Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 1050 This is my own path

Xiu didn't show any anger, but asked a very strange question with a smile.

"What did you think when you were in the most difficult time?"

Shiori fell silent, and after a little thought, she said lightly: "I wanted to die, but I couldn't let go of my family."

"What about my appearance?"

"I will never forget the boss's kindness!" Shiori said with a serious face and a firm tone.

"I don't want you to show your loyalty~" Xiu smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying lightly:

"Don't think I'm a superior person. I used to be one of the people at the bottom of society. I have done all kinds of jobs, but no matter how hard I struggled in that quagmire, I still couldn't see any hope. At that time, I hoped that someone could save me."

Xiu seemed to be trapped in the confusion of memory, and it was a little hard to tell which one was himself.

But he recovered quickly and continued:

"At that time, a man named Baoba saved my life. I also took this opportunity to contact the elves. Later, I met Professor Oak, and then they gradually developed with the help of Casey.

I have experienced that kind of powerlessness and despair, so I know that people need hope. Someone became my hope, I became your hope, and now everything you have done for this city has become the hope of everyone in Rainbow City."

Xiu's words shocked Shiori greatly. She didn't expect that she just did what the boss said, but she became the hope of the whole city without knowing it.

Xiu looked at her and continued with a smile:

"Recall the smiles of those people, the sincere respect and protection, don't let them down. Although they are very weak, no one knows whether there will be people like you and me among these people."

"But why don't you stand up in person, boss? With your ability, you must..."

"You don't have to enjoy the gratitude of others when you help others. Did I use this to coerce you to do anything?" Xiu noticed the problem in Shiori's thoughts and interrupted quickly.

Shiori was stunned. The boss did not ask for anything in return, and did not even make any excessive demands. He did not even want her to work overtime.

Shiori's worldview was shattered by these, and she could not help but ask out of control:

"You don't want money, power, sex, or even fame. What do you want?"

Xiu looked at her out of control and smiled, explaining casually.

"What you said are all very good things, but they don't mean much to me.

It's enough money. No matter how much money you don't need, it's just a string of numbers.

Reputation seems to be very good, and everyone who sees you will bow and scrape when they see you, but you don't see how many people are burdened by reputation.

Power and sex seem to be tempting, but you don't see the responsibilities behind them. These troubles are things that lazy dogs like me avoid.

You ask me what I want to do?

Of course, I want to do what I like."

Shiori also relaxed after hearing this. It sounds like why the boss can live so simply.

Without desire, there will naturally be no so many troubles.

Otherwise, if you indulge in power like Saori, you are no longer living for yourself.

"I understand~"

"Very good, you have passed the assessment and have officially become a D-class personnel." Xiu turned his head to look at Shiori when he heard her words, and nodded with a smile: "This time, as a reward, I will make an exception to let you see what you have always wanted to know."

He took something out of his waist bag and handed it to her.

"Take it."

Shiori took it subconsciously and found that it was a document in a paper bag.

You don't need to think about what this is, it is the truth about the riot in Tokiwa Forest.

"Remember to destroy it after reading~"

Xiu didn't mean to continue talking, waved his hand and turned away, humming some strange words.

"I wish I had thousands of mansions to shelter the poor people in the world~"

Shiori looked at Xiu's back that disappeared into the darkness, took a deep breath to adjust, and followed him.

She didn't understand anything else, just follow him.


Xiu, who was dealing with something in front of the computer, seemed to have noticed something and turned his head to look at the door.

The next second, the door opened without a knock, and a person walked in.

"What's wrong?"

Xiu looked at Chun, who was wearing pajamas. She had recovered in a few days, and her mental state was very different from the sickly one before.

At least her face was rosy, her spirits were full, and her body was no longer tormented by pain.

Chun didn't waste any words, she climbed onto the bed and got into the quilt, then she showed her head and whispered to Xiu.


Xiu just smiled and said helplessly: "You are grown up now, I can't warm your quilt for you."

What was the situation in Pallet Town at that time?

The iron warehouse was extremely hot in the summer and extremely cold in the winter.

Especially at night, no matter how it was repaired, the cold wind would always come in from some unknown gaps and corners, making a whistling sound.

Chun's body was originally poor, and she was even colder and weaker in such a low temperature. Her hands and feet were cold at night, and no matter how many quilts she had, it was useless, and she basically couldn't sleep.

So Xiu acted as a hot water bottle to keep her warm, which allowed her to survive the winter and have a good sleep.

But now the house is solid and airtight, and she doesn't look cold after she recovered, not to mention that she is so old, so some things are inappropriate.

"I'll warm you up~"

After saying this, Chun stretched out her hand and waved towards Xiu.

Hearing her words, Xiu couldn't help laughing. Chun's appearance now is very different from when they first met.

The expressionless person who killed without blinking an eye.

And the person who helped him warm the bed today.

Even Xiu didn't expect such a day.

"I didn't expect that someone would warm my bed~"

It was getting late, and thinking that he would leave tomorrow, Xiu didn't refuse her kindness.

As soon as he entered the bed, he was pulled over by Chun, but the feeling of someone warming the bed was indeed good, and a warmth wrapped around him...

In the early morning, the warm summer sun shone on the bed through the window. Xiu slowly opened his eyes, feeling Chun clinging to him, looking at her sideways, at this moment, there was a smile on her face that had never appeared before.

I don't know what sweet dream she had last night~

Just a slight movement caused her reaction. Xiu could feel her body shrinking, her hands wrapped around him, as if she wanted to lean on him as much as possible.

"Wake up, little lazy cat~"

Xiu called softly and she opened her eyes soon, but she didn't react much after seeing Xiu, just subconsciously stretched her body.

Then she continued to hug Xiu to sleep.

Xiu was quite helpless about this. Winter lazy sleep is always so tempting, but unfortunately he has something else to do.

Xiu got up and went downstairs and found that breakfast was ready.

While eating breakfast, Shiori did not forget to look at some work things she brought back last night.

When she saw Xiu, she also greeted him.

"Good morning, boss!"

"Good morning~" Xiu took the things in her hand by the way when he passed by, "Eat well before watching, be careful of stomach problems."

For her boss, Shiori could only obey.

Here Xiu simply solved breakfast, and then went up to find Qianyang, intending to say something before leaving.

But even geniuses can't avoid being sealed by the bed in winter.

Seeing Qianyang Xiu sleeping soundly, he had no intention of waking her up.

She didn't have to go to work~ Why wake her up?

He put some snacks on her bedside table and left her room.

Xiu didn't have much stuff, and he had prepared it long ago.

And Shiori was also ready to go to work.

Xiu briefly told her about the arrangements he left here and the situation of Mewtwo, and also a batch of potions for breeding giant bee hornets.

Fortunately, he had prepared a batch of fading purple grass crystals, so there was no problem at all now.

"Okay~ That's it." Xiu smiled and patted Shiori's shoulder, "Rainbow City is left to you."

After that, he tightened his coat and walked out.

"I'll take you there."

"No need." Xiu waved his hand and stepped out step by step, "This is my own road."

Thank you all for your support along the way...

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