Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 315: Making a Plan

Speaking of this, Obara showed obvious excitement, "By the way! How did Xiu know those things?"

"Everyone who understands understands~" Xiu glanced at Xiao Yuan and said casually.

Before Xiao Yuan could say anything, he pushed him over again.

"Has that man named Cheng Ye been looking for you?"

"I found it~" Xiao Yuan glanced at Xiu lightly, picked up a document, looked at the report on it and casually introduced their studio, and then asked Xiu with some confusion:

"Is this small studio really worth spending more than one million yuan to save it at this time? I think it is worth about half a million yuan at most at this time. If we delay for a while, we may not even need the money. Waiting for him If you can’t pay wages, just contact those employees and rip them off.”

Good guy!

Xiu looked at Obara with a slightly surprised look. After all, this guy had evolved from a simple girl to a capitalist.

But this was his own fault, and Xiu had nothing to say.

"Sometimes money can't measure everything~" Xiu said helplessly, "What's more, the value of their family is not in the studio, but in his daughter."

"Daughter!" When Xiao Yuan heard this, his laziness disappeared, his eyes became sharp, and he asked accusingly: "What is the value of his daughter?"

"If I had to explain this in detail, you wouldn't understand this aspect. Anyway, just know that she has great potential. It's best to form a good relationship before she grows up."

Xiao Yuan looked a little suspicious when he heard Xiu's words.

Xiu was a little surprised by Xiao Yuan's reaction. He didn't want to say more about Qian Yang, but he still added.

"Just follow normal business procedures, don't interfere with them, and don't give too many resources."

"Shouldn't we give them better help?" Xiao Yuan looked at Xiu and asked.

"Don't try to contact this family." Seeing this, Xiu couldn't help but warn him, and his tone became more severe, "Did you hear that~"

Xiao Yuan frowned, looking a little unwilling, but he still nodded in agreement when he looked into Shang Xiu's eyes.

"I know~"

Seeing Xiao Yuan like this, Xiu's expression changed several times, looking uncertain, but in the end it turned into a sigh.

"Hey~ I won't harm you..."

After that, he changed his mind and brought up other topics.

"I have some lists here, full of talents, and this is related to..."

Xiu brought the focus back to the company's situation.

There was no contact for a while, but after the company reorganization, Xiu found that Xiao Yuan had become more aware of the company's situation, and she gradually understood what she should do.


After finishing the video, Xiu sat in a chair and fell into deep thought...


Since the discussion that day, Xiu spent a lot of time thinking about and perfecting the idea about the illustrated book in his mind.

Finally, I wrote the basic body of it two days later.

Now, according to the real mobile phones in the previous life as a template, and with reference to the various illustrations that appeared in cartoons and comics, their functions are divided into different levels.

There are detailed studies on the stage division, functions and uses of different progresses, as well as how to promote the illustrated book.

Based on his current understanding of the world's technological level, it is definitely not possible to reach the level of mobile phones in one step.

After all, many of them have not been tried in this world, and repairing cannot guarantee their effectiveness, so if you want to change them to suit this world, there will definitely be discrepancies here.

There are still some technical problems that depend on Dr. Omu's help.

In fact, the idea of ​​repairing does not require that kind of situation. As long as it can realize the most basic functions, seize the market first and build a brand.

"Well, it's almost done." Xiu Jian checked the contents again, then took it up to the second floor to find Dr. Omu.

Dr. Omu was away for a few days, and he thought he had to catch up on the backlog of work and research.

Not to mention anything else, the improvement of [Metal Liquid] is still going on.

In addition to other things, Dr. Ohmu is also very busy now.

But when he noticed Xiu coming up, he put down what he was doing and looked back.


"This is what the doctor wants." Xiu handed it over without any nonsense.

A plan of more than ten pages, because it was rushed out, there are many details in it that I have not noticed, but this does not affect Dr. Ohki's viewing.

After Dr. Oki took it, the laboratory became quiet, and Xiu was not in a hurry, sitting aside and waiting.

Not long after, Dr. Oki put down the plan book in his hand and said with emotion: "Some people are right. You are indeed a genius. This idea is very interesting. Some people have been studying how to miniaturize computers, but they can have such a complete structure like yours." It’s the first time I’ve seen him.”

"What do you think, Doctor? Is it technically possible?"

Xiu didn't pay attention to Dr. Oki's praise, but turned the topic to technical aspects. This was the most important thing to realize the plan. If it couldn't be realized, it would be difficult to say.

"It's difficult." Dr. Omu said cautiously, "Your idea is very good. It is theoretically feasible. Some miniaturized electronic components have also made good progress, but there are currently some difficulties in software..."

"We can first try to make some functional machines for debugging and research. Anyway, this is a long research, and it is impossible for two people to complete it in ten days and a half."

Xiu was not in a hurry. If this thing was so simple, he would not choose to say it out but do it himself.

Dr. Oak has in-depth research in mechanical electronics, with many research results and a lot of so-called patents.

As a programmer of the new era, although Xiu is not specialized in this field, he still has relevant basics, that is, he needs to relearn the programming framework of this world.


Dr. Oak took the plan and continued to read it in detail, and then discussed some of the problems with Xiu.

This is a huge and complicated project, and one of the two people present has a vision beyond the times, while the other has the world's top scientific research capabilities.

The confrontation between the two is in every word, every word they said, and every topic discussed may involve the future development of science and technology in the Kanto region.

I don't know how long they talked. Anyway, when they finalized this matter and listed a series of plan processes, Xiu's notebook was filled with dense and slightly sloppy handwriting.

Xiu got what he wanted, even beyond his expectations, and had a deeper understanding of the technological level of this world.

The same is true for Dr. Oak. He has got a complete idea, and as long as he follows this, making this thing is just around the corner.

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