Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 330 Developing Mini Games

Pinpointing the cause of the problem is easy.

After several days of repair, we continued to observe and study, and directly controlled the variables to determine the root cause of the problem.

Just like the previous conjecture, the giant pincer mantis itself does not have the ability to directly generate steel energy, and needs to supplement it by eating metal elements.

A very interesting point is that the shell of the giant pincer mantis is to a certain extent an organ. The metal elements that are usually ingested will be stored on it, and the strength of the shell will also be strengthened.

When the steel energy in the body falls to a certain level, it will return to generate steel energy to supplement.

It's just that Xiu didn't have much time to pay attention to the situation of the giant pincer mantis some time ago, which led to the problem.

Now that we have found the problem, we just need to replenish the metal elements and there should be no problem.

While he was busy studying the Giant Pincer Mantis, Qianyang had almost finished reading the books he had collected.

You must know that this is not only Dr. Oki's collection of books, but also some cutting-edge programming technologies that he ordered from. In this era of expensive knowledge, this alone cost him a lot of money.

Qian Yang's terrifying talent also showed at this time, like a ruthless learning machine, with an assembly line-like intensity of learning.

Therefore, for a certain level of cultivation, one only needs to understand the general principles and directions, and the rest of the specific procedures will be written by Qian Yang.

As for whether Qian Yang is willing?

She also has a great interest in programming. According to her own words, it is more interesting than staying at home and watching TV. At least she has something to do and is not so bored.

After studying those books, Qian Yang's efficiency reached a terrifying level.

Xiu usually accompanies her to write code, but Xiu can't keep up with her speed at all, because she writes code without thinking, typing on the keyboard so hard.

She only needed to spend an hour or two to complete the task, and then she would either go to see Dr. Oki to get the hardware, or just stay in the study.

She doesn't refuse anyone who comes to read, she reads everything, and she doesn't follow the rules at all. She reads whatever Xiu gives her.

Because of Qianyang, Xiaomao also stayed in the study for a long time. After correcting his attitude, he also entered a high-intensity learning stage, which was impossible in school. Not only were there countless books, but also Qianyang Damu Dr. these top geniuses.

Whenever Xiaomao encounters a problem, he either goes to Xiu or Qianyang, and later even goes to his grandfather under Xiu's intentional guidance.

Dr. Oki also changed his previous doting attitude and showed a stern attitude in front of academic issues.

Xiaomao is a very strange guy, but he does this, and the originally tense relationship with Dr. Omu is also eased in the process.

Of course, there is Xiu's secret mediation here, otherwise Xiao Mao's head would still not be able to understand Dr. Omu's intention.

His talent became even more dazzling due to his hard work. He washed away all impetuousness in his body and looked quite bookish while reading quietly.

Xiaochun was also training with Bobo, and the entire institute was busy, but Nanami was idle all day.

As the plan progressed, both Xiu and Dr. Ohmu were caught up in heavy work, so some of Xiu's original work could only be left to Nanami to help complete.

This time, Nanami, who had been doing nothing all day, also became busy.

Just after finishing what she was doing, Nanami came to the living room and wanted to sit down and take a rest. However, when she arrived, she found that both Xiu and Qian Yang were there, but they were in front of the computer, and Xiu was still talking. What are you talking about.

Nanami asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

"Testing some things, do you want to give it a try too?" Xiu turned around and saw Nanami, and pulled her over with a smile.

"What~" Nanami leaned over and saw a box on the computer screen. Irregular graphics kept appearing on the upper part of the box. Under Qian Yang's control, these graphics kept changing directions until they fell below, and Those gaps coalesce and then disappear.

What's this?

Nanami looked at it for a while, but still didn't understand what it was, so she cast her doubtful eyes on Xiu.

"This is called a game." Xiu tried to explain to her and told her how to play it.

This small game is the result of Xiu and Qianyang's hard work during this period, and it is also the crystallization of Xiu's ability as a time traveler.

Dr. Ohki's hardware couldn't keep up, so Xiuhe Qianyang's software naturally stopped without hardware debugging.

But Qianyang was interested in this aspect, so Naxiu worked with her to develop some small games for Qianyang to play.

This gadget also inspired Xiu to create some small games, and then build a pixel game console like that.

This thing has not yet appeared in this era, so it is always beneficial to seize the market.

After listening to Xiu's explanation, Nanami not only showed no interest, but complained: "What's the use of this? It looks so boring~"

"Don't say that~ Qianyang and I worked together for a long time to make it. Do you want to try it?"

"No~" Nanami didn't think it was funny when she looked at Qianyang.

"Come on, come on! Qianyang, let me try it out." Xiu took Qianyang away and then forced Nanami in front of the computer.

"This is the start, this is the difficulty adjustment, this is the scoring, from above..."

Xiu taught her how to play while explaining how to play, and Nanami got started after a while.

These mini-games are notoriously easy to play. In addition to Tetris, Xiu also plans to play minesweeper, snake-eating, and tank battles.

There is no way, now computers can only support pixel games.

This is just the first step, there are many smaller games to follow that are suitable for this world.

It can be said that Xiu has the whole world as his backing, and his inspiration will never stop.

But there are also problems. It is a bit difficult to transform inspiration into physical objects, and corresponding talents need to be reserved...

Nanami originally thought Qian Yang played it very easily, but after she got started, she found it quite difficult, but it was still within her acceptance range.

Nanami was soon attracted by this simple game. Her eyes followed each block that appeared, watching it constantly adjust its direction in the air and then fit perfectly.

When the lower layer disappeared, Nanami didn't know why she felt so happy in her heart, and the original tension was quickly eliminated.

But not long after playing, the page suddenly got stuck, and it stopped falling.

This turn of events made Nanami, who was having a good time, suddenly feel dissatisfied. She turned her head to look at Xiu and asked, "What's going on?"

"It's just a malfunction. It's not a big problem." Xiu didn't care. This new development would definitely be unstable, so he and Qian Yang were testing it here.

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