Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 335 It’s time~

"You..." Nanami turned to look at him speechlessly, thinking that he would preach to her or something, but why...

Facing Nanami's changes, Xiu seemed a little careless.

"Is it weird?"

"Yeah" Nanami didn't know how to answer, so she could only respond casually.

"Because we are all ordinary people." Xiu's gaze extended into the distance, and his tone became gentle, "There is no such thing as being satisfied with everything in life. It's just a matter of taking one step at a time~"

Xiu's words were incomprehensible and had nothing to do with what he said before. Nanami couldn't figure out what he meant no matter how hard she thought.

Sensing Nanami's change, Xiu turned back to look at her and asked, "Do you understand?"

Seeing her shaking her head in confusion, Xiu had no choice but to ask, "Then do you think I want to stay here?"

"Don't want to?" Nanami remembered what she had just said and immediately answered.

Unfortunately, Xiu responded by shaking his head.

"Is that...thinking?"

Xiu still shook his head.

Seeing Nanami's confused expression, he took the initiative and said, "I don't even want to."

Before Nanami could ask, Xiu explained: "It doesn't matter whether you think about it or not. What matters is what you are thinking about."

"Still don't understand." Nanami shook her head, looking like she was about to faint.

"You envy me that I can stay here, and I envy you that you can go to school safely and don't have to worry about your livelihood.

But do you know how hard I work to survive in this world? I dare say you can't compare with it in school. Similarly, I cannot know your difficulties. The information asymmetry between the two has caused this seemingly beautiful misunderstanding.

I want to stay here because it can lay a foundation for me in the future, and the same is true for you in school. As for you finding studying boring, that’s because studying is not necessary for you, but for me, studying less is fine. It could cost me my life. "

"Oh" Nanami was a little impatient listening to Xiu's preaching, but she was too embarrassed to refute anything, so she could only respond perfunctorily.

"If you want to do what you want to do, you must always be prepared. For example, how long do you think you can stay in the wild without the protection of elves? How much money will you have to live on once you leave your parents? Before you do this, Just don’t think about whether you want to do something or not, you’re not the only one who has to compromise.”

After saying that, Xiu no longer had the idea to continue talking.

He doesn't like others preaching to him, nor does he like preaching to others. Only now can he feel the difficulties of his parents and elders.

If you say it too directly, she will definitely feel a sense of resistance, but if you are a little vague, you are afraid of her misunderstanding. In the end, what he said will sound illogical at all.

"I really don't have the right to choose." Nanami was more or less helpless when she said this. This more than a month has passed wonderfully. Compared to that boring life, she wants to stay here and be with her more. Xiu, Xiaochun and Qianyang kept company.

Xiu also noticed that Nanami was in a bad mood. Thinking that she had always expressed that she did not want to go back, he advised: "Finish your studies first, it won't be less than this year."

"Yeah~" Nanami replied casually, obviously her attention was not focused on this at all, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"I know you have an idea, but now you should use your spare time to perfect the idea and be fully prepared instead of rushing into society. This is a very stupid thing."

Xiu remembered that when he was in the wilderness area, he could have stayed in that comfortable environment and then slowly chose not to come out, but he chose to jump out for another reason besides escaping from hunters.

That is, it is impossible to work part-time, and it is impossible to work part-time in this life...

He had no choice but to leave the wilderness area, but Nanami didn't have to learn from him, not to mention that he only dared to come out after adapting to the environment, so he suffered a lot along the way.

He can devote all his energy to studying, can endure not taking a shower for half a month, and not sleeping for several days. When faced with special circumstances, he dares to go anywhere and do anything.

This would definitely not work for Nanami, she is not suitable for mixed society.

Xiu actually remembered that it was mentioned in the game "Fire Red/Leaf Green" that she had won the gorgeous contest, so let's take this as a reference.

"Okay, I have the points." Nanami was a little helpless at Xiu's instructions. This was not the first time she heard him say this. Although she knew Xiu was caring about her, she felt a little annoyed after hearing it too much.

Seeing her look like this, Xiu knew that what he said was meaningless, so he smiled and said, "Remember to tell me when you leave, and I will give you a gift."

"Really!" Nanami's interest suddenly rose and she quickly asked: "What gift?"

"We'll keep it secret for now. We'll talk about it later." Xiu pretended to be mysterious and smiled, then fell towards the river and plunged into the water.

Nanami looked at Xiu's figure disappearing into the water, her brows furrowed slightly, then relaxed, and the corners of her mouth slowly raised.


The scorching heat turned the warehouse into a furnace. Every morning when you wake up, you must be covered in sweat. Anyway, Xiaochun and the others are not here. As for Nanami, it doesn't matter. This leads to what was originally a morning run in the morning. swim.

Not only him, but also Casey and Xiao Fudan, and even the Giant Pincer Mantis will come over to play.

However, without Cathy's support, the Giant Pincer Mantis would sink as soon as it entered the water, and Xiu failed to teach it to swim even after a lot of effort.

There was no way, it couldn't float up by its own ability.

So Xiu simply switched to playing with it, letting it try to move in the water.

The river was only about two meters deep, and there was no depth in the shallow part. The giant mantis stood in it and just had its head exposed.

Let it resist the impact of the water flow and move at the same time, which is more effective than any weight.

Even the giant mantis would find it difficult to stand for a long time, and it would be knocked down by the water flow in a short time, and then struggle to stand up again.

Anyway, everyone was playing, so Xiu didn't care much.

Xiu was in the water flow in his shorts, diving below the water surface from time to time to go with the flow, and then swimming back against the current.

Nanami came up from the stairs, and when she heard the sound of water, she knew that Xiu was playing in the water again.

"So early!"

"Morning!" Xiu jumped out of the water with a splash, put his hands on the shore, and looked up at Nanami.

Nanami looked at the elves playing in the water, smiled slightly, and said, "You have such a good relationship with them, I'm so envious~"

"You will find your own partner in the future, treat it well, and it will naturally treat you well." Xiu said as he went ashore.

Nanami said a little depressed: "Okay, I'll leave soon."

"It's time~" Xiu no longer wanted to joke, and his tone became a little heavy.

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