Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 307: Violent Theory

"Hahahaha!" Who knew Xiu laughed wildly after hearing this, and retorted arbitrarily: "Alliance? Don't be kidding~ Linzi is the one who provides the paralyzing grass, Junsha is the one who disperses the beast tide, Joey is the one who researches the antidote, and it is Joey who stabilizes Tokiwa City. Doctor, what did his alliance do!”

It's fine if you don't say it, but you'll feel angry if you mention it.

"You have been driven away by your anger. There is no need to deliberately belittle the alliance just to vent your resentment."

Dr. Ohki looked at Xiu indifferently and added:

"The alliance is not as bad as you said. Both Junsha and Joey are members of the alliance. How can you separate them? Besides, many places in this incident were organized by the alliance. The alliance is also responsible for the aftermath, without the alliance..."

But before Dr. Omu could finish speaking, Xiu grinned and said, "Doctor~ I admit that these words are partly to vent resentment, but don't you know better than me the relationship between the alliance and Joey and Junsha?"

Dr. Omu fell silent when he heard this. Under normal circumstances, Junsha and Joey were indeed more independent. They had their own way of operating internally, and the alliance had no way to interfere.

So in a certain sense Junsha and Joey are indeed independent of the alliance.

"If the alliance was really useful, Rainbow City would not have been breached, the West District was destroyed, and countless residents were killed or injured. You must know that I have warned them a long time ago. This is something that could have been avoided. Even if I did not warn them, it is only a thousand units. The beast tide, as long as they pay a little attention, they won’t end up like this.”

Xiu's tone was cold and he directly dragged out the matter in Rainbow City.

"Hey~ The tragedy of Rainbow City is not as simple as you think. Its status in the Kanto region is very independent. This is why the entertainment industry in Rainbow City is so developed."

"Haha~ It's just a power struggle. I'm not a child. There's no need for the doctor to be so confused." Xiu sneered and said in a teasing tone: "Who is qualified to open casinos, game arcades, and hotels? If they are not ordinary people, why should ordinary people bear the consequences when they enjoy the benefits? Are ordinary people in Rainbow City inferior to those people? Or should they be stepping stones?"

Dr. Omu has also forgotten how many years no one dared to talk to him like this.

If he were younger, he would definitely retort, and beat his opponent even if he couldn't even say it.

But at this age, you already know everything you should know and shouldn't know. After returning to Zhenxin Town, your temper has gradually improved, and naturally there is no point in arguing.

In addition, he knew the situation in Rainbow City and had no reason to refute.

But Xiu's thoughts really surprised him.

Is this what a fifteen-year-old child should have? What on earth did that guy Baoba teach Xiu!

But when he thought about Xiu's background, he understood something. A tragic childhood created his twisted heart~

"I know you have a negative impression of the Alliance because of some experiences, but it is undeniable that the Alliance has played a major role in social stability, expelling elves to build a peaceful and stable city, and maintaining roads connecting various places.

There is also the standardization of the trainer profession, lowering the threshold for becoming a trainer, making it easier for ordinary people to embark on the path of professional trainers. You must know that it was more difficult for ordinary people to become a trainer in the past. "

"Doctor~ I remember that before the alliance was founded, there were no such professions as trainers or breeders, right?"

"That's right~ In the past, those people here in Kanto were called Warcraft Users, which meant people who drove Warcraft. It was difficult for people at that time to embark on this path~"

Dr. Oak shook his head with emotion when he talked about this.

"So Doctor, do you consider yourself a trainer?"

Xiu continued to ask a question, and Dr. Omu immediately felt that the question he just asked was not that simple. His expression became slightly solemn, and he paused for a few seconds before answering.

"I am among the first batch of registered trainers in the alliance."

"Does the Doctor think he knows the trainer then?"

"What exactly do you want to say~" Dr. Ohmu frowned slightly.

Xiu was not in a hurry, picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then slowly said: "Doctor, do you think becoming a trainer is a way out for ordinary people?"

"Isn't it?" Dr. Omu looked at Xiu with a strange look and asked, "Didn't you just become a trainer?"

"Hahaha~" Xiu laughed uncontrollably when he heard Dr. Omu's words.

This also made Dr. Omu look even weirder.

Is this kid's brain going to have problems due to the use of his superpowers?

Xiu waved his hands, tried his best to stop his laughter, and then started to explain.

"The doctor doesn't really think that I am sitting here because of my status as a trainer, right?"

Dr. Ohmu didn't know what to say for a moment when he heard his strange words, so he had to remain silent.

"Now that it's all said and done, I don't mind telling Dr. Omu how I got up from the ground and sat down."

Xiu's expression was no longer as impudent as before, but his face was serious, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious.

"The first thing is that I risk my life to escape from the orphanage. If I fail to escape..." Xiu raised his hand and slowly stretched out his index finger, and then added with emotion: "There is also some luck here, if I didn’t meet Director Baoba, maybe I didn’t know where I would die at that time.”

As he spoke, Xiu flicked out his second finger.

"The second thing is that I fought three hunters in the park. In the first battle, I rescued a small marsupial, in the second battle, I rescued the Flying Mantis and Casey, and in the third battle, I rescued the Harkerosaurus. Through this, I got to know Casey and the others. At the same time, I also received a bonus from the park and was appreciated by the director.”

Xiu's mood suddenly became excited, and his raised hand clasped onto the table, making a rhythmic tapping sound.

"Doctor, can you understand the situation when I, an unarmed child without the help of an elf, faced a hunter? I never had any luck. I worked hard for this!"

Dr. Ohmu didn't speak, but looked at Xiu with a somewhat complicated look.

I don’t understand the situation at that time, but looking at Xiu’s current appearance, it must have been uncomfortable at the time~

Xiu spent a few seconds to calm down his emotions again, with a look of memories on his face, and said to himself.

"At that time, I was afraid that hunters would come to my door, so I took Casey and the others out of the park and hid in the suburbs of Light Red City. When I was in the park, I often went to do odd jobs to help take care of the elves, so I got the favor of the head of the rescue station at the time. value.

The webmaster was my first teacher. Seeing that I was eager to learn, he gave me some basic books to study. Later, after I left the park, he also gave me some books and notes. It was precisely because of this that I qualified as a cultivator.

Later, after the exam, I met Director Baoba. He asked me to go to his house because of Cathy's problem, but he couldn't do anything about Cathy, so he recommended that I come here to ask the doctor for help. "

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