Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 208: The Empty Gym

"I don't seem to have a choice." The middle-aged man still put down the tea set in his hand, looking either aggrieved or helpless.

"I know your family doesn't like to get involved in external affairs, but sometimes this is not a choice we have." Xiu said some nonsense, but suddenly the topic changed, "It's like the inexplicable death of the owner's wife, don't you doubt it? ?"

The originally normal owner's expression suddenly became uncertain, and the aura emanating from his body gave people a sense of oppression.

It seems that the strength of regular museum owners is not comparable to that of wastes like Keita.

Xiu was not afraid of this oppression, but took out an elf ball and placed it on the table.

How could he not recognize whose elf ball it was if it could be passed down for hundreds of years? His expression changed again, and his eyes slowly shifted from the elf ball to Xiu.

"That's right~" Xiu smiled softly, "I am the real heir, Keita is just a fake who occupies the gym."

"But you..." The middle-aged man looked at him with confusion.

Xiu seemed to have guessed what he wanted to ask, and said directly: "I can't take over the Fengmang Gym, because it will alert some people. I have to hide in the dark and investigate the death of the old gym leader and your My wife passed away inexplicably, after all, these two things are so close."

Xiu had learned about the situation here from Joey before he came, and others might overlook that his wife died suddenly.

After all, it is normal for a few people to die in this world.

But Xiu was keenly aware of something. This person's death was very strange, and using this person's death as a dividing line, it was obvious that the Emerald Green Gym had become more conservative.

There must be something going on here.

But just now, I confirmed my thoughts through simple testing.

"During my investigation, I found that there is a force that is different from all others. He is trying to constantly stir up chaos in Joban City.

Something happened in two of the gyms, and it was their masterpiece. Even this time it was the same. What you saw was that those who thought they were the masters of Viridian City were just idiots, but what I saw was deeper. "

Xiu's words made the middle-aged man think for a moment, and he didn't know what he was thinking of. His expression became very sad, but his aura became heavier, and he said word by word:

"Who is it?"

"Okay~" Xiu knocked on the table, "Don't forget your son."

Xiu's words made the middle-aged man stunned for a while, but he gradually calmed down.

"The opponent is powerful and cannot be resisted by you and me, so I brought in Joey for you. With Joey's power in Joban City, no one dares to touch you.

As for the investigation, I will naturally be the one to do it. I said this because I was afraid that if something happened to me, no one would know about it. I also asked the owner of the museum to be a witness. "

"Brother~" The middle-aged man couldn't help but feel ripples in his heart when he heard this.

What kind of person can do something so sacrificial for others?

"I just want to remind you not to let the third person know about our conversation today."


When Xiu left the Green Gym, the relationship between him and the gym owner became familiar.

Those who didn’t know thought the two were old friends.

“Let’s play again next time~”

"Definitely next time!"

Xiu bid farewell to the owner and led the team away from the small forest.

Xiu who went outside did not leave like this, but followed the team's car to another place.

The third gym in Joban City, Itaki’s Dadi Gym.

At this time, his team was not alone, some people had already come here, and Xiu just came to join them.

The other leader was obviously Joey Xing.

This was something Xiu didn't expect. After all, she should go to a more important place, not an empty gym here.

However, Xiu didn't dwell too much on the matter and got out of the car and walked towards them.

"What's going on now?"

"Why did you come here just now?" Joey Xing complained immediately when he saw Xiu coming over.

"I have taken care of the matter of the Green Gym." Xiu did not answer directly, but said another thing, then looked at the very ordinary building in front of him, and asked: "Come over here first, have you discovered anything? ?”

"After searching, there was only an empty house." Joey shrugged casually and pointed to the building in front of him.

As an assistant, he obviously knew something about Xiu and Miss Joy's plans, and that was why he was sent to assist Xiu.

Even in some cases to keep an eye on him.

After all, Miss Joy is also curious about why Xiu pays so much attention to the Dadi Gym.

"You go ahead and do your work. I'll go in and take a look."

Since they have been searched once, there is obviously no danger. The people inside are really gone. I don’t know the reason.

"I'll accompany you. I've been inside once." Joey had no intention of leaving, but instead offered to go in together.

Xiu naturally did not refuse. He probably knew what the other party meant, and he was safer.

The two teams were placed on standby outside, while the two of them slowly walked in.

Taking this opportunity, Joey Xing also explained the situation of this gym.

"This gym completed the alliance assessment more than ten years ago and became a Gym in Joban City. According to the registered gym leader, Banmu is the master, and the elves that he specializes in are Diamond Rhinoceros and Big Rock Snake..."

Xiu walked around inside while listening to Joey Xing's report.

Not to mention, the facilities here are horribly monotonous.

Entering is a battle hall, which is mainly gray and black, without any decoration. Walking in, you can only feel the cold steel and concrete building.

Behind the hall are some living facilities, which are still in a minimalist style.

In such an environment, let alone living here, even staying for a while will feel depressing.

After walking around like this, Xiu asked Qiao Yixing the first sentence.

"Have you checked the layout of this building? Have you found any secret rooms or something like that?"

"We are professionals. How could we not pay attention to this? We have even studied the wiring of the wires. There is no problem. The space is so big."

Xiu nodded when he heard this, and his eyes moved aside, muttering: "Not too stupid..."

Joy Yixing looked at Xiu's weird look and didn't know what to say.

He was talking nonsense, and I didn't know why Miss Joy gave such a high evaluation?

"If not, let's go, don't waste time."

Although he knew that Banmu was the real boss of the Rockets, they didn't know, so naturally they didn't pay much attention to this place.

It seems that Banmu is not stupid enough to set up a secret place here. He should just use this place as a gym.

Joey Xing has something else to do here, so he takes two teams to search other places.

Xiu is wandering around the city leisurely.

Prices have plummeted, almost to the point of falling to the ground, but there are still few people buying. I don’t know how long it will take for Tokiwa City to recover after this incident.

Thanks to Lumia for the reward, but then again, there are still people rewarding, is my youth back?

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