"So those bobos who live in small communities and alone do not have access to evolutionary channels. Naturally, they cannot learn the power to control airflow as soon as they evolve~"

"It's hard to say. If Bobo is talented, he might know how to control this power before evolving. This is not a very difficult thing. After all, it is common for elves to inherit some abilities from their parents."

Dr. Oki refuted Xiu's words seriously, but Xiu couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this. Isn't this still Pinba?

He had actually guessed the answer, but it was hard to believe it after hearing what Dr. Ohmu said.

He didn't expect that the elf thing was also about origin, heritage, and relationships.

Numb~ completely numb~

Dr. Oak just smiled when he saw Xiu like this and didn't pay too much attention.

“This situation is actually quite common. If you are led by a strong companion, the leader will usually pass on some survival skills.

This Bibi bird probably uses its memory to remember, and remembers what you said, so it forgets most things. However, you have to help Xiaochun discipline it, she may not be able to suppress the Bibi bird. "

"Yeah~" Xiu nodded thoughtfully.

After going outside to practice, I was freed from my thoughts and figured out the situation of Bibi Bird.

When he went there, he saw Xiaochun sitting alone on the grass and walked over to explain Bibi Bird's situation.

At the same time, the existing risks were also discussed.

“I don’t know if Bibi Bird can remember what happened before when he wakes up. I can tell you directly that Bibi Bird’s character is very risky and can easily drag you into trouble.

If you can't tame it, I still recommend releasing it. It can return to its sky, and you can return to your normal life. Anyway, you don't owe it anything. "

Xiaochun squeezed the elf ball in her hand and fell silent...

The sky was just hazy and Xiu woke up from his sleep driven by his biological clock.

But the next second he felt something strange, because the first time he opened his eyes was not in a dark warehouse, but under a tree in the backyard.

And there seems to be something next to it...

Xiu moved carefully and looked at Xiaochun who was leaning next to him, for fear of waking her up.

By the way~ I told Xiaochun about Bibi Bird last night, and then I chatted and fell asleep while chatting.

Xiu thought of what happened last night. It must have been that Bibi Bird had consumed too much to fill his memory, so he lay down unknowingly.

Fortunately it is summer, otherwise I would have caught a cold.

Xiaochun has been trained after all, and even a peaceful life cannot slow her down.

Xiu only moved slightly to wake her up.

"It's okay, it's still early now, you can sleep a little longer~" Xiu comforted Xiaochun softly, while he stood up.

Xiaochun just lay on the ground and looked at Xiu, his eyes were calm and he seemed very relaxed.

It's just that Xiaochun didn't obey, and she followed suit after she started practicing.

It was probably around five o'clock at this time, the sun hadn't come out yet, and the sky was still gray.

But Xiu had to start preparing rations for feeding later, as well as Casey and the others' breakfast and other messy things.

I have to go to the botanical garden to pick up Qianyang later.

Xiaochun was not in a hurry to deal with the Bibi bird matter, but helped Xiu with the work.

It took a long time to finish most of the things in the backyard, but it was already six o'clock, and the sky was already completely bright.

"Come on, let the Pibi Birds out." Of course Xiu didn't forget this. As he spoke, he threw the elf ball and let Casey and the others out.

As soon as Little Fudan came out, he ran towards the elves in the backyard. He didn't look trustworthy at all.

Xiu didn't bother to care about it and turned to look at Casey.

What are the two communicating telepathically?

Xiaochun also took out Bibi Bird's elf ball and released it.

This Bibi bird came out in a very strange state. It lost all the frenzy it had before and fell asleep instead.

Crouching like a little chicken, with its legs tucked into its feathers and its head buried in its wings.

Xiu glanced at Xiaochun, then slowly shook his head, and the Giant Pincer Mantis pushed Bibi Bird towards it.

After pushing three times in a row, this guy slowly woke up, pulled his head out of the wings, and stared blankly at the people watching in front of him.

Seeing Bibi Bird's reaction which was half a beat slower, Xiu even wondered if it was possible that the repeated stimulation last night had damaged its brain?

Xiu felt the telepathy transmitted from Casey. Unlike before, this time he connected to Bibi Bird directly.

"Do you remember who I am?"

Xiu asked it, and Bibi was stunned for a while before he felt the vague meaning.

"Eat, eat, eat..."

Xiu felt that the pictures transmitted to it were all the snacks and rations he fed it?

However, Xiu didn't feel hostility from it. Instead, he felt an inexplicable favorable impression from it, although it was a little biased...

But judging from the results, last night still helped it regain a little memory.

"Do you remember it?"

Xiu introduced Casey and the Giant Pincer Mantis one after another. They all showed a kind of fear, but there was no obvious resistance or hostility.

After all, these two have beaten it violently, so it is normal for this situation to occur.

Xiu Xiu pointed to the last person and asked, "Do you still remember her?"

Pipi Bird turned its head to look at Xiao Chun behind it. At that moment, Xiu could clearly feel the joy and closeness in Pipi Bird's heart, and his body unconsciously took a step towards Xiao Chun.

Xiu deliberately connected the emotions of the two through telepathy, and Xiao Chun, who was standing blankly, also stretched out his hands to Pipi Bird.

Seeing Xiao Chun stroking the bird's head and the feelings between the two, Xiu knew that he had succeeded.

After getting inspiration from Professor Oak, he and Casey studied Pipi Bird's brain last night, and after finding the mechanism, they made some changes to its memory.

That is, actively triggering its own function, blurring the part of abuse and revenge, and replacing it with evolution during the competition with Giant Claw Mantis.

Finally, Pipi Bird's memory of them was completed through a third-party perspective.

Because Xiu only came into contact with it when feeding it, its cognition of Xiu was all "eat, eat, eat".

As for Xiao Chun, it was much closer, after all, it accompanied him all the way to grow up.

Xiu looked at the two of them and didn't intend to disturb them. After telling Casey something, he left to pick up Qianyang from the botanical garden.

The giant mantis didn't feel anything about this scene and turned around to train on its own.

It originally thought it could beat up the Pidgeot, after all, Casey had robbed it of its kill yesterday.

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