Xiu and Casey came to the cave. Seeing the bottomless depth inside, he did not dare to go deeper. Instead, he found a corner and sat down. He put Zubat aside.

After he fed Zubat some nutritional paste, it fell into a semi-comatose state.

Xiu had done what he should do. Whether it can survive depends on itself.

For some reason, those elves all walked towards Xiu and followed Xiu to stay beside him.

What is this for?

Xiu was very confused. Why are these elves like this?

He just wanted to find a place to wait for the rain to stop~

Xiu looked at the elves resting beside him and suddenly felt curious.

There is no reason for them to gather around him?

But he soon reacted and looked at the oil lamp in front of him.

He had just adjusted the lamp to the lowest flame. The flickering flame was only the size of a soybean. Although the brightness was very dim, it also gave a little light to the dim environment.

Now the rainstorm outside is still so fierce. I am afraid that only a little light can give the elves a little sense of security.

Thinking of this, Xiu turned up the light and moved it to the middle.

The elves around him also sat in a circle around the night light.

Xiu saw that the rain outside would not stop for a while, so he simply took out the mat and slept on it.

He did not sleep well last night, so it was a good time to take a rest now.

As for when the rain would stop, he did not care.

With Casey and the giant mantis protecting him, Xiu fell asleep in a daze, as if he was back home again.

Warm... stable...

Xiu felt warm all over, but his chest felt a little stuffy.

But for some reason, he suddenly felt like he was suffocating...

"Ah!" Xiu woke up suddenly and found that he was surrounded by elves, and the reason why he felt suffocated just now was that meow, and the reason why he felt stuffy was that a walking grass climbed on his chest.

"Ah~" Xiu looked at the elves sleeping beside him and suddenly sighed. He was really flattered. They actually trusted me so much.

The movement of Xiu waking up just now made them gradually wake up.

Since it was like this, Xiu didn't care about waking them up, so he just crawled out.

After adapting to the environment a little, Xiu knew why they gathered together. It was too cold.

It wasn't the dry cold, so the temperature shouldn't be too low, but this kind of wet cold would deprive the body of temperature all the time, so the elves would gather around him to keep warm.

And he didn't feel cold because of the elves.

"It's been so long." Xiu estimated the time and found that he had slept for almost three hours.

After waking up, he was stimulated by the wet and cold air, and now he didn't feel sleepy at all.

Looking at the giant claw mantis and Casey on the side, they didn't feel sleepy. After all, they had been resting for a day and were training now.

Xiu didn't disturb them, but looked into the depths of the cave.

He really wanted to go in and take a look, but he didn't dare.

There were many factors that stopped him. The first was the environment. It was dark. The light was swallowed up instantly when it shone in, and he couldn't see anything afterwards.

Xiu didn't know what was going on inside. If he got lost, he would be dead. He had never seen the rope to leave the cave, one of the artifacts in the game.

The prop that could return to the cave entrance with one use was not possible in this world.

[Teleport] was possible, but unfortunately Casey didn't know it.

Let alone whether he would get lost, where did this cave lead to? How big it was was unknown.

If he went in without investigating first, he might not be able to get out.

Xiu looked for a while and finally turned around and walked towards the cave entrance.

The rain was still so heavy, and there was no sign of stopping. It didn't even decrease, but it was getting heavier.

Xiu had experienced many heavy rains here. The extreme weather in this world was outrageous. It came as soon as it was said, and there was no sign at all.

"Will there be no flood disaster?" Xiu looked at the puddles outside anxiously.

When he first came here, there was no such thing, but unfortunately the cave entrance was too low, and he couldn't see too far.

"Oh, right!" Xiu suddenly remembered something. The heavy rains he experienced were all in human activity areas, but this was in the wild, and nothing was unexpected.

If a flood disaster really happens, can this place really be spared?

The terrain here is a little higher than the surrounding area, and now there are puddles formed by accumulated water on the rock outside. How long will it take for the water level to rise to here?

Xiu took a step back inadvertently, but soon he adjusted himself, turned around and walked back, and took out a flashlight to shine on the rock wall.

There must be many such disasters in nature, among which heavy rain is the most common, and so many elves hiding here must be because they can hide here.

Then he only needs to find the traces of water erosion in the cave to determine whether this place has been flooded, and how serious it is.

Xiu walked along the rock wall and finally stopped on the road.

He found something and came to two conclusions, one good and one bad.

The bad news is that this place has indeed been flooded.

The good news is that the height of the flood is not very high, and the flooding time should not be very long. The back of the cave may be very large, or connected to the underground water system.

But there is another problem. What is shown here is only the normal level. What if the heavy rain this time is particularly exaggerated?

According to what he said in his previous life, this kind of thing only happens once every hundred years.

Xiu looked at the group of elves with worry.

It's okay for him to be alone, he can escape no matter what, but what about the elves here?

"It shouldn't be such a coincidence..." Xiu was not sure. Abnormal weather is too common in this world, and most of what he has experienced is in the city, so he doesn't know much about it.

However, although he was worried, Xiu still maintained his confidence.

He had been prepared to deal with the power of nature, otherwise he would not dare to come.

Xiu has been standing at the entrance of the cave and has not left. He needs to closely observe the changes in the water level outside.

The wind has become much weaker, but it has not stopped. It seems that the rain will continue for some time.

In theory, the heavier the rain, the faster it should stop! But this time, there was no sign of weakening after half a day.

Fortunately, the forest has a good ability to absorb water, and the water level outside has not risen much, which makes Xiu not so worried.

But Xiu still dared not go back. What if the water level rises as soon as he leaves? Wouldn't it be the end?

Xiu could only eat dry food and squat outside in the cold wind.

Now it was dark, and he couldn't tell the time at all, and his electronic watch worth a few dollars was scrapped because of water.

You have to know that this watch was bought when he was in the park. Although it doesn’t look very good, he has had it for so long that he still has feelings for it.

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