Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 334 Conversation under the Moon

At night, the bright moon came out from the horizon, gradually spreading the gentle moonlight, bringing a hazy beauty to the space.

This is a hot summer, even if the sun has rested, the stuffiness in the air has not dissipated.

At this time, the huge backyard is no longer lively as it was during the day, and there are only some "rustling" sounds.

Suddenly! A sound of falling into the water sounded in the backyard, waking up the night owl who was just taking a nap.

A low "gu" sound came, and then two red dots appeared and disappeared on the tree, and finally returned to silence.

But the sound of water did not subside, but instead became more and more intense.

In the moonlight, a figure was on the creek in the backyard. He seemed to be swimming against the current, and the twisting of his posture brought up a large amount of water.

The weird thing is that his swinging posture is very exaggerated, but the whole person seems to be suspended in the water, and no other movements can be seen except his hands and head floating on the water.

Suddenly, the figure on the water surface suddenly disappeared, and even the rippling water surface quickly calmed down under the impact of the water flow.

It was just strange that the figure had not come up after diving, and the calm water surface had no movement except for the phosphorescence reflecting the moonlight.

As time passed, footsteps suddenly came from the side, and a figure walked out from the side, gradually approaching the river and looking around, looking like he was looking for something.

"Are you looking for me?"

A faint voice came from behind, and the figure turned around subconsciously, but it forgot that it was standing by the river, and the back foot stepped into the air, and the whole person was about to fall into the river, and he couldn't help but scream.


At this time, a hand stretched out and pressed on her shoulder, accompanied by a sentence.

"You be careful."

When the figure stood steadily on the ground, the figures of the two people were exposed in the moonlight.

Xiu's figure was not the kind of exaggerated sturdiness, but the kind of lean body.

She looked a little thin in clothes, but when she was not wearing clothes, you could see her muscles. Those muscles were fully exercised in long-term training. With a little effort, you could see obvious muscle lines, and the overall look was streamlined.

Nanami looked down, and the water droplets passed over her abdominal muscles, which looked like a work of art under the bleak moonlight.

Looking down again...

Xiu saw her and complained, "I'm wearing pants, don't go too far."

Nanami, who was exposed by Xiu, didn't pretend anymore, and looked at Xiu openly, and even stared at Xiu's lower body.

Under the moonlight, you could vaguely see a pair of loose black shorts on Xiu.

He didn't forget to speak to distract Xiu's attention.

"Why are you so weird? You're swimming so late at night."

"I'm not swimming, I'm taking a shower." Xiu pushed his hand back from his face and combed his dripping hair behind him.

Time not only made Xiu taller, but also made his originally immature face look more mature, and he looked quite manly.

"Shower?" Nanami's strong doubts were already radiating with this sentence. She couldn't understand Xiu's behavior at all. "Isn't there a bathroom? Why do you want to take a shower here?"

"What's so strange about this? You can take a shower as long as there is water. Why do you have so many requirements?" Xiu laughed and teased: "But why don't you go back at this time? You are not here to peek at me taking a shower, are you?"

"Go away~" Nanami felt a sense of laughter and tears when she heard Xiu's words, waving her hands with a look of disgust.

"If you have something to say, please tell me. This is very embarrassing." Seeing that she didn't talk about the business, Xiu complained: "You didn't really come to watch me take a shower, did you?"

"Go to hell!" Nanami punched Xiu when she heard this, but it was useless. However, Nanami found that Xiu's body was still quite strong~

"What are you doing!" Xiu looked at Nanami's strange eyes and took a step back vigilantly.

It is the instinct of living things to keep a distance from danger.

"Forget it, I won't play anymore." Nanami saw Xiu like this, her face fell and became a little boring.

Seeing that she was like this, Xiu had no intention of continuing to talk, so he walked around Nanami and sat by the river, stretched his legs into the river, and then turned his head to Nanami and said, "Come and sit down and talk~"

Nanami was not polite either, she kicked off her shoes casually, then sat by the river and slowly stretched her feet into the river.

The heat outside highlighted the coolness of the river water. When her feet touched the water, her body shuddered, and her legs retracted slightly, and then she adapted to stretching her legs completely out, propping her body up with her hands, closing her eyes and moaning.

"Ah~ So cool..."

"Comfortable~" Xiu sat directly next to her, stretched his legs into the water, and said to himself, "Sometimes it's too hot at night, so I come here to sit for a while, and the heat seems to float away with the water..."

Nanami felt the subtle touch from her legs, looked at the calm river surface, and gently moved her feet. Waves immediately appeared on the water surface, shining silver in the moonlight.

For some reason, there was silence between the two, until Xiu spoke up to break it.

"What's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Nanami woke up from her daze, her eyes left the river, and she looked into the distance with a depressed look, and after several seconds she answered.

"I'm going back over there..."

"About when?"

"Just these two days, the driver will come to pick me and Xiao Mao up." Nanami was dejected and looked particularly powerless.

"Don't you want to go back to school?" Xiu could certainly sense her resistance and helplessness.

To some extent, he also felt the same way. After all, who hasn't been overwhelmed by anxiety at the end of the holiday?

But Nanami's words caught him off guard.

"No, there's still half of the holiday left. I just don't want to go back there. Compared to participating in those exchange activities with them, I would rather go back to school~"

Nanami's expression became disgusted, and she started to complain without any hesitation.

"And why do you think Xiao Mao doesn't like his grandfather to come back with him? It's because at least he doesn't have to be arranged by the two of them here..."

For a while, the two fell silent again.

Xiu didn't know what to say. He didn't know Nanami's situation very well, but from the previous situation, it seemed that she and her parents seemed to have some conflicts.

And now it was obvious that she was resisting this arrangement.

"So what do you want to do?" Xiu continued to ask a question, and then added: "What you like."

Nanami was about to blurt out this question, but she opened her mouth for a long time and couldn't say it, and finally fell silent.

"I like a leisurely and relaxing life..." But just after I finished speaking, Xiu changed the subject and said in a slightly sarcastic tone: "You see, in fact, I don't have it either. I'm so busy all day that I don't even have time to eat."

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