Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 401 Treasure Hunt

Xiu looked at the cold corpse and took out things from his backpack.

Then he dissected a Paras on the spot.

"There is such a situation~" Xiu muttered, and his hands did not delay, but moved faster.

The body of Paras was soon divided into pieces and collected by Xiu.

"So that's it, they are not ordinary parasitism or symbiosis, but something in between..." Xiu said strange words as if no one was around.

Xiu said while packing up, and finally said with a sigh: "I didn't expect to get mushrooms in this way, but it's a pity that the spores have been washed away."

Xiu didn't stay for too long, there were many elf corpses on the road that he needed to clean up.

"Hey! This is an Arbok."

"This is a small Rattata."

"Fur ball."

Xiu walked all the way, dissecting and studying corpses when he encountered them, and treating injuries when he encountered them, walking and stopping until he returned to the cave entrance.

Going inside, without the noise of those elves, the whole cave seemed particularly lonely, even terrifying.

But Xiu never cared about these, but it was very normal.

Although he had just run, there were still many water-type Pokémon in those puddles, and the most of them were naturally Magikarp.

Xiu struggled for a long time, but he was still helpless about it.

This Pokémon is useless in and on the water, and its strong scales make it escape from most predators. There are very few Pokémon that can eat and are willing to eat it.

Moreover, this thing reproduces quickly, resulting in a terrifying number of them, and it eats everything, which is a burden on the environment.

It is conceivable that it can be called a cancer, so Xiu doesn't want to save them at all.

Magikarp was left here, and these puddles will soon dry up without water replenishment, and they will die at that time.

But Xiu didn't feel much guilt about it.

Because most Pokémon like Magikarp are stupid, except for a few smart individuals who can understand the trainer's words, the rest don't even think about it, they all follow their instincts, which is very different from those mosquito-repellent individuals.

So Magikarp is not welcome by both trainers and Pokémon groups.

It seems that there is a reason why it becomes so irritable after evolution.

This is similar to "Don't bully the poor young man when you are in trouble".

Once you succeed, you will definitely be a little arrogant, which is understandable.

But how many Magikarp can evolve into Gyarados?

It is obvious that most Magikarp live in rivers, seas and lakes all their lives in this muddle-headed way.

Xiu didn't bother to care about those Magikarp and walked along the washed out road.

He didn't have time to explore here before because of the urgent disaster, but now he has time to take a look.

Xiu took off his shoes, put on slippers and started walking on the edge of the hole, holding a flashlight to carefully observe the traces on it.

The hole here is very large. Xiu didn't think there would be such a large hole here before. Even if Xiu didn't have any geographical knowledge, he knew that it was impossible for it to be formed naturally. The only way for nature to form such a landscape is the erosion of water and wind, but there is no such condition here.

And the traces on the wall are not simple. You can't see them when you get close, but when you look at it more widely, you will find that they are scratches.

The stone here is not soft, but very hard. I don't know how such exaggerated scratches were formed.

Xiu walked along the stone wall for a while, but didn't find anything except those horrible scratches. He found that this place must have been formed a long time ago, which can be seen by comparing the wall and the passage.

There used to be many big rock snakes here, otherwise there wouldn't be so many passages. Xiu couldn't see clearly on the top, but there are around and below.

In addition, the hole at the entrance is the largest, and the smallest is three meters high, which is incomparable to other passages.

If the giant beast went out from here, then it stands to reason that the traces of the passage at the entrance should be more obvious than inside, but Xiu didn't find that kind of scratch.

After thinking about it, I understood that there should be too many Pokémon coming and going here, and the traces were finally worn away.

This one leads to the outside, which means that some Pokémon made this place like this, and then left here.

Xiu has a little guess about this giant beast. There are only a few Pokémon that can do this.

Banjira, Regirock (Granite Pillar), Boskodora, Altandra.

The only ones active here are Bangira and Boskodora, both of which are possible.

Of course, the Three Pillars may also appear here, and the place where these mythical beasts appear is not necessarily in Fengyuan.

Just when Xiu was immersed in the puzzle game, the perception constructed by the superpower appeared a strange shape, and guided him to go over and dig it out of the mud.

This is a bone of an unknown elf, which should be a leg bone.

It was originally just an ordinary bone, but it reminded Xiu of one thing.

You must know that this flood swept across many places. This time, it was not just people and elves that rushed in. Looking at those thick trunks, you can see that there must be many strange things here.

And if there should be many such things in history, then there should be a lot of objects accumulated many times~

Thinking of this, Xiu became excited, not for anything else, but the feeling of treasure hunting was stimulated at once.

Xiu looked back at the muddy ground. This was no longer mud, but treasure!

There are also those puddles that lead to nowhere. It is easy to find those on land, but those filled with water are difficult to find. Not only are they filled with water, but the depth is unknown, and where they lead to.

Xiu is now sure that there must be a passage leading to an underground river or something, otherwise the water level would not recede so quickly.

Xiu put his clothes into his backpack and started working in just a pair of shorts. With the help of Casey's unique superpowers, he scanned the debris hidden in the mud and dug it out.

It's a pity that he only found some bits and pieces and some garbage after searching for so long, such as messy bones, broken Poké Balls, etc., which really made him lose interest. Instead, he was covered with mud.

"Hey~ It seems that I thought too much. Those things are not so easy to find. I think they have been taken away by the water."

Xiu's rationality began to return.

But since he started, he didn't mean to give up halfway, but continued to search.

With Casey's help, Xiu's search was actually quite fast. He searched the ground in less than half an hour and took out all the messy things in the mud.

Most of them were garbage produced by humans. I don't know who was so wicked to throw garbage everywhere.

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