“Of course, I am talking about the entire big data. If it involves a single book, you still need to understand it in depth based on the content.

For example, we are currently focusing on some basic reading materials such as "Kanto Pokemon Illustrated Book". "

As he spoke, Xiu picked up the tools again and continued the work at hand, but he did not stop talking. Instead, he told Xiao Yuan some of the details.

“Trainers have high spending power, and a few hundred yuan is not a problem for them. They are likely to choose regular bookstores and are unwilling to take risks, so they are not our first target.

On the contrary, in the information I gave you, all the families above have children who are about to go to school or are already going to school. Moreover, these schools are not ordinary ones, but elf-related schools. Their demand for these books is very obvious.

The key is that the families I picked out are generally well-off. "

Said Xiu turned to Xiao Yuan and smiled.

And she reacted and took over the words.

"Those from superior families won't care about the money. On the contrary, those from average families will be more likely to choose us!"

"That's right~" Xiu smiled and nodded, putting on a 'teachable' expression.

What he said was so clear that if Xiaoyuan couldn't understand it, he would be in trouble.

"Actually there is another factor here."

Xiu changed the topic and said slightly seriously: "There is also a safety issue here. The reason for temporarily giving up on trainers with high spending power is to gain safety. After all, if those trainers target us, we will be in big trouble.

And those families who are new to elves don’t know much about this aspect, so even if they know that we are pirated, they won’t react too strongly..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Yuan also felt a little worried, and couldn't help but ask: "Will those families because of our books... after all..."

Although Ohara didn't tell the whole story, Xiu also noticed what she meant and couldn't help but chuckle.

"Ha! You are thinking too much. Although our books are not genuine, the content is the same as the genuine ones. Even if they know it, they will still protect us, unless they don't want such a cheap book."

Xiu was afraid that she would think too much, so he added another sentence.

"You shouldn't think like this. You should think that if we didn't provide these cheap reference books, they would have to bear a heavy burden, and even have to interrupt their studies. We are here to share the burden for them so that their children can Enjoy the same treatment as rich people.”

"It seems so~"

"It must be true, how could I lie to you~ Get some rest early." Xiu finally put down the tools in his hands and walked out of the workshop with Xiao Yuan.


"Finally out!"

Xiu looked at the sample in his hand, but his mood was unusually calm.

After so many days of preparation, it cost a huge amount of money and almost emptied his pocket.

Getting this far means the hard part is solved and the rest are just hiccups.

Obara came over, looked at the book titled "Kanto Elf Illustrated Book", and asked curiously: "Is this kind of book really popular?"

"This book costs more than 700 in a regular bookstore. We are selling it as a second-hand, defective product, and the price is only 300. Do you think it will be popular?"

"It's so expensive! It only takes me a month..."

Even though he knew the profit was huge before, Xiao Yuan was still a little shocked when he heard the price, but Xiu leisurely read through the contents.

"You have also seen the cost. Our small workshop costs more than ten yuan per copy. The cost control of those large factories is definitely better than ours, and at worst it is half less.

But their income needs to be deducted from copyright fees, advertising fees, store rentals and other messy things. We don’t use these, which means we make a net profit from the difference. In this way, we can earn back the cost with only 200 copies.

But this is not the point. The point is that this is one of a complete set of extracurricular books required by many schools. Think about it yourself. "

But Obara also noticed something wrong and asked carefully: "But our paper is all yellowed, do they really not care about the quality?"

"Who cares? They don't believe that this is a defective second-hand book~" Xiu actually smiled, closed the book, and said with a hint of ridicule: "We are popularizing elf knowledge, right? It’s something that benefits everyone, not to mention you think those bookstores are clean?”

Xiu did not hesitate to tell some of the things he saw.

"Fraud, suppression, false information, bribery, monopoly, these things are endless. What do you think those bookstores are?"

Xiu's arrogant words echoed in Xiaoyuan's mind. It was the first time she accepted such information. She didn't expect that there was such a thing in it, and she couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

But Xiu was very calm and knew that there was still one last step to complete.

That's how to sell it.

"Let's get started. Print a batch of a few popular books first, and then buy the whole set for them with a discount."

Xiu already had a plan in mind, arranged the work, and then returned to the yard to watch Casey and the others train.

After hearing this, Obara didn't talk nonsense, and instead skillfully operated the machines.


"Wait and learn."

Xiu was wearing a slightly loose formal suit, which forced his thirteen- or fourteen-year-old body into an adult. At least he looked much more mature.

Xiao Yuanze was much simpler. He just carried a folder and a backpack and followed him like a follower.

Xiu knocked on the door, and a housewife came out after a while, looking at the two strange people outside the door with some curiosity.

"Hello, Madam, we are employees of the Daito Bookstore, and we would like to invite you to participate in a questionnaire."

Xiu had a standard smile on his face, showing his friendliness.

But after hearing this, the other party seemed not to care so much, and reached out to close the door.

"Of course!" Xiu suddenly raised his voice and pulled the eaves of the door, "This questionnaire will only take you a few minutes, and there will be a small gift after completing it."

Xiu's tone was suppressed at the end, and when he felt the force coming from his hand was reduced, he smiled and retracted it, then turned his head and glanced at Xiao Yuan beside him.

Xiao Yuan also understood this, and quickly handed over a questionnaire.

"Our Daito Bookstore is targeting second-hand books recently..."

Xiu was saying something on the side, which sounded like an explanation, but for some reason Xiao Yuan always felt something was wrong.

The woman obviously didn't listen to him, she simply filled out the questionnaire and handed it over.

Seeing this, Xiu interrupted the topic just now and said "Thank you very much!"

Then he personally handed over a small gift.

The woman didn't doubt him, staring at the thing in Xiu's hand, and only smiled and nodded at them after he got it.

"By the way! I wonder if the lady has any books from our bookstore at home?"

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