Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 404 Fishing

When those people saw that they had injured people, they wanted to rob them, but Kyoko was also a ruthless person. She started to fight without saying a word, relying on the elves to force those people back, and then ran away with Fengmi, originally thinking of going to a nearby town to look for them. Help, but the hunter didn't give them a chance to catch up.

It would be okay if Kyoko was alone, she could just let Coconut Egg Tree fly with her, but she was dragging Fengmi with her, so she could only take her brother to fight guerrillas.

But how can the two of them compare with those experienced hunters in the wild? It wasn't long before he was caught up again, fighting and making trouble along the way, and Feng Jian finally couldn't hold it anymore.

He was already injured, and he got caught in the rain during the trip. Coupled with the travel, he now just had a high fever.

Of course, they might not have been able to escape here if it hadn't been for a few light rains.

But what does it mean for these two people to lead the hunter here?

Xiu looked at them with a strange look~

Kyoko was not stupid. Of course she noticed the change in Xiu's attitude, but she had no intention of explaining it. She could only say with a wry smile: "We have no choice..."

"Forget it~" Xiu looked at her like this and didn't say anything else. He waved his hand.

In this situation, the cultivator calmed down because mindless accusations would not bring any benefit.

What I want to think about now is how to deal with it.

"What are we going to do now?" Kyoko looked at his thoughtful look and asked, "Should we continue to escape?"

"Escape? I don't think we have to escape." Xiu shook his head, looking very calm, "Besides, Feng Jian can't hold on now, he needs to rest."

"Then what should we do now? Based on their previous actions, they probably caught up with them very quickly. They probably want to wear me down." Kyoko has recovered a little strength after this period of rest.

"Let's go in first. Tell me about those people, what kind of elves they have, and what's their strength like?"

Xiu and the others re-entered the cave. On the platform, Xiu asked while dealing with Feng Jian's fever.

In fact, his current situation can be said to be serious, but it cannot be said to be serious or serious.

His fever was quite serious, because Feng Jian's body was already injured from the flood, and now coupled with the rain and the intense toil all the way, it was a heavy burden both physically and mentally.

It's not serious. Colds and fevers are not serious illnesses for people in this world. Some people who are in good health can just rest for a day.

Feng Jian's physical fitness is still good, which means that he only needs to take some medicine and give him some time to rest.

"My elf is not injured, he is just a little tired. He just needs to take a rest." This is a matter of life. Xingzi recalled it confidently before saying: "Arbo monster, giant needle bee, Lada, and big-billed bird, they are here I have only used a few elves in front of me, and I killed the big-billed bird, and I don’t know the rest.”

After giving Feng Jian the medicine, Xiu stood up and started making arrangements.

"You and Kazumi stay here and I will handle this matter."

After saying that, Xiu walked outside alone.

"I'll go with you!"

Kyoko stood up hurriedly and wanted to follow, but saw Xiu raising his hand and waving.

"Take good care of Feng Jian and don't cause trouble for me~"

Kyoko froze on the spot, watching Xiu's back until it completely disappeared into the darkness.

To be honest, Xiu didn't care much about the hunter at all, especially after hearing what Kyoko said about the situation, the opponent was not a very powerful one at all.

The reason why he was able to suppress her was because of her numerical superiority. Several elves came together, and Kyoko also had to protect Kazumi.

But just like this, four against one and one of them was killed in reverse, it was simply useless.

What's more, for Xiu, as long as his strength has not reached a certain level, quantity means nothing.

He has absolute confidence in Casey and the Giant Claw Mantis!

What's more, he is not as stupid as Kyoko and knows how to take advantage of the terrain.

So he did not choose to put the battlefield outside, but planned to bring them in to fight. The best option was the dead end on the other side.

The number of elves in this long and narrow passage will be limited, and the Giant Pincer Mantis will only be able to get through the barrier if it goes there.

What's more important is that Xiu doesn't intend to let them escape. This kind of one-way road is most suitable.

Xiu made some arrangements, used his super power to erase the traces on the mud, and guided the traces to the other side. Then he stopped at the fork and waited leisurely.

This "panic" trace was reserved for hunters, and Xiu was very sure that those hunters would come.

Those hunters who dared to provoke Kyoko must know her situation. Even Xiu could tell that her family must be quite wealthy. It was impossible for those hunters not to notice.

If they dare to snatch Xingzi, it means that they will not be allowed back to the city. No one will care about people dying in the wild. But when Xingzi returns to the city after seeing what they look like, what awaits them is Junsha and the alliance's wanted list. From now on, they will Forget about resupplying in the city.

They don't know what's going on here. What if there is another passage? They are afraid that you will definitely come in if they are lost, and they are also afraid that you will escape.

Those people were afraid of Kyoko's counterattack and wanted to drag her to death at all costs. They would definitely not be able to watch her run away.

So Xiu was convinced that they would enter here and put pressure on Kyoko...

After taking Kazumi into the dark cave, Kyoko released the fire dinosaur.

When facing the enemy before, the fire dinosaur was still very powerful. One of them restrained the enemy's two elves, and this created the conditions for escape.

This Charmeleon was bred from Charmander by her, and it was also her first Pokémon, one of the three starter Pokémons bred by the alliance.

Although it may not be as strong as Coconut Tree, it still has a better tacit understanding with Charmeleon when it comes to cooperation, after all, she bred it.

She and Charmeleon leaned together, and the flame of Charmeleon's tail illuminated them.

"Come, eat something first." Xingzi took out the rations specially prepared for Charmeleon and fed it little by little, "You've worked hard today."

"Roar!" Charmeleon gently hit Xingzi's hand with its forehead, then raised its head and shouted, and a few sparks popped out of the corners of its mouth, as if telling Xingzi not to worry, it would defeat those bad guys.

"Got it, got it." Xingzi gently touched Charmeleon's head, "Take a rest after eating, otherwise you won't have the strength to fight later."


"Got it, I'll rest."

Soon there was no sound on the platform, but the person and the pet did not rest, just snuggled together.


“Why haven’t you come out for so long?” A middle-aged man in camouflage suit walked out of the forest carefully, followed by a powerful Arbok.

The Arbok raised its head and sucked its tongue, as if it was feeling the smell in the air.

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