Xiu closed the game directly and then restarted it.

This method is the most effective. There is nothing that can't be solved by restarting. If there is, restart it again.

As expected, after restarting, the game ran normally, but the few points accumulated just now were reset to zero.

"You play first, Qianyang and I will solve this problem." Xiu left a word and went to find Qianyang next to him.

This problem also occurred when Qianyang played before, and it was not once or twice. Now Xiu has to solve this problem.

After all, you can't affect the player's experience after you really go up. If the score is very high, the player will explode directly and smash the computer.

Still need to continue to optimize.


At night, in the laboratory on the second floor of the research institute

Dr. Oak has been in front of the computer for a day. Except for eating and going to the toilet, he has not left his seat.

And his achievements are also remarkable. Just look at the design drawings on the computer screen.

"Doctor, take a rest first." Xiu took a cup of hot milk and put it in front of Dr. Oak.

"Hmm~" Dr. Oak's reaction was a little flat, as if he knew that Xiu had come up a long time ago.

However, he also put down the mouse and picked up the glass of milk.

This is because Xiu saw that Professor Oak was working so hard recently, so he heated a glass of milk for him at night. Drinking this can help him sleep better at night.

It was at this time, so Dr. Oak's reaction was also normal.

"How far has it come?" Xiu asked while looking at the drawings on the screen.

"It's less than 1%. This project is more complicated than I thought." Dr. Oak said and complained: "Your requirements are a bit too much~"

"Hahaha! The doctor should learn to put some functions down. It's not that we have to make it all at once. We can keep updating it. Otherwise, how can we do it all at once?"

"I know these, but you must first anticipate the existence of these functions and leave a gap for the update before adding them in the next update. Otherwise, you have to make major changes every time, which is more troublesome."

Dr. Oak said with a little helplessness.

"Is that so~" Xiu did not express any opinions.

Dr. Oak is definitely more professional than himself in this regard.

"Nana is very interested in the small games you made!" Dr. Oak said to him with a smile, then blew on the milk gently, then took a sip and made a satisfied sound, "Hmm~ Not bad."

"This is also part of the plan." Xiu explained calmly: "When these small games are mature, I will put them online for free for people to play, accumulate some popularity first, and when the illustrations are released, these small games will be transplanted to it, and then we will have these fans."

Dr. Oak saw that Xiu was so confident, and asked casually: "Are you so sure that those people will like your games?"

"Not sure, but it's not a loss at all. These are just works that Qianyang and I use to learn programming. It's best if they can play a role, but it doesn't matter if they can't." This is indeed a concern of Xiu. A big reason is that computers are not yet popular, and most people who have computers use them for office work, so not many people can play games.

This is also a problem of the illustrations.

The current technology determines that the finished illustrations will definitely be a little expensive when they come out, and most people who can afford them at that time are not short of money.

But then again, these are not the problems that Xiu has to worry about, because it is too far away to talk about this now.

"Let Qianyang help the doctor, I can do it myself." Xiu thought for a while and made a suggestion.

"This is not something that can be done by reading two books. She has not participated in these actual operations. Many of them are not based on the books. What's more, this is a brand new device and there is no reference at all."

Dr. Oak shook his head. After contacting her for a few days, he has seen Qianyang's ability, but he still has no reaction. Just like according to the previous agreement, Qianyang's affairs were handed over to Xiu, and it is the same now.

"Don't you have the doctor here? Give her some simple tasks, and I will come up to assist the doctor after I finish those gadgets."

"Why do I feel that you want to put Qianyang here and let me teach her~" Dr. Oak looked at Xiu, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

"Let her come and see the doctor's work, otherwise I can't explain to her parents." Xiu said it directly, without playing tricks.

Dr. Oak didn't react much, just shook his head slightly, the smile on his face didn't fade, after a few seconds he said: "Okay, you let her come up, how much she can learn depends on herself."

"I'm here to thank the doctor for her." Xiu smiled and nodded.

Dr. Oak was right, he needed Qianyang to get in touch with this kind of electronic design, so that he could make a game console.

It can be regarded as laying the foundation.


Qianyang's joining in a short period of time not only did not speed up the progress, but slowed down Dr. Oak's own plan.

It was not until Xiu made up for it in advance that the progress was brought up.

It's not that Qianyang can't do it, but the design plan she is responsible for is incompatible with Dr. Oak's, which causes Dr. Oak to check and modify it again frequently.

Now this work is completed by Xiu, and Dr. Oak can return to his job.

The incompatibility here is mainly reflected in the issue of money. Qianyang doesn't understand the concept of money at all, everything is the best, and she is not familiar with the appearance of the illustrations, which disrupts Dr. Oak's arrangement.

That’s why Xiu was forced to come early.

This problem is very simple. Xiu simply asked them to do one each.

Of course, this is not the kind of starting over. Instead, Qianyang will complete the design drawings of this part first, and then give it to Dr. Oak to delete and improve.

The drawings that come out in this way are the flagship version, and the standard version is the one that reduces the cost after deleting some functions.

Two products can be produced directly in the same time, just by slightly changing the thinking.

Xiu also took on a considerable part of the project, and the workload was so severe that he could dream of modifying the drawings at night.

For him, this is simply a nightmare.

Anyway, the work is proceeding in an orderly manner. Xiu, Dr. Oak and Qianyang are almost immersed in the laboratory all day.

It’s just that every one or two hours, Dr. Oak will let Xiu take Qianyang out for a walk, and Qianyang also has a specific rest time.

Breaks and naps are indispensable, and there are plenty of snacks.

But these are snacks such as cookies made by Nanami in her spare time.

It must be said that although Professor Oak didn't pay much attention to Chiharu, he still cared about her quite a bit.

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