Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 316 Transition

Xiu walked down the stairs in a trance, obviously he had not completely gotten out of that kind of thinking, but he didn't expect that just after he got down to the first floor, Nanami came towards him with a bad face. When she saw him coming down, she shouted with a hint of resentment: "I have called you so many times! Don't you want to eat?"

Xiu only reacted after hearing this. He was too engrossed in talking with Professor Oak just now. The high-intensity battle of wisdom and thought between the two certainly requires high concentration of attention. In this case, it is normal to ignore some "noise" outside the field.

"Sorry, I will call the doctor down to eat right away."

Xiu apologized to Nanami tactfully, and was about to turn back, but was stopped by her.

"Come down~ I saved it for you." Nanami's tone softened, no longer angry, but helpless, "You people forget the time as soon as you get into the laboratory. Don't you know when to eat? Is the experiment important or the body important?"

"The body is important, the body is important." Xiu knew that Nanami didn't like him not to eat with Professor Oak, but sometimes he had to.

But he was not stupid enough to refute anything, so he just followed her words and gave in.

When Xiu came down, he saw Nanami holding the rice, and subconsciously wanted to take it, and said, "I'll take it up."

It was a pity that Nanami dodged his outstretched hand, and then complained, "Don't think I don't know that you won't even let go of the meal time, so let grandpa eat well."

Xiu stood there awkwardly. He knew that Nanami was afraid that he would talk to Professor Oak again and make him unable to eat peacefully.

Uh... How to say this... It seems that this is really possible.

Even though they just finished talking, Xiu's brief review just now has generated many questions that need to be answered by Professor Oak.

Nanami softened her heart when she saw him like this, and tried to explain, "Your share is in the kitchen."

After that, she went upstairs from Xiu.

After she left, Xiu immediately recovered and looked back with a smile. He knew that Nanami would "pity" him~

Thinking of Xiu, he went to the kitchen and enjoyed his lunch.

As soon as Nanami got upstairs, she complained to Professor Oak.

"Grandpa didn't eat on time again~" Nanami put the tray in her hand on the table.

Dr. Oak shifted his eyes from the information to Nanami, and said with a smile: "Sorry~ Inspiration is fleeting, this matter really takes priority over eating."

Nanami took the information away, and then put the lunch in front of Dr. Oak, and said helplessly: "No matter how important it is, you have to eat."

"Okay." Dr. Oak smiled. This was his granddaughter's kindness, so of course he had to accept it.

Nanami sat aside and looked through the plan that the two had just made.

"Grandpa, do you really want to invest in this? According to the data above, a lot of research and development funds will be invested in the early stage, and whether it will succeed later is another matter." Nanami patiently waited until Dr. Oak finished eating before asking him.

"Don't worry about this, Shu and I will take care of it." Dr. Oak didn't care about Nanami's words.

The above is the plan of the illustrated book, but the plan before that is not like this, but in the communication between the two just now.

These are not what Nanami can understand.

For Professor Oak, Nanami and Xiao Mao are not the time to understand this.


After dinner, Xiu didn't have time to care about other things. He packed up a little and rushed to the botanical garden without stopping.

He was busy with the illustrated book the past two days, which put aside the promise to Murasame Rinko to go there for classes.

Now that the plan is set, Xiu feels that he may be busier in the future, so he has to follow up on that matter while he is free now.

When Xiu rushed there, he saw Murasame Rinko and Stinky Flower on the flat ground in front of the botanical garden, looking like they were studying something.

Xiu didn't rush over when he saw this, but walked slowly, observing her and Stinky Flower.

Murasame Rinko didn't notice Xiu's arrival. After getting Xiu's hint, she specifically studied it for a few days, checked a lot of information, and finally understood why he proposed the skill of [Grass Knot].

And now she is testing whether Stinky Flower can complete this skill.

The stinky flower faces the morning light, and the originally gentle light shines on it, but it emits a layer of green light.

This light is not strong, but it seems to contain the power of life, and it gives people a sense of vitality just by looking at it.

This [photosynthesis] is the instinct of every grass type, but some cannot be regarded as skills, which is a problem of effect.

The stinky flower also has to do homework every day. This is a habit left over from walking on grass. It accumulates energy by basking in the sun. This is why grass types are easy to raise. Basking in the sun is equivalent to eating. They can even grow without eating food.

But this method of accumulating energy is too slow and has been eliminated in modern breeding methods.

In fact, even grass types in the wild will not only get energy by basking in the sun.

They will get energy from plants, and some grass types are part-time carnivores, such as vine monsters and large venomous flowers.

Seeing that the stinky flower had almost finished accumulating energy, Murasame Rinko said, "Let's try again."

As soon as he finished speaking, the green light on the stinky flower seeped into its body and soon returned to its original appearance. This was just the beginning.

As the green light disappeared, Stinky Flower raised its two small hands, aiming at the open space in front of it.

There are no fancy and cool effects, just a tender green vine growing not far in front of it.

Muranyulinzi didn't say anything when he saw this, but walked forward and dug out the vines.

What came out of the soil together was a white seed, about the same size as a soybean, with the bud that had just grown on it.

After careful inspection, Cun Yulinzi put this aside, took out another seed and put it in.

"Hi!" Xiu, who had been observing for a long time, stood up and walked over.

"Uh!" Cura Yulinzi obviously didn't notice him. When she heard the voice, she turned around in a hurry. When she saw that the person who came was Xiu, she answered: "Xiu~"

"Have you finished the homework I left?" Xiu was not polite and just started talking about homework.

"It's done! Just wait a moment, I'll get it." Cun Yulinzi responded and ran home, leaving the smelly flowers in place.

Xiu didn't pay too much attention. He released the two elves with his backhand and said, "Let's each find a place to train."

As for the little lucky egg, it was left to him to play with the elves in the backyard.

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