile on his face, but it looked a little weird.

As they got closer, they could clearly see several forces from their clothes.

It was funny to say that Junsha, Joey, and the police were wearing uniforms, and a few were wearing plain clothes, but they had more or less signs on their bodies.

But there was no alliance mark among these people, so you can imagine how united the alliance was.

The leader was Miss Joey from Rainbow City. Under her leadership, those people finally came to Xiu.

"You chose this shabby place to negotiate, are you really interested?"

A young man in his thirties came up to Xiu impatiently after seeing him.

Xiu looked at the logo on this guy and knew that he was the representative of Rainbow Department Store.

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