Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 493 Progress

You can reach this level at the beginning, and the operation space will be much larger after strengthening the training in the later stage.

Finally, it ended at nearly eight minutes, and the whole Jigglypuff became a little sluggish.

"Come on, eat something and rest first." Xiu walked over, holding the red apple that he had prepared long ago.

This can restore physical strength and replenish consumed energy. It is one of the fruits he always has on hand.

Because he had expected that today's training would consume a lot of energy, he went to the fruit store early in the morning to replenish enough.

It's a pity that the fruit of this tree can't be grown, because the red apple is only the most delicious when it is immature, sour and sweet.

Once it grows up and matures, the taste will become strange. Although the efficacy has not changed, Xiu will not let the elves eat this kind of thing.

It is naturally difficult to grow things with unripe fruits.

Once high-intensity training begins, the consumption of resources will multiply several times.

You must replenish the energy and some tree fruits or other materials that are beneficial to the elves, otherwise without the support of resources, it will only become more and more useless.

Even if it looks good for a short time, it will overdraw potential and vitality, which will be irreversible damage to the Pokémon.

This is why there are many trainers, but there are only a few truly powerful trainers, and these people are very rich.

Because poor people rarely become powerful trainers, various fees can empty a middle-class family, and the higher the starting point of the Pokémon, the more resources they need.

Even if ordinary people get Dratini, it is useless, and it is likely to exhaust its potential after evolving into Haxorus.

This is a natural chasm, which cannot be made up by simple hard training.

This is also one of the reasons why the strength gap between the same Pokémon is so large.

Your Pidgeot is 1.5 meters tall, and his is more than 2 meters tall. Whether it is strength, physical strength or ability application, he is better than you.

How do you beat this?

This is a real case. He has seen the data recorded by Professor Oak. This is a very realistic situation.

While Chansey was resting and replenishing energy, Xiu was designing a follow-up training plan.

With the ability of [Gravity], the training of attack methods can be slowed down first, and [Gravity] can be trained first while ensuring the healing ability.

It is better to wait until it has mastered it and then seek a means of attack than to practice from scratch.

After all, this ability is so useful.

Of course, before that, Xiu has to help Jigglypuff master this ability through a lot of training.

Why does Xiu attach so much importance to it?

The reason is that [Gravity] has a huge effect in many aspects.

Xiu has felt the sudden pressure, which ordinary people cannot bear, and the same is true for elves. It can be used as a backup means of attack, especially when others suddenly come to the face. This is more secretive and unsolvable than [Grass Knot].

There is also a special restraint for those agile face-to-face opponents, coupled with certain fighting skills, as long as they enter this range, Jigglypuff has the final say.

But for those elves with strong physical strength, it may not be very effective. They can hold on to one or two times the gravity by force, just like he did just now. Although the speed will definitely slow down, most of these elves don’t care.

In some cases, it can deal with those elves flying in the sky and pull them down. After all, his team now has no long-range attack capabilities except Casey.

There is also the most important point.

That is to assist other Pokémons in training.

For example, for a giant claw mantis that needs to squeeze physical strength, open the gravity field and let him go in for training for ten minutes, which is more efficient than the usual one-hour training.

Of course! This kind of training is a great burden on both of them, and it is impossible to carry out for a long time, maybe once or twice a day.

But this is also a way.

There are many ideas to be developed later, but these will be refined after he establishes the ability model.

For example, gravity traction stand, gravity division stand, and gravity offset stand.

It is no longer a fixed range, but specifically targets a certain point to cause huge damage.

When it reaches a certain level, it may cause space collapse and generate black holes.

There is also an anti-gravity stand, which is just a guess and the probability of realization is not high.

It’s a pity that Jigglypuff can’t use gravity to pull down meteorites from the sky like some people do, otherwise it must be very powerful.

The time for daydreaming is over, and Xiu looks at Jigglypuff again.

"Let's continue, and try to test the characteristics of [gravity] today."

Jeelynx didn't say anything, it had recovered long ago, and then activated [gravity] again according to Xiu's instructions.

But this time Xiu modified some objects on the field, and he had more props in his hands.


After a long training, even Jiee, who was famous for his physical strength, couldn't stand it, and Xiu was even worse, tired like a dead dog.

The previous test was fine, and after confirming that there was no danger, he personally tested it. Although it was only one times the gravity, it was also a great burden on the body.

But thanks to this, Xiu has initially mastered some of the characteristics of Jiee's use of [gravity].

The multiple of gravity is controllable, and the range also has a certain range of operation, but because Jiee hasn't mastered it yet, the change is not big.

The maximum gravity is now nearly double, and the maximum range is a semicircle with the egg as the center, and the radius is the 4.3 meters measured before.

Xiu tried to let the sandshrew dig a hole and stay under the egg, and then found that it didn't feel anything.

This is one of the weaknesses. If there is something that can burrow into the ground, it will be a great threat to it.

But now is not the time to consider this.

The training is still going on...

The giant claw mantis stood in place, agitating the energy in its body, and the metallic luster covered most of its body.

The two claws became an indestructible battering ram, and the wings behind it became an unstoppable blade.

Then some basic training was carried out with this state.

Until the luster on the giant claw mantis faded, Xiu pressed the stopwatch beside him and looked at the time. It stopped at 31:45.

"Very good, it has broken through half an hour. The training in this aspect can be postponed and it can turn to the related training of the double state superposition."

At this time, the giant claw mantis looked a little tired. It was not partly metallized just now, but the whole body. Maintaining that state is also a great burden for it.

But it is obvious that it has successfully broken through itself just now.

It is a pity that it has not been able to activate both states at the same time until now, otherwise [Gathering Qi] and [Metalization] would have a significant increase in its power.

Thanks to Landmine 168 for the reward.

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