Suddenly, the motorcycle braked sharply and stopped in the mountains. Xiu dropped the motorcycle casually. The whole person was wrapped in blue light, then floated up and turned into a stream of light moving forward in the mountains and forests.

Finally, he caught up with the night owl hovering in the sky. Standing on the top of the mountain and looking outside, those elves had already formed a force and were running wildly in the mountains and forests. A slight vibration could be felt from a distance.

The native elves here were scared away by this beast tide. Basically, those who could run ran away. The surroundings were quiet. Even the traces of Rattata could not be seen. Only some green caterpillars were left chewing leaves on the trees.

Looking back, about two kilometers behind him was the town of Pallet New, and there was no room for him to retreat.

He chose this place intentionally. This hilltop formed a slope. Climbing the slope would slow down the speed of those elves and make them more likely to be hit.

This was also the best position he could find in such a short time.

The opponent did not give him more time to think. Xiu could only try his best to deal with it and release the giant claw mantis from the elf ball.

"Giant Mantis, you stay here and deal with the missed enemies. Don't let them pass."

Giant Mantis nodded dully, his eyes already on the beasts in the distance.

"Let's go!" Xiu stood on the hill, looking at the elves, and then turned to look at Casey beside him.

Casey responded and Xiu flew up.

With the help of telepathy, the two of them communicated with each other. Xiu could help Casey share some of the pressure of controlling superpowers, which was equivalent to a stabilizer.

With Xiu, Casey could exert his strength to a greater extent and would not be restricted by physical factors.

This is also a direction that Xiu and Casey have been researching and developing.

Casey moved with the wind, controlled superpowers to pull up a batch of gravel and dead branches from the ground, and then waved at the beasts casually. Those things seemed to be attracted by a lot and were thrown over there.

From the speed, it can be seen that there is no superpower attached to the object, just thrown casually.

But the things thrown over must have a certain weight, and falling into the beasts caused a panic.

At the same time, it also attracted the attention of the elves.

With just one glance, Xiu realized something was wrong.

These elves had red eyes, ferocious faces, and a violent aura around them, as if they were in a state of rage.

Sure enough, someone was causing trouble.

In just a moment, Xiu understood what was going on, and leaned over to press on. As soon as he approached, the elves seemed particularly excited or irritable, and some of them jumped directly from the ground.

They jumped five or six meters, showing the elves' strong physical fitness.

But Xiu just flicked his hand, and the blue ripples spread to form a shock wave that knocked them back to the ground.

"Test it and get the data." Xiu stood in the air and looked down at these elves.

Casey's mind turned, and tooth arrows flew out and surrounded it, and then he raised his hand and pointed downward.

A tooth arrow broke away and shot towards the target.

The speed of this superpowered creature was not comparable to that of the previous one. It pierced through an Infernape below in an instant, and the remaining force was not reduced, directly creating a pit on the ground, and the splashing dirt and gravel hit the surrounding Pokémon.

However, the Infernape that was pierced through the body did not die immediately. Instead, it climbed up from the ground, roared loudly at Casey, and jumped up to fight back.

Unfortunately, this was impossible to achieve. It was knocked down by Casey and died after jumping for a long time.

The Pokémon around did not seem to be injured and continued to move forward.

"No thoughts, showing a strong desire to attack the outside world, and the pain seems to have disappeared..." Xiu observed the Pokémon and analyzed some dispensable information.

"Use superpowers to impact the spirit and see."

Xiu changed his strategy and tried to explore their weaknesses from another aspect.

There was no movement on Casey's side, just closing his eyes, but the herd below suddenly became extremely irritable, roaring in various ways as if venting. Some elves used their skills randomly, even hurting the surroundings, and a commotion broke out in the herd again.

It calmed down after a moment, but they continued to move in a specific direction.

Casey also opened his eyes at this time.

[No, their bodies are extremely excited and highly resistant to negative states. Unless I increase my strength to burn their brains, they will not stop. ]

Hearing that there is no way to solve it without injury, Xiu frowned slightly.

These elves are just forced. It would be best if they can be appeased without injury. After all, he doesn't want to kill more people.

But he can't help it in this situation now. Behind him is the Pallet Town. If he is soft-hearted, he will die...

"Do it~" Xiu looked at the herd of animals moving forward below, and a faint cold light was revealed in his eyes.

Casey flew downwards, and the range of movement of the tooth arrows surrounding Casey expanded instantly, and one by one floated around it to form a circle.

It was like a big mouth, and these teeth played the same role as before, that is, biting and strangling prey.

At this moment, a long cry came from the sky, attracting Xiu's attention.

A small elf with an unusually long wingspan appeared, a toucan, and if you look closely, you can see a person lying on its back.

Murasame Linzi! Why is she here?

Xiu looked a little strange, why is she here at this time?

But before he could think about it, the big-billed bird flew over with her and hovered over Xiu.

"What are you doing here? It's dangerous here, go back!"

At this time, Xiu didn't have time to play with her, so he scolded her mercilessly.

"Go on!" Cun Yulinzi shouted, throwing a bag of things from the back of the big-billed bird.

Xiu had no choice but to ask Casey to restrain himself temporarily and mobilized his superpower to catch the thing. Only when he got it did he find that it was actually a bag of paralysis grass powder weighing five or six kilograms.


Xiu Ke remembered that he had plundered all the paralysis grass in her house, so why was there still any?

It only took Xiu an instant to figure out something. I'm afraid this silly girl will cut off those in the botanical garden.

For a moment Xiu didn't know what to say.

Xiu changed his strategy in an instant and spoke to the village rain forest above.

"Fly high and leave here, go to the top of the mountain and wait for me."

The toucan flapped its wings lightly, instantly increased its height, and flew towards the top of the mountain.

After they left, Xiuzan looked at Casey and took out a palm-sized bag from his body, which was filled with dark green powder.

This thing is also paralysis grass powder. It was left over from the previous repairs and disposal of defective products to deal with special situations.

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