Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 206 Return to the Emerald Green Gym

After playing with them for a while, Xiu sat under the tree and read a book.

And Casey controlled the teeth of the Rada to grind on the grindstone continuously, making strange sounds.

As for it, it was suspended in the air with its legs crossed and its eyes closed. It was unknown whether it was meditating or doing something else.

The giant claw mantis was still repeating the boring punch, as if it still ignored everything around it, and the only target was what was in front of it, and then punched.

Only Xiao Fudan was lying lazily on the ground. After eating, it was the most comfortable to sleep in the sun~

They were enjoying a good time here, but the whole Changpan City was in chaos.

Joey, who got the evidence, really showed the terrifying power.

One by one, the big figures who used to call the wind and rain in Changpan City were invited to the Pokémon Center, but they only went in and never came out.

The panic gradually spread to the upper class of Changpan City. For a time, the people above were panicked, and the people below watched the show and ate melons.

Xiu looked up at the sky, then stood up and twisted his neck.

"It's almost time~"

After putting several elves back into the elf balls, Xiu stood up and left the inner courtyard.

Walking on the street, there were more people coming and going, and those who looked like tourists also came out to walk around, without the depression of the past.

With Xiu's efforts, ordinary people and tourists no longer had a direct source of conflict, so it was naturally impossible for them to have conflicts. Now Xiu has transferred the conflicts to those superior people.

Ordinary people don't even have time to eat melons, so how can they cause trouble?

And with this, some normal business activities have also begun, and everyone is slowly returning to the prosperity of the past.

Seeing this situation, Xiu also had a smile on his face.

With such public opinion, the ideas of those who have intentions are basically useless.

What's more, Joey's tough investigation will definitely deter those who want to cause trouble.

Xiu gradually came to a place he had been to once before, the small forest.

Just hearing some noisy sounds outside, Xiu smiled slightly, and then walked in.

Going in along the path, Xiu heard those sounds more and more clearly, and he didn't care about pretending, and felt to speed up his pace.

When he entered, he saw a pair of people in uniform standing on the grass in front of the mansion. Their elves had been released. Obviously, the situation was not that simple.

Standing opposite the team was a tall middle-aged man with a gloomy face, and in front of him was a child.

The voice just now was obviously the child shouting at the official people.

"Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?"

Xiu raised his hand towards that side, and his steps could not help but speed up a bit, walking to the middle of the two sides to separate them.

"Captain, good morning!" Xiu smiled and greeted, then looked at the other side and asked:

"What happened? This is the gym leader of Changpan City~"

"Sir, we are just following the order to ask the Emerald Gym Leader to go back for questioning."

The leader said something very official, but Xiu smiled slightly, turned to look at the tall man, nodded slightly at him, and greeted: "We have met Mr. Gym Leader."

The tall man frowned and pursed his lips when he saw Xiu's attitude.

The child responded after hearing Xiu's words.

"I remember you, you've been here before."

The middle-aged man took his hand off the child's shoulder, as if he wanted him to stop talking and protect him at the same time.

The captain on the side was not so fancy and urged him in a hurry.

"Please come back with us, if there is no problem, we will let you go after the investigation."

The child was furious when he heard this, with an angry expression on his face, "You are all bad guys! You can't arrest your father."

Xiu laughed out loud when he saw this, breaking the originally serious scene, squatting down and asking the child: "If your father has no problem, why are you afraid to go over and be investigated~"

"We didn't do anything bad! We..."

Just as the child was about to say something, the man pulled him behind him to protect him, and said: "I'll go with you~This matter has nothing to do with my son."

The captain didn't waste any words and was about to take the middle-aged man away.

But at this time, Xiu stood up and blocked the two of them.

"Hey!" Xiu raised his hand and pressed towards the team leader, "Personally, I still want to believe that the owner has nothing to do with these things. Don't rush to go back. I'll talk to the owner first. You guys have been busy for a long time. How about going in and taking a rest first?"

As he said this, Xiu looked at the owner again. The smile on his face was very standard, but a little creepy.

The owner raised his eyebrows, but soon turned around with a little helplessness.

"Please come in~"

The child was obviously a little dissatisfied, but he didn't say anything. He followed with a puffed face.

Last time he couldn't go in, but this time he could walk in with a swagger.

Xiu strolled and observed the environment here.

Now there are constant disputes outside, and coupled with the summer heat, the whole city is in an inexplicable irritability.

But here the plants are lush and surrounded by green. The whole mansion seems to be isolated from the world, revealing a rare tranquility.

"What a good place~" Xiu looked at the extremely well-preserved ancient building and couldn't help but admire it.

Compared to the desolate and dilapidated inner courtyard, this place is much better.

The owner led everyone inside, Xiu glanced at the lobby and said:

"Brothers, please sit here for a while. I will have a good talk with the owner~"

"Yes!" The captain answered, and then directed his companions to sit in the lobby.

These people acted in a straightforward manner, but it can be seen that he was still in the official stage, and what he meant was straightforward and clear.

The owner did not say much when he saw this, and patted the child gently.

"Go, serve tea to everyone~"

He looked at Xiu and raised his hand to the front, "Please come here."

Xiu walked in casually and came to the room on the other side under the guidance of the owner.

It was a very simple room, with a table in the middle and a set of tea sets on it.

"Please sit down." The middle-aged man sat down and began to fiddle with the tea sets.

"I've heard of the gym owner a long time ago. Among the three gyms in Viridian City, the Emerald Gym has the best reputation and is also the most disciplined. It has never bullied ordinary people or looked down on ordinary trainers, so I don't believe that this incident has anything to do with your family.

But although I believe in the gym owner, the other two gyms in Viridian City have problems. Miss Joy takes it very seriously, so she asked the gym owner to go and accept the investigation. She just hopes to clear the gym owner's name and has no ill intentions."

Xiu made up for his face with just a few words. The middle-aged man also realized that Xiu was difficult to deal with, but he just continued his actions and served tea to Xiu.


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