Speaking of which, this Arbor snake stands taller than a human being, and the pattern on its neck gives people a sense of oppression.

This may be the effect of the characteristic of coercion.

"We've never been here before, so it wouldn't be surprising if there are other exits to this cave." Another ordinary-looking young man took over the topic, "We'd better go in quickly, otherwise we'll be in trouble if the girl runs away."

This young man was not as cautious as the middle-aged man. He had an impatient impulse to enter the cave, giving people a feeling of being careless.

It's just that the giant sting wasp following him doesn't look easy to mess with. You can see that its tail needle has a slight purple sheen.

This is a manifestation of the use of poison, which shows that this giant needle bee has a good grasp of poison skills, which is very different from ordinary giant needle bees.

"Hmph! How can you say that?" The middle-aged man turned back and glared at the young man, "If you hadn't caused the trouble, would your uncle have been injured?"

The middle-aged people have strong opinions on young people. They originally thought that through this natural disaster, some elves would run out from the depths of the forest, and they would catch some rare elves and sell them for money, but their son insisted on causing trouble and ended up like this. Condition.

"But they are injured! And they seem to be very rich. As long as they finish this job..." The young man couldn't help but defend himself.

"Idiot!" The middle-aged man shouted and interrupted the young man, "Can't I see they have money? What do you know?"

"It's not just once or twice. Isn't it the same with trainers who are alone before?" The young man was obviously dissatisfied and continued to defend.

Popular among middle-aged people! Can this be the same?

Those ordinary trainers will die and no one will care about them, but who knows what matters to such rich people? If he was discovered, he would be dead, and he wouldn't even have a chance to see Junsha.

Does this son really think he can't see it? Is it really about money? Either he fell in love with that girl or he was greedy for her body.

Those were the only things on his mind, and he really didn't want to care about him if he wasn't his son.

"Okay, it's useless to argue about this now, let's get the rest done quickly." The last person walked out, also a middle-aged man, but much thinner, and there was no elf around him.

"Uncle, are you okay?" The young man approached him very wisely. He knew that this uncle was very kind to him, and his father would not say anything if he spoke.

"It's okay, there's an elf blocking the way, and its [flame jet] move won't do much harm to me." The thin man seemed very happy with the young man's concern.

"Okay, time is running out. Let's go in quickly. I think she has almost reached her limit." The middle-aged man shook his head and waved to let the Abo monster clear the way.

Now that we have taken action, we must eradicate the root cause, otherwise we will continue to have troubles in the future.

As soon as I entered the middle-aged man, I felt something was wrong. This cave was a little too quiet. In the past, I could hear the sounds of some elves moving when entering some caves, but not this time. This was very wrong.

"What's the matter?" The young man asked quickly when he saw the middle-aged man stopped.

"There seems to be something wrong here. Why is it so quiet?" The middle-aged man frowned and expressed his doubts.

"Is there anything strange about this? Maybe she ran away because of the flood." The young man said indifferently, but urged the middle-aged man, "It's okay, she only has those few elves. With our strength, we can't do anything." Not afraid of her."

"Okay, be careful." Although the middle-aged man felt that something was wrong, he also felt that the young man was right. He had been holding off before because he was afraid of her counterattack, but now it is probably about the same.

In fact, middle-aged people are more anxious than young people. After all, this is related to their future lives, but he is more cautious.

Walking all the way in, they came directly to the entrance of the cave relying on the tracking ability of the Arbo monster.

It’s just that the middle-aged people feel anxious as soon as they enter.

"There is such a hole here!" The middle-aged man was a little anxious, because he saw that the passage was so deep that there was no end in sight, which meant that the two people had probably left.

"Let's hurry up." The middle-aged man called to the young man and the thin man. He didn't care about anything. Anyway, there was an elf opening the way and he was not afraid of any traps. What he wanted now was to catch up.

"There are too many passages..." The middle-aged man looked at the various passages around him, and the uneasiness in his heart seemed to reach the extreme.

"They should not have walked in these places. There are no traces on it. Those marks are all facing this way." The thin man touched the smooth wall of the stairs and said, "Fortunately they are all novices, otherwise it would be very difficult to meet an experienced hand who knows how to cover up traces." It’s not that simple anymore.”

"Yes, yes, you can tell at a glance that they are novices who have just entered the forest." The young man was also cheering from the side, his eyes couldn't stop wandering around.

"That's right, you shouldn't be able to run away." The middle-aged man also somewhat agreed with what the thin man said. As for self-comfort or something else, he couldn't tell. Anyway, they had no way out now.

"Let's catch up quickly, otherwise it will be over if that little girl runs away." The young man urged eagerly.

"Hmph! Now that I know something happened, why didn't you think about it in the first place? Just cause trouble for me."

As soon as the young man mentioned this middle-aged man's bad temper, he got angry and cursed him all over his face.

The young man understood the situation and did not talk back. Instead, he hid behind the thin man with an awkward smile on his face.

Seeing this, the thin man also mediated between the two of them: "Okay~ Just stop cursing a few words. It's more important to do business now."

"You! If you spoil him all day, it will be too late to cause trouble in the future." The middle-aged man shook his head and said nothing, and followed Arbok into the stairs.

"Hehe!" The young man seemed to be relieved when he saw this, and the smile on his face finally couldn't be suppressed.

"Why don't you go work with your father?" The thin man patted the young man's head unhappily.

"I know~" The young man walked up reluctantly.

Except for the time when the three of them just came in, they were silent for the rest of the time.

The dim light shone on the three people, the two middle-aged men were one in front and one behind, and the young man was sandwiched in the middle.

The narrow terrain around and the quiet environment with only footsteps put a lot of psychological pressure on the three people.

In addition, when they looked up, they could only see the dark passage. They had walked for so long but couldn't see the end, as if this place was infinitely long.

The middle-aged man who led the way suddenly stopped, looked back, and pointed to the front.

"Ah... is it just an intersection?" In this environment, the young man finally couldn't help complaining.

"Stop talking!" The middle-aged man scolded him, and he couldn't stay for a while. What a waste.


The young man muttered a few words in dissatisfaction, but he didn't expect to cause the middle-aged man to scold him again.

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