Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 207 Conversation

Xiu looked at the teacup in front of him, took it with a smile, but did not intend to move it. He just placed it in front of him and continued:

"We are all smart people, so I will say it directly. As long as you can promise me one thing to prove yourself, I can help you communicate with Joey."

The man knew the key point and started, looking up at Xiu, his expression was calm.

"We need only one gym in Changpan City!" Xiu raised his hand and knocked on the table, saying it word by word.

The gym owner's expression relaxed when he heard this, and he sighed and said:

"Don't worry, I will withdraw~"

Xiu felt something was wrong when he heard this, and asked again.

"Has anyone asked you to withdraw from Changpan City before?"

The gym owner also knew that the situation was set, and he did not mean to cover it up, so he said it directly.

"Those people came to me before the celebration, but my family will not participate in those things."

The middle-aged man knew that he must agree, because those people really contacted him, and if Miss Joey wanted to manipulate him, he would have no way to escape.

It's better to agree to it. Anyway, I have no intention to participate in those things.

It's just right to withdraw, so that my son's safety can be guaranteed.

"No, no, no~" Xiu shook his head thoughtfully, "Maybe the gym owner misunderstood us."

When Xiu said this, the middle-aged man's expression was a little wrong.

Anything involving a turning point represents trouble.

Is it not okay if I want to withdraw~

Xiu smiled and explained: "The gym owner obviously misunderstood. What we said about only having one gym is not to ask you to close the gym. On the contrary, you are the only gym in Changpan City that has been certified by the alliance."

"Why~" The middle-aged man looked a little solemn.

"Because the Bee Mang Gym was gone when the previous owner took over, the current one is just occupied by the criminal Keita, but because he helped Team Rocket train, he has been imprisoned and is awaiting trial.

As for the Earth Gym, the owner and all the staff are missing, and now it is believed that they are either dead or evading responsibility. In any case, the qualification of this gym is definitely lost.

That is to say, after this incident, you are the only one left in the Tokiwa City Gym."

The middle-aged man couldn't help but show a trace of sadness on his face when he heard this.

It only took a few days for two gyms to fall, and you have to know that these are gyms certified by the alliance.

If I had agreed to those people, I'm afraid it wouldn't be him who came today~

"Originally, according to the rules, you must be asked to go back, but I have learned about your gym and know that you are unlikely to participate in this matter.

Although you didn't come forward to help the official maintain order and assume your responsibilities as a gym, you still did a good job in abiding by the rules, so I pleaded with Miss Joy to give you a chance, and also give the Emerald Gym a chance."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Stand up and assume your responsibilities as a gym!"

Xiu knocked on the table and pushed the teacup slightly forward, and the middle-aged man's eyes were also on the teacup.

The middle-aged man didn't rush to answer, but fiddled with the tea sets again, but his expression was hesitant.

Xiu's words sounded nice, but in fact he was forcing him to stand in line.

The meaning is~

If you stand up now, we won't pursue your previous slacking off and not taking responsibility, and your contact with certain people.

Otherwise, you will be in big trouble if you are investigated. After all, if he, as a gymnasium member, had come forward to stand on Joey's side in that situation, the situation would have been much better. This is the reputation accumulated in Viridian City for a hundred years.

But he shrank back and chose not to stand on either side. In fact, he stood on both sides and was a fence-sitter.

It is normal for such behavior to be liquidated afterwards.


Only one giant bee was left in the Bee Mang Gym, and Sakaki's Earth Gym simply disappeared and ran away. He was the only one left in Viridian City.

As for the old boy Banmu, he was arranged by Xiu. He whispered a lot of bad things in Miss Joey's ears. After this matter, the license of the Earth Gym must be taken off.

Both Xiu and Joey knew that Viridian City must have a gym. Logically, Xiu now has Joey's support, and it is the best choice for Xiu to re-establish the Bee Mang Gym as the heir.

But Xiu refused this. He didn't want to waste time on the gym, and he had a lot of troubles.

There are only three gyms in Viridian City, so there is only one last choice.

Xiu also thinks that the Emerald Green Gym is the best choice, because this gym does not fight for anything. It has been like a big tree growing silently for a hundred years. Although it is not well-known in the outside world, it has a very good reputation in Changpan City.

Joey's winning him over will be beneficial to the future development and arrangements.

Moreover, although the situation is clear at this time, it has not yet shown an absolute advantage, and there are still many people who are waiting and watching.

When the Emerald Green Gym stands on Joey's side and someone takes the lead, there will be more people leaning towards Joey.

So Xiu, as the proposer and an interested party, came to persuade and it was also in the plan.

But fiddling with the tea set can't delay much time.

The middle-aged man knew that if he stood up now, he would definitely be caught in the struggle between the two sides, but it seemed that there was not much possibility of getting out of it under the current situation.

Let alone whether this century-old family business would become a sacrifice, it was difficult to guarantee the safety of his son alone...

Of course Xiu noticed the other party's hesitation and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Gym Leader, we don't need you to do anything. We just need you to do the job that the gym should do and jointly maintain the peace and stability of Joban City."

What Xiu and Joey like is that he is not meddlesome, does not cause trouble, and is honest enough.

Moreover, with the family as a bond, there will be no tragedies like the one in the Fengmang Gym, and it is stable enough.

It's just that the middle-aged man didn't show much intention towards Xiu's words, and he still looked confused.

Obviously he knew that things were not as simple as Xiu said, so he couldn't agree too easily.

"Whether you agree or not is up to the gym leader. If you don't agree, I will take people out of the gym now to avoid causing trouble to everyone. I have to go somewhere else~

As for the owner, he can continue to stay here with peace of mind..."

Xiu Ke has never been a good person. If you say good things to someone in front of you, you can't blame him if he doesn't listen.

The middle-aged man's expression changed slightly when he heard this.

He understood that no matter whether he agreed or not, when Xiu led the team out, those people and forces who paid attention to changes in the situation and were extremely sensitive to everything would default to Joey's side.

Otherwise, why are so many people arrested, and you are the only one who is fine?

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