Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 285 And you!

Originally, this situation was not a big crisis, and I was reluctant to use it, but now it doesn't matter.

The two stand out more when they are held in the hand.

Casey mobilized his superpowers and leaned down. Xiu threw the small bag in his hand, and then closed his eyes.

The moment the small bag left his hand, it exploded, and under the control of superpowers, it formed a ball of light green smoke, pressing towards the beasts.

The elves who were originally not afraid of pain and were manic fell to the ground without exception after touching these things, and their limbs became stiff and motionless.

After seeing this effect, Xiu was temporarily relieved.

If he can do it here, it means that the beast tide of Changpan Forest is also applicable. I think it has been so long, it should have been solved~

Xiu floated in the air, and after all the elves fell to the ground, he raised his hand and waved, and the mist-like powder gathered and condensed again in his hand.

Looking at the small ball emitting a faint blue light in his hand.

He felt a little distressed that he consumed one-third of the amount for just a few dozen elves.

But there was no nonsense. He took out the container and refilled it. Xiu then landed to check the situation of the elves.

The paralysis grass of the Murasame family was indeed overbearing. It directly suppressed the abnormality of the elves. The elves who were alive and kicking just now were now lying dead on the ground.

Xiu put on a mask and gloves to check the physical condition of the elves, and indeed found a trace of abnormality.

"It's not hypnosis or mental stimulation. This thing is most likely the effect of a drug, but the effect of this thing can last so long. I have to say it's a bit fierce."

But the strange idea still made him curious.

And Casey naturally understood Xiu's thoughts, and directly mobilized his superpowers to control the brain of one of the elves and forcibly invaded its memory.

Xiu also slowly closed his eyes.

What came into view was a forest, which was a very ordinary forest, quiet and harmonious, and no human beings disturbed it.

This little Rattata was looking for food in the grass, and then it was attracted by something with a strange fragrance on the ground.

The little Rattata didn't have any ideas. As long as it was edible, it would be fine. It scratched and swallowed the thing.

It was nothing at first, but soon the body became hotter and hotter, and the mood became manic. Constantly chewing on the roots in the cave could not dispel this conflict, but became more and more intense. Then it caught a trace of fragrance and went out to pursue it.


Xiu opened his eyes suddenly. He originally thought it was the effect of a dose of medicine, but now it seems that this is the principle of addiction, forcing the Pokémon to keep looking for that thing.

No wonder there are natural enemies such as Rattata and Arbok here, but the two did not fight, but instead went in the same direction.

According to this situation, any Pokémon that eats that thing will be like this. As long as there is human guidance along the way, wouldn’t it be able to hit wherever you point?

Moreover, in this process, the group itself will fight to compete for that thing, and new Pokémon that have eaten it by mistake will continue to join and replace those weak and old ones. It is a process of self-selection. The strength of those Pokémon will be higher as time goes by.

The black technology of the Rocket Team is quite powerful~

Xiu suddenly became a little worried about the situation in the Evergreen Forest.

A gust of wind brought Xiu back to reality. Looking back, he saw a toucan landing on one side. The village rain forest on its back quickly climbed down and trotted towards this side.

"Are you okay?" The village rain forest's slightly nervous voice sounded.

"Why did you come here? It's very dangerous!" Xiu said in a serious tone. This was not a place for jokes.

"You can't see what happened here from over there. I'm a little worried..." The village rain forest looked at Xiu with a little panic and raised her hand to point to the other side of the mountain.

"I'm fine, don't worry~" Xiu wanted to say something to her, but seeing her like this, his tone softened in the end.

"Your paralysis grass is very useful and helps a lot."

"I'm glad you can help." The village rain forest smiled gently and reached out to stroke the toucan beside him. "It's all thanks to this child. It told me that Xiu was in trouble."

The toucan cooperated very well and approached. It looked very enjoyable, and there was no irritability and aggressiveness at all when they first met.

As expected, Cun Yu Linzi is very friendly, and he has become familiar with Toucan in just a few days.

"Did you pick the paralysis grass in the botanical garden?"

"It's useless to keep it. I saw that you are always worried about something, so I prepared some." Cun Yu Linzi knew what Xiu was worried about, and smiled and added, "Don't worry, I kept some strong plants, and I can cultivate them soon if you want."

"..." Xiu took a long breath and didn't continue the topic, but told her about the situation.

"What should we do now?"

"One is to study the composition of this thing and find a way to prepare an antidote. The second is to find the source of the spread of this thing. Cutting it off will naturally ensure that Pallet Town will not be affected."

Xiu seemed particularly calm and said to Cun Yu Linzi: "Go back to the botanical garden and wait for me first. I still have to deal with the situation here."

Cun Yu Linzi knew that he couldn't help much, so he rode Toucan and flew back without saying anything.

Xiu looked at the elves on the ground, and his mind moved slightly. A large number of elf balls flew out of his backpack and collected those elves.

After packing up, he and Casey took the giant mantis and flew away from the place and came to the botanical garden.

As soon as he landed, Xiu turned around and said to the Toucan: "You two help me take turns to monitor the surrounding areas in the air, and report to me if you find any problems."

Xiu took out a bag of rations and said, "This is the reward. If you do a good job, you will benefit greatly!"

It is not known whether the Toucan understood or not, but one of them flew out.

The door was not locked, Xiu hurried in and found Murasame Rinko in the laboratory.

Then he released a small Rattata with his backhand, and then tied it up on the test bench.

"What are you doing?" Murasame Rinko was a little surprised by Xiu's behavior and watched from the side.

"I want to dissect it and see what's wrong with its body."

While Xiu was talking, he had prepared the tools and gestured on the small Rattata with a scalpel.

But Murasame Rinko had never seen such a scene before, and didn't know how to react for a while, but her slightly weird expression showed her inner entanglement.

Xiu was very natural, and even distracted to explain to Murasame Rinko when he started.

"In a world we don't know, a lot of fighting happens every day, some are predators and prey. Some are fighting for territory, invaders and invaded. Some just want to fight, so they fight, no reason is needed.

Fighting and death are happening all the time. The loss of life is indeed a pity. I am willing to save a life, but before that, I advise you to consider your own situation, or what you are carrying.

I must figure out how this thing works, where it works, and then find a way to solve this problem, because behind me are all the residents of Pallet Town..."

Xiu turned his head to look at Murasame Linzi, and slowly said: "And you!"

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