Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 286 Antidote

Murayu Linzi was completely stunned, and stood there with a slightly surprised look on her face, but soon fell into thinking.

Xiu smiled and instilled some strange and perverse ideas into her.

"There is no need to save Pokémon like Rattata. There are so many of them all over the world.

This thing eats everything, including grass seeds and fruits. Moreover, its nest is usually built underground, and it will gnaw on the roots of trees, which is a serious burden on the surrounding ecology.

Now I dissect it. Once I find an antidote, it will be considered a contribution to saving the remaining tens of millions of Pokémon and benefiting the world."

Xiu is not a good man~

He will only choose the most advantageous route.

With the help of Casey, Xiu quickly completed the dissection, leaving only a mess on the spot.

"Let me borrow the computer." Xiu said to her, and when he saw her nod, he hurried upstairs.

Xiu did not hesitate, and directly integrated his findings and sent them to Professor Oak.

But not long after he sent it, while he was writing another article about the reaction between paralysis grass and drugs, Professor Oak directly opened a video invitation.

Xiu agreed without hesitation.

The screen was connected, and Professor Oak was shocked to see Xiu in the background, and subconsciously asked.

"Why are you here?"

"I caught a few Pokémon who broke into Pallet Town. Nanami and Xiaomao are in the research institute. I can't do dissection research there, so I can only come to the botanical garden."

Xiu summarized the situation in a simple sentence, and at the same time added what Professor Oak was most concerned about.

"Nana and Xiaomao are both fine. Although the convoy from Viridian City has come in, there is no major problem in Pallet Town."

After Dr. Oak confirmed that his grandchildren were fine, he was obviously a little relaxed, and then he said:

"You are so bold, you sold Linzi without asking me. Do you know how big the impact of what you did is?"

"Doctor, let me be frank. Apart from the paralysis grass, what other ways do you have to control the million beast tide in a short period of time? Between the countless casualties of ordinary people in the fall of Viridian City and the paralysis grass, what would you choose?"

Dr. Oak was speechless the moment Xiu said this.

This is indeed the best choice.

"Doctor, don't think so badly of me. I talked to Miss Linzi, and she knows all the risks. I communicated with Junsha only after she agreed. I didn't sell her~"

Xiu has a good temper. His two lives have smoothed his edges, but it doesn't mean that some bottom lines can be touched.

No matter how bad he is, he will not sell out his friends for profit.

"Alas~ I didn't mean that." Professor Oak was already a little tired, and now he looked even older.

Xiu calmed down a little and took the initiative to explain.

"Doctor, you must have been very busy at that time. I couldn't contact you at all, so I could only ask for help from Baoba, the director of the Light Red City, who was my former boss, because he had a Hu Di who could [teleport] and could quickly transport things to where they were needed, and he could also contact Junsha."

"Why did you choose Junsha?"

"Because Miss Linzi had supplied part of the paralysis grass to Joey before, so for Miss Linzi's sake I couldn't give them this batch of things."

Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly, his expression seemed a little weird, "Not to mention that Joey doesn't have the kind of oppression that Junsha has, and he doesn't have enough deterrence for some people."

But Dr. Oak heard something and couldn't help asking, "What do you want to do?"

"From now on, no one can force her to do something she doesn't want to do. She no longer needs to hand in materials to get the right to survive. I said it!"

Xiu's expression suddenly became cold, and even through the screen, Dr. Oak could feel the intense emotions hidden in his words.

At this point, Dr. Oak finally understood what Xiu meant. He probably made a deal with Junsha with the paralysis grass to break the alliance's restrictions on Murasame Rinko.

But... if it was that simple, Murasame Rinko wouldn't be like this now~

I still have to clean up his mess...

As if he guessed what Dr. Oak was thinking, Xiu added another sentence.

"There is no paralysis grass anymore. I have cut it all and ground the roots into powder. Those people can no longer get what they want. If there is no benefit, they will naturally not risk offending Junsha to do some weird things."

Dr. Oak was completely shocked when he heard this.

Good guy! This move of cutting off the firewood from the bottom of the pot is a direct killer.

"What did you say to Rinko? How could she let her parents' most outstanding research results be cut off!"

"You are bound to be restricted by some things you are unwilling to let go of. It's better to just put them aside and start over."

Dr. Oak was also speechless by Xiu. Good guy, it's not your parents' achievements that are lost, so of course you can say it straightforwardly.

"Let's talk about this later. Let's talk about business first." Xiu didn't mean to talk to Dr. Oak in detail, so he changed the subject.

The two communicated about the specific situation, and Xiu also gave Dr. Oak the information he obtained from the autopsy, but this caused Dr. Oak to complain.

"You don't have to do that, Joey has already developed an antidote."

"So fast?" Xiu was a little surprised. You said that it was normal to find the situation, but the antidote came out in just a few days?

"You don't think the alliance really did nothing, do you?" Dr. Oak regained the initiative and explained: "They had already noticed the situation at the beginning and captured some Pokémons and sent them to Joey for research.

And Joey has the world's top equipment talents. How difficult can it be to crack a potion researched by Team Rocket?"

"Then it seems that Joey is quite powerful~" Xiu had a slightly changed opinion of Joey.

"What else? Among the top 100 breeders in the world, 80 are Joey's, and there are various top experts and scholars who have cooperative relations with Joey."

"So the doctor went to participate in the cracking?"

Xiu tried, but Dr. Oak did not mean to answer. Instead, he explained to Xiu the mechanism of action of this drug of Team Rocket and the solution for the preparation of the antidote.

The general meaning is that this drug can greatly stimulate the brain of the Pokémon, making it highly active, but this stimulation needs to be maintained by continuous intake of drugs, otherwise it will become manic, aggressive, and very sensitive to this drug, and will constantly search for this drug.

Fortunately, Joey has cracked it, and now he just needs to take the formula and use it.

However... this formula contains the brain of the infected elf...

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