Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 509 Departure

This was also the reason why he didn't agree to Baoba and insisted on going it alone.

Shirley couldn't carry him, and Yuto couldn't direct him. He was completely locked up when he entered.

Not to mention that Baoba saved him, it would be difficult even if Baoba was really his biological grandfather.

I can't help it, it's just my character.

Fortunately, Nanami only needs to be taken for two days.

What Xiu was thinking about now was to quickly settle the matter with Nanami and send her away.

Otherwise, why would he have to rush like this?

"I've finished eating!" Nanami pushed the lunch box towards Xiu and looked at him.

There wasn't much in the first place, and she was hungry, so she got rid of it quickly, much faster than Xiu.

"Okay, I've almost eaten. Let's get ready to go." Xiu packed up the garbage and then stood up.

"Hey! Wait a minute~" Nanami also stood up and followed Xiu to stop him.

"What?" Xiu turned around.

Nanami put her hands behind her back, leaned forward slightly, looked at Xiu with her eyes, and asked:

"Do you feel anything different about me today?"

Xiuya stopped, turned around, faced Nanami, and then slowly looked at her, from beginning to end... should I say...

Xiu realized that something must have changed for Nanami to say this, but this question...

I was busy arranging the process just now and didn't pay attention. Now it seems that she is indeed different from before.

The most obvious is the clothing.

When she was in Zhenxin Town, she wore casual clothes, but today she was wearing a complete set of sportswear, and her shoes were not sandals like before, but hiking boots.

Clearly she was prepared for today.

"Clothes?" Xiu asked tentatively.

A trace of uneasiness flashed in Nanami's eyes, but she still smiled and cooperated: "That's right! How about it? I found it specially."

Xiu turned around, turned his back to Nanami, and complained: "If you have listened to my lectures for so long, and you don't even have this awareness, I won't take you to Mount Tsukimi, and let you stay in Nanami by yourself." I’ll just go and find it for you after spending a day in the city.”

Nanami looked at Xiu's back, her hands unconsciously clasped behind her.

Prepare yourself carefully and rush here early in the morning...

"What's wrong?" Xiu turned around and saw Nanami staying where she was, not knowing what was wrong with him.

"Uh!'s okay, let's go." Nanami reacted immediately and smiled at Xiu.

"Take it!"

Xiu casually threw something over, and Nanami subconsciously reached out to catch it. When she saw it, the expression on her face was a little helpless, and she asked awkwardly:

"Why do you give me this?"

"Homemade energy bar, aren't you full? This high-energy, low-saturation bar is for you to cope with on the road."

Xiu put the elves back into the ball and put on his backpack. His whole demeanor changed for a moment.

Especially in the eyes of a sensitive person like Nanami.

Xiu became serious and cautious, which was very different from his careless demeanor just now.

"Let's go."

Xiu's movements were clean and neat, and Nanami was led away. She completely forgot about what happened just now, and only picked up her backpack and followed her out.

According to Xiu's plan, it has been delayed for a while now, and another method needs to be used to speed up the process.

That means finding a car.

Under normal circumstances, there are very few reasons for driving outside, even if the road is very safe.

However, with the arrangement of Qian, we still found one.

And they are in the car now.

Xiu didn't mean to speak, he just looked out sideways.

Nanami glanced at Xiu's profile from time to time, then turned around and bit the energy bar viciously, as if she had a grudge against the "energy bar" and wanted to bite him to death.

But the more she chewed it, the sweeter it became. It was different from the greasy taste and sticky texture of ordinary energy bars. She didn't know what was added to it, but it was the taste she liked.

If you still remember what I like to eat, you will pass...

Nanami's chewing force gradually became smaller, and the initial venting of anger turned into tasting.

She really misunderstood this. How could Yi Xiu's character prepare unpalatable food for herself?

He prepared this himself and added a lot of ingredients. It is a good thing whether it is to replenish energy or satisfy hunger.

As for why it is sweet, of course sweetness can make the brain feel happy and stimulate the body's desire to survive. Moreover, the energy provided by sugar can be quickly converted to provide energy for human activities.

In some desperate situation, this sweetness may very well be the confidence to survive.

It was impossible for Nanami to think that the Shuji would think of herself in a desperate situation from an energy rod, and then take her situation into consideration.

But this does not affect her eating.

"Please stop ahead." Xiu stopped the vehicle and got out of the car with Nanami.

Xiu looked up at the mountains in front of him and began to redraw the route map in his mind.

He didn't want to enter the mountain from the previous direction. Not to mention that the valley was not in Yuejian Mountain at all. Secondly, he didn't want people to notice him. There were too many people in that place.

So just go into the mountain in the other direction.

Although it may be a little troublesome, it is relatively safe.

"Wait a minute and follow me. Don't yell randomly if there's no need." Xiu suddenly looked at Nanami and added: "I know your ability, I'm just afraid that you will panic."

"Don't worry, I won't hold you back." Nanami also corrected her attitude a little.

She knew that she could have fun in the city, but when she came to a place like this, she had to listen to the professionals.

"Let's go." Xiu identified the direction and then set off to walk ahead.

Xiu walked in front, Nanami followed behind him.

There is no danger at this time, because the place chosen is more barren than Yuejian Mountain, and the corresponding plants and special terrain are also much less.

He really tried his best for Nanami.

"Relax, you'll be tired after walking like this for long."

Xiu noticed that Nanami was in a highly nervous state, and she seemed to be frightened by the story Xiu told.

Although it is good to have this awareness, if she maintains such a high intensity of vigilance at her level, she may soon wither away.

"I'm a little nervous. After all, it's my first time in a place like this." Nanami didn't hide her fear, but said it directly.

She just added something after she finished speaking.

"I see you seem very relaxed, which makes me a little panicked..."

Listening to Nanami's complaints, Xiu smiled and said: "When I come here, it feels like I'm home~"

As he spoke, he turned to look at Nanami who was following behind, and asked, "Are you still looking wary at home?"

Nanami smiled and shook her head, he had the final say in the wild.

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