After saying this, Xiu just changed his mind and said another sentence.

"But none of this matters. What matters is that I went to a bookstore to study while preparing for the exam. At that time, I didn't expect that the prices of books related to elves would be so high.

The most basic books cost seven or eight hundred, and the information in them was very outrageous. There were very few useful books. I had no money and could only go back, but at the same time, I had different ideas."

Xiu grinned and said casually.

"I made those pirated books."

Dr. Oak didn't even react when he heard this, and then he suddenly woke up and said to Xiu:

"It was you!"

It's no wonder that Dr. Oak was like this, because the academic community was in an uproar because of this. After all, many of the so-called "experts and scholars" were supported by booksellers. Once pirated books came out, they would have no food to eat. They wanted to drag those who pirated books out and hang them.

Dr. Oak didn't expect that this person was actually next to him.

Xiu was not affected, and still told his story slowly.

"When I was in the bookstore, I knew that this was very profitable, so I bought a few second-hand books, and then used the bonus I got from saving Haxorus to take over a bankrupt printing factory, and then established the first publishing house in the ruins. I made my first money by pirating."

Xiu was talking excitedly here, and Professor Oak beside him couldn't help but remind him.

"Do you know how many people you have offended?"

"Doctor, what you said is really funny. Do you think I still care about those booksellers who monopolize knowledge, raise prices arbitrarily, and suck blood from trainers? Or do I worry about those so-called experts and scholars who can only talk nonsense and mislead the public?"

Xiu didn't care, and was even arrogant and presumptuous.

"Let me be frank. Those trainers were so seriously injured and killed. Those people have a lot of responsibility. As for why, you should understand why."

Professor Oak wanted to say something, but he himself is a researcher and has published many papers and books. After being in this circle for a long time, he also understood what Xiu meant.

Those published books are not supervised at all. Those so-called experts and scholars have never done any research themselves. Many of them are just hearsay information, and then they sit in front of the computer and write it. Some exaggerate the description of the elves for some purpose... Anyway, this circle is very chaotic, resulting in uneven content and a high possibility of misleading. And sometimes a small problem in the wild is enough to kill. "Not to mention that the alliance lowers the price, even if he reviews and removes those junk articles, even if he criticizes, warns, and reminds, so that the value of those books matches the price..." Xiu stopped talking, turned his head and looked at Dr. Oak and asked, "But has the alliance ever managed these?" Even Dr. Oak had nothing to say in the face of Xiu's questioning. Even he is in the circle, and knows that the rampant garbage has led to the overall decline of the academic level in recent years. Everyone is heading towards the "money" side, and they all want to make big news. Not many people are willing to do research down to earth. "We've gone off topic~" Xiu shook his head helplessly, looking up at Professor Oak, "Let's get back to the topic of trainers."

"What do you think a trainer is?"

"A trainer is just a trap~" Xiu shook his head slowly, his expression cold. "I have to admit that the threshold to become a trainer in modern times is indeed very low. As long as you have an ID and a Pokémon, you can register as a trainer, but do you know the problems those people will face after they are immersed in the joy of becoming a trainer?"

"It's nothing more than training and nurturing, and then challenging gyms and participating in competitions to prove yourself." Professor Oak briefly mentioned it, but it basically summarized the daily life of a trainer.

But Xiu has a different understanding of this.

"I think the first thing they need to face is the problem of money."

"You are right~ But after becoming a trainer, as far as I know, the income is far higher than that of ordinary people.

First of all, you can accept some tasks issued by the league to get money. If you challenge the gym successfully, you can also get various subsidies from the league. If you participate in the competition and get a place, you can gain both fame and fortune."

"Ha! It seems that the professor is really high and mighty~ and doesn't know the real situation of most trainers." Xiu teased secretly.

Professor Oak heard Xiu's sarcasm, but acted very normal.

"Then tell me~"

"Let me give you a simple example. The simplest and most demanding task in a big city is to clean up the little Rattata. Depending on the city, the price is between fifty and seventy per piece. The more expensive Rattata can be three hundred. If the task location is in the sewer, the price can be a little higher.

But you know what kind of Pokémons those ordinary trainers have. It's hard to say whether they can beat Rattata in the sewer environment with their level.

It's so difficult to deal with a Rattata. What about other more advanced tasks? If you accidentally get hurt, you will spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to go to the Pokémon Center, not to mention the task reward, you may even have to pay money.

As for gyms and competitions, does the doctor still think that most trainers can participate in them?"

"I really don't know about this..." After listening to Xiu's words, he didn't refute it, but directly admitted his problem.

He stayed in the research institute all day and didn't care about the world. He was indeed a little out of touch with the outside world.

Xiu did not pursue Professor Oak's question, but continued to explain.

"Let's put it this way. Casey and Mantis are only in their youth, but I have spent no less than a million on them. This is just for food and drink, not counting the money spent on various experiments and research institutes, not to mention how much money it will cost to wait until they grow up completely?

The average monthly income of ordinary people in Viridian City is about 3,000. Trainers are indeed a little better. Ordinary trainers can earn 5,000 or 6,000 a month if they are busy, and those with stronger strength can earn tens of thousands.

But do you think those people's income can support my consumption?"

Faced with Xiu's questioning, Professor Oak fell silent, but Xiu was still unwilling to stop, and still spit out more reality.

"This is just the first pitfall of the trap. Even if you have money, do you understand materials? This is the cleverness of the alliance. It splits it into two professions, breeders and trainers, and subtly transforms breeders into scholars who focus on theory, while trainers only need to fight.

These trainers don't know much about Pokémon and materials. If they want to breed Pokémon well, they must rely on the abilities of breeders, whether it is food formula or various breeding guidance and consultation.

When the two are separated, the growth of the trainer's Pokémon is limited by others rather than the trainer himself.

Doctor, you only see the large-scale development of trainers, but you don't notice the scarcity of breeders, and the level of breeders' abilities is not enough to support trainers to climb to the top."

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