Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 218 This boy is so terrifying!

Because I just wanted to know what was going on in the lobby just now, but unexpectedly someone happened to arrive.

The theme then became the confrontation between the Alliance and Joey.

Although Dr. Oak and Xiu appeared to be on Joey's side this time, in the final analysis they were only cooperating on this matter.

Once it goes beyond the scope of this incident, there is no need for outsiders like them to stay.

To a certain extent, these people are really not qualified to observe the transaction between Joey and the alliance.

It was actually the right choice for Xiu to take the initiative to ask for his departure.

Xiu didn't know what was going on inside, but Xiu breathed a sigh of relief after he came out.

"What are you doing, kid? I was woken up just after I fell asleep~"

Listening to Dr. Ohmu's complaints, Xiu helplessly recounted what happened.

"Good boy! You are so cruel, you just killed me."

"I didn't do anything, I don't know anything~"

Xiao Yuan and Xiao Chun were following, but they couldn't understand what they were saying.

When he got upstairs, Xiu turned around and said to Xiao Yuan, "I have some things to deal with. You can take Xiao Chun to the room to wait for me."

Then he touched Xiaochun's hair and said with a smile: "Go back to the room with your sister first. I'll be here in a minute."

After sending the two away, Xiu followed Dr. Omu to the doctor's room. Here, Dr. Omu didn't even sit down and he just said one sentence.

"I'm afraid this matter ends in the office."

"It's best not to cause any more trouble. The entire Viridian City has been severely weakened in the past few days..." Dr. Oki heard a change in his expression, sat down and took a deep breath.

"Speaking of which, doctor, do you know the origins of those two people just now? Why do you feel so powerful?"

Xiu sat opposite Dr. Ohmu, but he did not forget his question and asked tentatively.

"Isn't this a simple matter? Kona is the person sent by the alliance to deal with the problems in Joban City, and the other one should be the person sent by Joey's headquarters.

As you know, Joey’s profession shows that they are better at healing, but it’s not like they don’t have Joey who is good at fighting, and their combat power is very terrifying~”

Dr. Ohmu couldn't help but have a trace of fear on his face when he talked about this. After a slight pause, he added: "The elves they have are very abnormal. Even if they are legendary elves, I wouldn't be surprised. But the only thing that is certain is that they can be... The people sent to Joban City must have the power to suppress a city."

Xiu also understands this truth. How can the world expand without strong power?

He had seen Joey's strength before, and the fighting ability of a clerk-level Joey like her was very impressive, let alone the kind of Joey who was specially trained for fighting.

Especially with Joey's technology and resource advantages, you can only imagine what kind of monsters the elves they have cultivated with all their efforts are!

It's no wonder that Dr. Ohki always looked fearful. The one just now was not a human at all, but a walking nuclear bomb.

But even though he was prepared in his heart, Xiu couldn't help but sigh: "She looks like she is only about twenty years old..."

"Don't look at his young age. To be able to become such a person must be a genius within Joey. He may be a Joey person for several generations. No matter the cost, resources will be used to train him.

When you were playing in the mud when you were three or five years old, people had already started to receive elves to learn and train. By the time they were ten years old, their strength was no more than that of ordinary gym leaders. In another ten years, you can imagine for yourself~"

Xiu didn't know why, as if his spine had been removed, he slumped on the chair and his eyes lost their expression.

Dr. Oki's words made Xiu deeply feel the pressure called "gap".

He had whatever he wanted at the beginning, and he had the strength to destroy a city at the age of twenty, but he struggled from the ground up in both his previous life and this life.

In his previous life, he didn't even have the chance to touch their soles. But this time, even if he had foresight and worked hard, he struggled to get up from the ground. Before he could stand up straight, he was punched again... …

Is this the class gap?

Dr. Oki didn't pay much attention to Xiu's appearance.

This was the fact, whether he wanted to face it or not, it was there.

But soon Xiu sat up again and asked a little strangely: "Did those people launch the attack at this time because they knew that Joey's people were coming? Do they want to give it a final try?"

"Who knows~ Anyway, we will know after the interrogation results come out, and there are people from Joey's headquarters. Those people can't make any trouble. Let's pack up and get ready to leave~"

Dr. Ohki also looked a little tired and lazy.

There are too many things to worry about these days, and it doesn't matter now that the situation is completely stable.

Xiu exited there and returned to his room with some thoughts.


As soon as he entered, Ohara stood up and shouted urgently. When he saw Xiu Xiu come back, he breathed a sigh of relief and fell down on the edge of the bed. Looking a little tired.

The wait must have been quite painful for her.

But Xiaochun just glanced this way and couldn't see anything. He was holding the Variety Monster in his hand.

"It's okay~" Xiu sat over and comforted him softly, then took out the food and handed it over, "You haven't eaten yet, eat something first."

It's true that Xiao Yuan didn't eat anything, but now it sounds like he's a little hungry.

Xiu didn't seem to be in a hurry, so he gave the food to Xiaochun, "Come on, eat some too."

Seeing Xiu like this, Xiaoyuan was a little curious and asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Won't you introduce her to me?"

"Her name is Chun, her parents don't know what's going on, anyway, I haven't seen her, she was abused since she was a child, can't speak, I rescued her some time ago."

Xiu said calmly, but Xiaoyuan was not calm, suddenly she felt that the food in her mouth had no taste, and she looked at Xiaochun with a blank look.

She had thought that this little girl was a little strange before, why was she skinny and covered with scars, but she was frightened by Xiu's physical condition at the time, and then she was busy with work, so she forgot about it.

As if she noticed Xiaoyuan's gaze, Chun turned to look at her, and the two looked at each other, but the next second Xiaochun shifted her gaze and did her own thing.

Seeing Xiaochun's reaction, Yuan thought she was shy, and couldn't help but think of her previous experience, and she was also very sensitive to the outside world.

If Xiu hadn't pulled me out at that time, I'm afraid I wouldn't be much better than her...

Feeling the same way, Xiao Yuan felt even more distressed.

Xiu didn't know Xiao Yuan had such a rich psychological reaction, but he was talking on the side.

"Things here are almost over, I was thinking, why don't she go back to Qianhong City with you?"

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