Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 494 Daily Life

So after just a short breath, Mantis began to train on [Gathering Qi] again, mobilizing the body's energy to match the body's rhythm.

"Okay~ Too much training will hurt your body, pay attention to the rhythm." Xiu could only helplessly remind him when he saw this...

Xiu stayed in this place all day. In addition to testing the Chansy Egg, he also had to prepare food for Mantis to replenish energy and physical strength.

He also had to keep an eye on some of their overly diligent members and force them to rest.

He also had to properly release Casey's accumulated superpowers and consume them in advance.

At the same time, he also took into account the recovery training of Sandshrew and the follow-up plans.

Anyway, it was more tiring than going out for a stroll.

These are only four, two short of six.

Thinking of this, Xiu didn't understand those trainers who like to collect Pokémon randomly.

Can you afford to keep so many?

Or can you manage them all?

Or is it just to satisfy the desire to collect?

Then why not order a doll?

Anyway, Xiu couldn't figure it out, so the four of them wanted to tear themselves apart and use them. They would definitely not be able to bear it if they continued. At least they had to wait until they were partially formed.

The elves were also quite smart. Normally, the people around Xiu were quite smart. Maybe only Sandshrew was a bit dumber, and Casey was beyond them all.

Giving full play to their subjective initiative was also a way to reduce the burden.

"Okay, take a break, and then we'll go back." Xiu saw that it was almost dark, so he prepared to go back.

There were still many things to do tonight. The giant claws mantis and the others had gone off work, but he hadn't.


Elf Center, bathroom.

This time it wasn't Xiu who was taking a shower, but the giant claws mantis.

Standing under the shower was the giant claws mantis, and Xiu was holding a brush to help it wipe its body and clean up the dirt accumulated during training. Especially the claws that clamped everything and the feet that stepped on the ground, these places should be taken care of.

There was no way, because the giant claws mantis had no hands, so he had to help.

This was one of the habits that Xiu and the others had passed down, that is, they would take a shower every time they went out for a long time or exercised.

When they were in the institute, they would jump into the river after training, put their bodies into the cold water, and let it wash.

Sometimes Xiu would hold a brush, and Casey would control the water flow to spray it and slowly clean it.

For some reason, the giant mantis always thinks of the experience during that period...

"It's getting taller and taller, and I can't wipe it anymore." Xiu said as if talking to himself.

The giant mantis lowered its head slightly and let Xiu wipe it with the brush.

"Okay! Wash it clean." Xiu wiped the water stains on the giant mantis with a dry towel.

The cleaned giant mantis is really handsome, at least there is no unpleasant smell and dust.

These are inevitable during the training process. You know, part of its training is to use pliers to break rocks or cut trees.

After a day of training, Xiu did not forget to tell the giant mantis to rest when it went out, so that it would have energy to deal with tomorrow's training.

Xiu looked down at his half-wet clothes, smiled and shook his head, then shouted to the outside:


The next one is Jigglypuff.

In the past, Xiu would bring it in when he was taking a bath. In short, they would bathe together. After all, it was a little guy before it evolved, but now it has grown up.

"Today I will help you wash, and you will have to wash yourself in the future~" Xiu taught it how to use bathroom items and shower gel like an old father.

This is not to say that Jigglypuff doesn't know how to do it. On the contrary, when it was a child, it liked to blow bubbles the most and often wasted shower gel. Xiu said these just what he wanted to say.

After all, this is the last time, and it will have to wash itself in the future.

Xiu took out the towel it used before, and then found it was too small with embarrassment.

"Hahaha! I was too busy today and forgot to buy you a new one."

Xiu looked at the towel in his hand. It used to cover the little Jigglypuff completely, but now it has become a handkerchief.

Jigglypuff was a little excited about his words, dancing with joy, but Xiu could guess that he was telling him not to care.

Jigglypuff's personality has changed drastically, but it is still the same.

Xiu quickly washed Jigglypuff, but the price was that he was all wet.

But Jigglypuff seemed to remember the time when he played with bubbles in the past, holding the bubbles in his hand and staring blankly.

"Okay, go and rest, you are tired today." Xiu wiped it dry and touched its bald head.

For some reason, Xiu wanted to laugh.

"Maybe I can find a hat for it..."

Watching Jigglypuff go out, Xiu got rid of the idea in his mind and shouted outside.


Then the sandshrew was caught by Casey.

It was afraid of water. Xiu knew that it completely got its water intake from plants or fruits. It can be said that it has never been exposed to much water since it grew up.

When it rained normally, he shrank in the cave, and the collapse of the sky and the earth outside had nothing to do with it.

Today, he suddenly said that he wanted to take a bath, and he hid immediately in fear.

But what can he do in front of Casey?

The supernatural one is compared to the ordinary sandshrew. No matter how it changes, it has no ability to be immune to super powers.

Then it was caught by Casey and sent to the bathroom.

Xiu couldn't help but tease it when he saw it was dying.

"It's just a bath, not a frying pan, is it that serious~"

After hearing this, the Sandshrew couldn't stop talking and said a series of words.

However, Xiu couldn't understand it, so he could only ask Casey to translate.

"It said that it instinctively felt that it would die if it came into contact with water."

"That's right!" Xiu remembered the Rock Snake he met before. It looked half dead after just a little water.

It seems that there must be something wrong.

What's the reason?

Xiu stood there for a while and thought.

After a while, Xiu woke up and looked at the Sandshrew hung up by Casey, and said: "I'm sorry! I just guessed your feelings based on my own feelings and ignored your problem."

The Sandshrew was also confused by the sudden apology and was a little confused.

Xiu looked at the Sandshrew and continued: "Let's study why you are afraid of water."

The Sandshrew was completely confused. He was apologizing just now, how come it suddenly became a study?

It thought it could escape.

It seems that he can't escape...

To be honest, Sandshrew is still very afraid of Casey. After all, he has seen when he really exerts his strength. Due to the sensitivity of the elf, he knows very well that he has no chance of winning against Casey.

The opponent can turn him into a meat ball with just a slight pinch.

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