Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 309 A way out for young people

Dr. Oak fell into deep thought when he heard what Xiu said. To be honest, he really didn't pay much attention to it. It has been too long since he returned to Pallet Town...

"So even if you are not short of money, you can easily find a good breeder to design food formulas and training plans for your Pokémon, but you still take on all the things related to your Pokémon, constantly researching materials, arranging Pokémon training, and cultivating feelings..."

Dr. Oak looked up at Xiu and said lightly: "You look down on these two professions, so even if you have passed the breeder qualification exam and your Pokémon are outstanding, I have never heard you admit that you are a breeder or a trainer~"

Thinking of his previous admission that he was a trainer, Dr. Oak felt a little embarrassed for a while.

"I can't say I look down on them, but the director taught me the importance of materials, and the doctor enlightened me about the essence of training. I know that if I want to gain strength, I can't do without either of these two things, otherwise my lifeblood will be controlled by others, and I will be no different from those trainers.

Your older generation's understanding of these two aspects is at least very balanced. Although Director Baoba is a breeder, he is also proficient in the training and fighting of Pokémons. Pokémons are very strong, and the doctor also understands the knowledge of materials. Looking at the people now, I have to say that the division of the alliance has been successful."

Speaking of this, Xiu still has to thank Dr. Oak for his intentional or unintentional words that made him react, otherwise it would be useless if he really trained according to the battle ideas.

"How did you understand these at such a young age?" Dr. Oak was also a little surprised for a while.

Originally, he just thought Xiu was venting his resentment, but the more he talked, the more surprised he was. Xiu's eyes directly peeked into the depths of this society.

Hearing this, Xiu closed his eyes and slowly exhaled, saying with emotion: "These are all very common situations. As long as the doctor is willing to go down there, he can find more and feel more than me~"

Xiu has read the memories of many people, most of whom are people from the lower class, so Xiu is very familiar with the "dirty" lower class of this society, and has also seen many ordinary people being forced to become criminals.

Recalling those people, Xiu was also filled with emotion for a while, and couldn't help talking to himself.

"The Alliance is nothing more than a group of people who are superior to others in order to maintain their own interests. They created the class of trainers who are superior to ordinary people and use various means to continuously exploit the value of people.

I am lucky to be where I am today. I can meet the director and the professor. How many young people who want to challenge this path have stepped into the trap called trainers? They think they have jumped into a class, but in fact they are just living in the falsehood created by the Alliance.

Trainers work hard to complete the tasks of the Alliance to make money, but the next second various expensive expenses, such as books, materials, formulas, etc., can consume most of their money. In the end, both time and money are consumed, but they are still just ordinary trainers."

Xiu's words revealed the nature of the Alliance, and even Professor Oak was speechless for a while.

This is the reality...

"I just don't want to be like this, so I study so hard to get out of their control. Once you step into this trap, you will become a puppet of the alliance. If you want to escape, you have to give up the aura of a trainer, but how many people can see clearly under the aura created by the alliance?"

After saying this, Xiu's expression showed a trace of fatigue. The hand that was originally reaching for the teacup relaxed again, and the whole person leaned against the back of the chair.

He is a lazy dog ​​who would never get up if he could lie down, but now he is forced to do this because he sees the essence of this society.

"According to what you said, there is no way out for young people now?"

"Haha~" Xiu couldn't help laughing, sat up a little and teased: "Let me be frank, the biggest way out for young people now is to join the Rocket Team. At the beginning, I couldn't make it and wanted to run to the Rocket Team to make a living~"

Dr. Oak looked at Xiu's laughing face, but his heart sank a little, because he knew that Xiu might be telling the truth.

But he was also glad that this incident did not happen, otherwise, based on his understanding of Xiu, this guy would be more dangerous than the Rockets~

Baoba finally did a good thing...

"Okay~ No more jokes, let's talk about something practical." Xiu calmed down a little and said seriously: "It is impossible for us to overthrow the alliance now..."

"What do you want to do!"

Before Xiu finished speaking, Dr. Oak immediately reacted and interrupted him, fearing that he would say something earth-shattering in the next second.

"Dr. Oak, didn't you ask me how to solve this problem?" Xiu curled his lips, his face looked innocent, but a hint of ridicule could be heard in his words.

"You'd better know whether you can say some things."

Dr. Oak didn't say anything else. His words were actually to remind Xiu not to do anything stupid. After all, if someone with ulterior motives heard those words, they would be in trouble.

But Xiu didn't care about the appearance of the alliance at all.

"Don't worry, Dr. Oak, there is no direct conflict of interest between me and the alliance. I am too lazy to provoke them, and I don't have the ability to provoke them. What we are going to explore today is how to make ordinary people live a better life."

Dr. Oak felt something was wrong and looked at Xiu with mixed feelings. You dared to take advantage of the Alliance when you were penniless. Now you are not convincing at all.

"You say~"

Dr. Oak has already noticed that Xiu has taken the initiative in the topic, but he doesn't care. Although Xiu's idea is weird and bold, it makes sense when you think about it. He wants to listen.

"The first step is of course to enlighten the people and popularize the basic and correct concept of Pokémon to ordinary people and low-level trainers."

"The school bookstore is in the hands of the Alliance, how can you popularize it?"

"The doctor may have forgotten what I came from. I have forgotten how many printing factories and publishing houses I have in the Kanto region. Magazines and books on popular science knowledge can be published as long as I say a word."

"Huh~ After all, you are still doing business." Dr. Oak laughed when he heard this, and it was hard to tell whether his expression was disappointment or something else.

"What if I keep the price within 100?" Xiu grinned and said casually.

"Aren't you afraid that the Alliance will cause trouble for you with this price?" Professor Oak asked curiously.

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