Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 400 After the Disaster

Xiu roughly judged the situation and looked back at the elves.

Maybe this place is a rocky land. Many of the elves are rocks or have ground attributes. It is probably difficult to move in the mud.

Xiu found the mosquito coils and asked them to use water guns to wash out a way to the exit.

"That's it. I'll go out to check the situation outside. Wait for my news."

After that, Xiu found the Fengjian siblings who had packed up their things.

"Let's go. Let your coconut tree take me out."

Xiu really didn't want to step on the mud.

Not to mention that it was difficult to walk, it would be troublesome to clean up later.

Xingzi didn't refuse because of what happened just now, and took him along the way.

As soon as Xiu came out, he was stunned. The area around the cave entrance had been cleared. The upper layer was gone, revealing the bare solid rocks below.

The rain has stopped now, but the sky is still gloomy. The sparse sunlight shines through the dense clouds into the forest, which is quite artistic.

Xiu was familiar with the environment here. After observing it for a while, he pointed a road to Fengjian and the others.

"If you go in this direction for about three days, you will reach a village that is rich in fruits. There will be a truck from the city every few days to transport goods. You can take it and leave the forest quickly."

Xiu looked at the coconut tree and added.

"If it can carry you for a long time, you may be able to get there in one day."

Xiu knew her Charmeleon, but that thing couldn't fly.

"Thank you~" Xingzi looked at the direction and knew that it was the direction of Tokiwa City. She didn't say much and quickly said goodbye to Xiu and his brother and left.

But Fengjian's sprained leg would not heal for a day or two, so she could only walk with a limp.

It seemed that she was really in a hurry.

Xiu didn't care too much and went back to the cave.

At this time, a clean road was washed out by the efforts of the water elves.

After no one else was around, Casey was finally able to use superpowers, and Xiu's actions were greatly enhanced.

He flew directly into the air, and the whole person seemed to be light and weightless.

Casey's control was much stronger than that of the coconut tree.

After landing on the platform, Xiu immediately attracted the attention of the elves.

When they all looked over, Xiu nodded slightly and said, "Thank you very much for your help. Now let's go!"

As soon as the voice fell, the elves changed from whispering to noisy, but Xiu did not stop them, just watched silently.

He knew better than anyone that there is no banquet that will not end in this world. This team united by the disaster will also become fragile after the disaster. It is better to disband in advance than to wait until it collapses because of contradictions.

In this way, at least everyone can keep a good memory.

However, the elves around him did not mean to leave, but gathered towards him.

A walking grass staggered out of the team, came to Xiu's side, and poked Xiu's feet with the leaves on its head.

Seeing this, Xiu squatted down and stroked its leaves, but still could not prevent it from drooping gradually.

Xiu naturally felt their feelings, and felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

But he couldn't show it, let's part ways in peace~

A subtle sound came, and Onix, which was hidden in the passage, came out.

"Roar!" Onix roared, then crawled towards Xiu, and the elves automatically separated.

Onix leaned its head over, probably because it was afraid of hurting Xiu, and its movements were cautious.

It rubbed its cheek against Xiu's arm.

"Okay~ okay~ we'll meet again if we're lucky." Xiu raised his hand and patted Onix's face.

"Roar!" Onix seemed to understand something and roared to the sky.

"You guys~ remember to be careful of humans in the future, don't be fooled." Xiu was afraid that because of his own reasons, their vigilance against humans would be reduced, so he couldn't help but add another sentence.

The elves looked at Xiu's figure, a little at a loss. Everyone knew each other because of this disaster. Although it wasn't long, the feelings of overcoming difficulties together were not to be dispersed.

But everyone has to continue living! Especially at this time, whether it is rebuilding their homes or finding food, they are not allowed to stay here.

As the first elf left, the rest of the elves also rushed towards the stairs one after another. Xiu saw this and directed the elves to maintain order. Soon they left here along the route planned by Xiu.

Xiu did not stay for too long, but went downstairs. The tadpoles had gathered. He opened his backpack, hundreds of elf balls flew out, and then he put the elves into them in order.

Then he took a tadpoles out.

Xiu chose the direction of the river closest to this place that day, which was the river where the mountain torrent broke out.

There were many fallen trees along the way, and some roads washed away by the flood.

The bodies of some elves can be seen everywhere, and many treetops or ground have signs of collapse. Xiu knew that this was the nest of the little Rattata.

The water poured into their caves and drowned them directly. Finally, the water softened the land, and the cave collapsed and buried them, turning into fertilizer to nourish the earth.

Those who were forced out and could find a new shelter would be fine, but if they couldn't, they would die as the strong current would sweep them away.

On the contrary, most of the green caterpillars that tied themselves to the tree escaped the disaster and are now eating the silk threads again, and then continue their evolution.

Xiu did not have much time to observe carefully, and soon came to the river.

The surging river at this time was very different from the small ditch in his previous impression. The turbid water surface with various debris floating on it was in stark contrast to the clear mirror before.

But this is normal for the elves, and it will be fine after it calms down.

Xiu opened his backpack, hundreds of elf balls flew out of thin air, and then released those water elves.

Hundreds of elves stopped on the river bank. Fortunately, the flood widened the river, otherwise it would be blocked.

"Disperse~" Xiu waved at them.

Mosquito-incense Jun jumped into the river with their tribesmen, and soon those water elves followed the current. Xiu watched them go away, without any ripples in his heart.

I didn't feel anything when I came here just now, but now I feel the devastation of the world as I walk back. Many elves who didn't have time to escape were directly attacked by the flood, like a dead Paras on the roadside, which was just stuck by a fallen tree.

"Ah~" Xiu walked over and touched it. It was probably drowned, and its body was wet.

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