Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 386 Treatment

When the Zubat turned around, Xiu got more aggressive and touched its head. The fur on its body was not dry yet, and it felt a little wet. It didn't feel good.

Xiu supported it with one hand, and took out a tissue from his pocket with the other hand to carefully wipe the water off its body, then picked it up and turned it over.

For some reason, the Zubat didn't resist and let Xiu do whatever he wanted.

A normal Zubat is about 0.8 meters long, but this data is with two tails, and the actual body is probably only about 0.3.

This Zubat is smaller, and Xiu roughly estimated when he touched it just now, it is about five or six pounds, there is not much meat on its body, and it is only thin bones.

Xiu concluded that this Zubat is living a miserable life, but he didn't know the reason.

And it should be very hungry. The reason why it was blown by the wind just now is probably because it is too hungry and has no physical strength.

That's right! Xiu suddenly remembered the problem that he had ignored.

The rainstorm was clearly not far away, why didn't the Zubat go to find shelter or go home, but waited until the rainstorm hit before taking off?

And why was it outside during the day?

Xiu carefully pulled up the Zubat's fleshy wings, which might have hurt it. Xiu felt the power of the Zubat's wings contracting.

"Don't be afraid, I'm a professional." Xiu whispered to comfort it, and his hands became gentler.

When the abdomen covered by the wing membrane was revealed, Xiu knew that he was not wrong. The Zubat was indeed injured, and the wound had been there for a while.

It should have been injured when it was hunting with the group, and then it couldn't keep up with the main group and was abandoned.

It might really be its last fight at that time. If it didn't move there, the wound would definitely fester if it was soaked in rain, and it would die.

Although it's almost the same now, at least there is still hope.

Xiu found that many abnormal Pokémons encountered in the wild were injured, which also shows how great the competitive pressure between Pokémons in the wild is.

Xiu carefully observed the wound of Zubat. The wound was not very large. According to the situation, he inferred that it was probably scratched by a sharp weapon and then gradually worsened.

The wound had already festering, so it had to be treated quickly.

Xiu looked up and looked around.

The terrain here was not high in this area. Although there was no water flowing back in now, it would definitely not work to treat it at the entrance of the cave. Xiu could only look at the dark and bottomless interior.

"Be careful." Xiu walked into the cave with Zubat in his arms, while reminding Casey to pay attention to the surroundings.

The cave was very deep, and Xiu did not go deep into it. He just found a relatively flat place and started to treat it.

The wound was not deep, but the problem was that the location of the wound was a bit problematic. Zubat's wings would definitely tear the wound, and it would be useless no matter how many times he treated it.

He also had to cut off the rotten flesh, clean the wound, and finally apply medicine.

"Come out, Mantis." Xiu released Mantis. He needed a bodyguard because Casey had to help him work.

As soon as the giant mantis came out, it looked around curiously. It had never been here before, so it was normal for it to have this reaction.

The height of the cave was okay, even the giant mantis did not look tall inside.

The giant mantis saw the Zubat lying on the ground, and then looked at Xiu who was busy on the side, but did not pay too much attention, but focused his eyes on the surroundings.

When the giant mantis was patrolling the surroundings, Xiu had already found the tools, and then took out the oil lamp to light it to drive away the dimness.

He skillfully set up the alcohol stove. He needed to disinfect some devices. This was not only basic skills, but also a must, because the environment here was definitely not as good as the operating room, which made the wound more susceptible to secondary infection.

Xiu must do his best.

When the scalpel was installed, Xiu felt that he had calmed down, and the impetuousness caused by running all the way just now gradually calmed down.

"Do it." Xiu carefully pulled open the wings of the Zubat, and then cut.

As the operation progressed, Zubat would resist at first, but in the end he would just endure it, because he knew that if he missed this opportunity, he would die, and the wound would continue to fester until he died.

Of course, Casey's explanation was indispensable, and Xiu's technique, which gradually entered the state, was more precise and did not increase the burden on Zubat.

In the cave, the light was particularly dazzling, and it was not only Xiu and his group who came here to take shelter from the rain.

The elves attracted by the light gradually moved closer to Xiu.

"Ka Ka Ka!" The giant claw mantis stood beside Xiu, and its claws clamped the air twice. The light behind it made its movements distorted black shadows.

The giant claw mantis was warning them.

Xiu was still continuing the operation. As time passed, Zubat's condition became worse and worse. The wound was only one of the reasons. More importantly, it was not in good health to begin with, and now it was being manipulated by Xiu.

Xiu also knew this, so his movements began to speed up. Fortunately, the wound was not deep, otherwise Xiu would have no way.


“Ah~ Done!” Xiu squatted for so long that his neck was exhausted. He just wanted to stand up and stretch his waist, but he found that he was surrounded by Pokémons in a circle.

Huh? ? ?

What happened?

Xiu was confused. Where is the Giant Claw Mantis? Where did you say you would protect me?

The Pokémons were originally watching Xiu treat Zubat. Now that Xiu was done, the Pokémons and Xiu looked at each other in bewilderment.

Fortunately, Xiu has seen a lot of things, and these Pokémons can't scare him.

Xiu glanced at the Pokémons around him. The others were common Pokémons in the forest, and the special one was Meowth mixed in.

Sandshrew and Geodude should be the natives here. It's normal for them to live in the cave.

Xiu knew that these Pokémons had no ill intentions, and they came to see him just out of curiosity.

This also involved why Xiu dared to rescue Zubat at this time, and turned on the lights, not afraid of provoking the Pokémons at all.

Because Xiu knew that Pokémons would stop fighting and help each other when facing natural disasters, and would not provoke those Pokémons as long as they were not too excessive.

Even those Pokémons with hot tempers would abide by this unwritten rule.

Because Pokémons are not like humans, they can create shelters on a large scale, so every shelter in the wild is very important. If you make trouble in it, the Pokémons in the shelter will be your enemy.

But Xiu didn't make trouble, so there is no safer place than here now.

"Hello everyone." Xiu greeted them and then naturally picked up the things on the ground.

Xiu picked up the Zubat. It was now covered with gauze and could not fly or run. However, Zubat did not have legs...

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