Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 347 Inheritance

On the contrary, its memory was filled with a lot of images of previous abuse. It clearly remembered the location, as well as some strange scenes, like a dense forest with many Bobos and a tall figure.

The picture was too blurry. Xiu could only see that the figure was bigger than Bobo through comparison, and he didn't know whether it was Pidgeot or Pidgeot.

But from the feeling expressed by Pidgeot, this figure should be very important.

Then it was strange that in its memory, some of its own words were grafted onto Xiaochun.

Some words simply sounded from the void, without even a person.

Weird, weird, weird!

Xiu, who originally thought that looking through his memory could solve the problem, was once again confused.

Was it because of evolution that caused memory defects or some other reason?

Or was it because of the previous evolution?

The Pidgeot, which had just fainted, gradually woke up. Xiu turned around from his thoughts and asked it a question.

"Do you really not remember me?"

However, there was no reaction to his words, but instead aroused Pidgeot's fierce resistance.

Seeing its reaction, Xiu murmured in a low voice: "I really don't remember~"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiu invaded the brain of the Pidgeot again. The Pidgeot, which had just woken up for a while, fell into a coma again.

Xiaochun looked at Xiu's operation and felt a little strange, but there was no more reaction.

Instead, the giant claw mantis turned around and left here to train on its own.

Compared with the previous three or five minutes, this time it took longer than before, and it took Xiu almost half an hour.

You should know that after Casey mastered this skill, it rarely took more than ten minutes.

Today, the reason why the Pidgeot was treated like this was that Xiu was not just flipping through the memory this time, but also digging out the vague memories in its brain.

Then reactivate this part of its memory through stimulation.

This is a difficult and dangerous job.

It can only be carried out when Xiu and Casey work together.

As time passed, darkness completely engulfed the world.

Night fell.

Except for the lights on the research institute, there were no more light sources around.

And Xiu also got out of that state and slowly opened his eyes.

At that moment, Xiaochun caught a glimmer of light in Xiu's eyes, but it soon disappeared.

Xiu took out a tube of medicine from his body and drank it, and the slightly messy breath on his body gradually stabilized.

This thing is a technical job, not as simple as it sounds, and it consumes a lot of energy for Xiu and Casey.

However, he did find that by constantly stimulating the brain of Pidgeot, he could find those scattered memories and gradually complete the missing memories.

This experimental method gave Xiu new inspiration~

But let's not talk about this for now, Xiu turned to look at Pidgeot.

This time it didn't wake up so quickly, it might take some time.

"Use the Poké Ball to take it back."

Xiaochun didn't say much, and obediently took out the Poké Ball to take the Pidgeot back on the ground.

Xiu looked up and saw that it was already dark, so he didn't let Xiaochun go to the botanical garden.

"Sleep here tonight~"

After a few instructions here, Xiu hurried back to the research institute to find Professor Oak.

"Doctor! Pidgeot is back."

"Everyone knows that you guys are making such a fuss~" Professor Oak glanced at Xiu.

"That's not the problem."

Sensing Professor Oak's displeasure, Xiu quickly changed the subject and talked about the problems that Pidgeot showed after its evolution.

But he did not mention Casey's ability to search for memories, but only focused on the strange behavior of Pidgeot before and after.

Professor Oak did not react much to this, put down his work and turned his chair to face Xiu.

"This problem is not a very strange thing, on the contrary, it is very normal."

"What do you mean?"

"Pokemon like Pidgeot are not very smart, their memories are forward-looking, which means that remembering new memories requires the elimination of old memories as a prerequisite.

Pidgeot leaves most of its actions to the body, that is, it acts through instinct because its brain cannot process too much information.

You don't often participate in Pidgeot's training and daily life, so of course it doesn't remember you very much, and Xiaochun is often with it, so of course he has memories."

After hearing this, Xiu probably understood why Pidgeot became like this.

Bobo's brain is like a small memory card, which is full after storing a certain amount of data.

If you want to store new data, you have to delete some unimportant ones.

Unfortunately, Bobo deleted all the memories of Xiu.

Just as he was talking, Professor Oak fell into deep thought. After a short pause, he asked Xiu with a little doubt.

"But it shouldn't be like this~"

"What's wrong?" Xiu was also curious about what Professor Oak was wondering about, and hurriedly asked.

"I have also cultivated Pidgeot, so I have a certain understanding of Bobo's series of growth and evolution, but I have never seen such a strange Bobo. Less memory does not mean no memory. It can forget most things unless it has a problem with its brain."

Xiu knew that Professor Oak was questioning Bobo's brain capacity.

In short, Bobo is too stupid.

But Xiu, who had explored Bobo's memory, knew that it was to remember the memory of being abused, so he vacated other unimportant memories.

Maybe Bobo thinks that memory cannot be forgotten. If he can't delete this memory, there won't be much room left for new memories.

"Doctor~ This Bibi bird is not stupid..."

Xiu briefly talked about Bibi Bird's performance just now, focusing on Bibi Bird's control of the wind.

"Oh~ I understand." Dr. Omu suddenly looked like "I see" when he heard this.

Before Xiu could ask anything, Dr. Omu took the initiative to explain.

“There are several types of Bobos. One type can be seen everywhere on the roadside. Most of these Bobos live alone without companions.

One is a group of several or more than a dozen Bobo, but there is no bird or eagle leading the group.

The last type is naturally led by an evolved leader, and the number of members has expanded to fifty or sixty. I have even seen hundreds of them led by Bi Diao, but such a large scale can only be satisfied by a place with abundant supplies like the Viridian Forest. condition. "

"No~" Xiu looked a little ugly, as if he had thought of something bad.

"That's right~ It's what you think." Seeing Xiu's reaction, Dr. Omu smiled and nodded, and added another blow, "Bobo, who was born in a large community, has the capital to observe, contact, and learn from the leaders. , to lay the foundation for itself, which is why this Bibi bird can skillfully use its own power not long after it evolves, because it has the relevant inheritance in its mind."

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