Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 217 Coincidence

After hearing this, Xiao Yuan finally reacted and quickly took Xiao Chun's hand and followed.

Although she didn't know what he was doing, she knew that she just needed to follow him.

As soon as Xiu came over, the woman spotted him.

The two looked at each other, and the woman smiled at him and asked, "Do I need to stand here too~"

"Don't joke, ma'am. If you hadn't taken action just now, things would have been troublesome." Xiu pointed to the corridor behind the woman, "Let's talk over here."

The woman nodded slightly at Xiu, then glanced at Xiao Yuan and the two of them walked inside.

Xiu followed casually, and the security guards guarding the entrance and exit didn't say a word, just letting them in.

He was now the focus of everyone, and the eyes of those people were freed as he left, and discussions began to rise.

Different groups of people had different focuses on him, but the only thing in common was that those people knew nothing.

Whether it was his name, identity, or origin, it was all a mystery.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that this person has a strong say in the Elf Center, can mobilize staff and security, and has unfathomable strength.

In short, Xiu is handsome! Strong!

Handsome and strong!!!

A few people slightly deviated from the crowd and Xiu began to ask:

"I am Xiu, these two are my friends, she is Yuan, this is Chun."

As if feeling Xiu's respect for this woman, Xiao Yuan also greeted her after introducing herself.

"Hello, lady~"

As for Xiao Chun...

The king of heaven would be like that when he came.

"Hello~" The woman smiled slightly and nodded slightly to indicate that she understood.

"Then I wonder if the lady came this time..."

Xiu was just thinking about asking something, and someone walked out of the corridor and said to Xiu: "Miss Joey, please go over."

Xiu glanced at Xiao Yuan inconspicuously, and answered after a little thought.

It was a very familiar office. The staff helped to open the door and left. The woman seemed very natural and walked in directly. It seemed that she didn't care about Miss Joey at all.

After adapting a few times, Xiao Yuan also calmed down and didn't have a big reaction. Only Xiao Chun let go of Xiao Yuan's hand and stood next to Xiu, looking a little unnatural.

Xiu didn't say anything, took her hand and led her inside.

In the office, Miss Joy was still sitting in front of the computer to deal with the incident. From her mood, it can be seen that she was quite good and was not disturbed by the farce just now.

"When did you come here? Why didn't you tell us~"

Miss Joy seemed to know this woman. She spoke directly when they met, and the tone of her speech was that kind of polite words.

Without waiting for the woman to reply, he introduced Xiu:

"You may not know this person, let me introduce her. She is Miss Kona, a senior investigator sent by the alliance. She is an excellent and powerful trainer. Although she just arrived, you must have seen Miss Kona's strength."

"You can see~" Xiu nodded in agreement, and then flattered, "If it wasn't for Ms. Kona's action just now, I might not be able to deal with that double-bullet gas."

Xiu had guessed it long ago, so even if he heard the name Kona, he didn't react much. It can only be said that he verified his words.

But there was one thing that surprised him, that is, the title hanging on Kona's head now is not the Four Heavenly Kings, but some senior investigator.

"I just arrived~" Kona didn't pay attention to Xiu's words, but asked her doubts in a strange way. "But how do you know there are problems among those people?"

"Because their behavior is very abnormal. They don't look like onlookers. Instead, they look like they are looking for something. They are also very alert. They are standing apart. There must be obstacles or people nearby. It's too obvious."

Of course, Xiu couldn't tell the truth. He just made up a few nonsense that sounded reasonable.

If it were that simple, Joey's people wouldn't have to work so hard to screen.

"Ms. Kona may not know much about it when she just came here. Xiu has a very sharp observation ability. She has helped us deal with incidents many times and made great contributions."

Miss Joey said something, which made up for the shortcomings of Xiu's words.

But Xiu felt that there was a sense of confrontation between the two. Miss Joey's defense of herself was more out of a protective mentality for the people in her camp.

And Kona couldn't have just arrived today. She was most likely wandering around in Tokiwa City to collect information before.

Xiu didn't want to get involved in the conflict between Joey and the Alliance, and he had already decided to withdraw.

And at this moment, the door suddenly opened and Professor Oak walked in.

He was suddenly called down from the room just now. He learned a little about the situation on the way, but he obviously did not expect the office to be like this, and his expression changed slightly.

"Long time no see, Doctor~" Kona greeted Doctor Oak. It seemed that the two knew each other, and it was not the kind of polite words that Miss Joy said

"Why were you sent here?"

"How do I know what those guys think... Anyway, it's just a trip~" Kona seemed a little casual, as if he didn't care.

Xiu felt that the situation was getting more and more wrong, and he gave Xiaoyuan a look and was about to leave.

But before he could speak, the door opened again, but this time the person who came in was Qiao Yixing, and there was also a woman in ordinary clothes.

This person was estimated to be about 20 years old, and looked ordinary, but the look in his eyes was very sharp, which gave Xiu a lot of pressure. He even felt that this person was more terrifying than Kona.

This was not a problem of strength, but this person did not know how to restrain himself. The look in his eyes was a scrutiny of everyone.

But this scrutiny was not the kind of high-handedness of Kiba. Xiu even felt that it had nothing to do with personal emotions, but was very... simple!

Xiu didn't know if this word was appropriate, but it was obvious that this person was not easy to deal with.

When this person's eyes were on Xiaochun, Xiu clearly felt that Xiaochun's hand was also tightening.

Xiu's expression did not change, and he tapped Xiaochun's hand lightly with his little finger, and then he said to Professor Oak: "Doctor, I remember you have something to do in the afternoon, right?"

He understood who Professor Oak was in an instant and continued to speak along with his words.

"Hmm~ I almost forgot if you hadn't mentioned it."

Dr. Oak muttered, opened the door and walked out naturally.

Seeing this, Xiu hurriedly took Xiaochun out.

No matter how stupid Xiaoyuan was, he knew what was going on and ran away quickly.

Miss Joy and Kona were also sensible people. Except for the serious-looking man, they all had smiles on their faces.

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