Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 510 Water Drop

"That's not the case with vigilance. You should let your mind converge instead of spreading out. Concentrate on yourself, and by observing those..."

Xiu taught Nanami some tricks as he moved forward, but as he spoke, he suddenly stopped and looked back at Nanami.

"You can sense those elves, what dangers could there be there?"

Xiu forgot that Nanami was not an ordinary person at all. When she was in the Zhenxin Town Botanical Garden, she could sense the big-billed bird one kilometer away. It was obvious that she was acting like herself just now.

Unexpectedly, Nanami shook her head, her face not very good.

"What's wrong?" Xiu was a little curious, "Isn't it completely degraded?"


Seeing that Nanami didn't seem to want to talk about this topic, Xiu didn't mention it any more and took the initiative to change the subject.

"In that case, I will teach you a few tricks. I learned this from the principal of the wilderness area back then. I won't teach others if they want to learn."

Xiu glanced up, pointed at the big tree in front of him and said, "Did you see that? Today I will teach you how to recognize the road and identify the direction."

Nanami looked up, but at this time Xiu had already spoken.

"Knowing the way is nothing more than..."

Seeing Xiu talking eloquently, Nanami was stunned for a moment.

The last time this's been a year~

The two of them walked and walked, Xiu instilled a lot of knowledge about the wild into her, taught her how to recognize the road, taught her how to obtain supplies in the wild, taught her how to choose a camp, and taught her where not to go in the wild.

Xiu didn't explain it in depth, she just expanded her knowledge.

Originally, Nanami was ready to accept a severe beating in the wild, but now it seemed that it was nothing.

The two talked and laughed along the way. Xiu took her to meet some elves, and then introduced their ecological niche in the wild, as well as some likes and dislikes.

Unlike the boring knowledge in the classroom, what comes out of Xiu's mouth always brings her into it, which is something Nanami has never experienced before.

"Okay, let's take a rest first." Xiu continued talking until his mouth felt dry and he had to stop first.

But he didn't leave Nanami idle, and then asked a question.

"We are very thirsty now, but the water we brought has been used up. So what do you think we should do now?"

Xiu took out the water bottle and took a few sips while looking at Nanami.

"Then we have to look for water sources. There are plant water, underground water and ground water. Among them, ground water is the easiest to get. The ways to find it are..."

Nanami integrated some of the fragmented knowledge points Xiu had just mentioned.

From here, we can see that Nanami is definitely not stupid, but is very smart, and can sum up this from his few words.

Yes, otherwise it would be impossible to finish school at will without any interest and graduate safely from the school run by Joey.

"Yes! Is IQ really heritable? Your family is too scary."

It was rare for Nanami to hear Xiu's praise, and she felt a little proud for a moment, so she joked: "How is it? Are you envious? Do you think your son can inherit such an IQ~"

"There's nothing to envy about this. If I'm so smart, my son must be smart too."

Seeing her proud look, Xiu gave her a 'severe beating' backhand and said, "Actually, you just forgot one of the most important things."

"What?" Nanami was a little surprised. She felt that Xiu was going to dig a hole for her.

“Finding water sources is important, but what’s more important is how to treat them and get clean water.

Otherwise, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, and inflammation can kill you, and it will be useless no matter how smart you are. "

"You didn't even say that just now~" Nanami rolled her eyes, obviously helpless to Xiu's 'Super Strike'.

"Haha~" Xiu put the things away and continued to move forward, saying: "Really smart people don't complain. They learn silently and then draw inferences."

Nanami looked at Xiu who was a bit stinky, and followed him with a smile.

Because of the direction of the hike, there was no need to climb Mt. Tsukimi or find a place. Instead, we drove straight in. Soon we passed the rocky area, and shrubs and weeds began to grow on the mountain.

At this time, the road becomes a little difficult.

But Xiu never planned to follow the rules step by step. Why did he choose a deserted wilderness area?

Just because I want to make a show of it.

He took out the elf ball with his backhand and released Casey.

Seeing Xiu's move, Nanami subconsciously leaned forward, her eyes wandering around, and asked slightly nervously: "What's wrong?"

She had no choice but to go deep into the wild for the first time, and she felt a little uneasy.

"It's okay. There's no one here now. Let's fly there, otherwise we won't make it in time."

Xiu raised his hand and waved, and it turned out that a suspended blue water drop-shaped object suddenly appeared in the void, like a car.

As soon as he finished speaking, he jumped up and stretched out his hand to him.

"Come up."

Nanami only paused briefly before reaching out and grabbing Shu, and then was pulled up.

"Sit down."

At this time, Nanami was surprised to find that it was not as she imagined. She could actually sit here, as if she were in a physical place.

"Is this... your new development?"

"That's right, [Construction·Water Droplet], safety and comfort are greatly improved, 360-degree exterior view without blind spots, streamlined body, ultimate speed can reach five energy levels, immersive experience..."

Nanami was a little panicked when she heard Xiu's introduction...

The original design was for one person, but it was almost the same with one person, just enlarged.

Kathy and Xiu sat together, and Nanami sat next to them.

"Are you ready~" Xiu turned his head to look at Nanami, and seeing a little uneasiness on her face, he comforted her:

"Don't be afraid, [Water Drop] I have tested it so many times, and it can usually penetrate a tree with a diameter of 30 cm without any damage. I have such good skills, I won't flip over."

Nanami was even more panicked when she heard Xiu's words.

What did you use to test it!

If it really hits, what's the use of this one no matter how strong it is? The people inside will be torn apart.

"Be careful~" Nanami also knew that she was on a pirate ship, and it was afraid that it would be difficult to get off, so she could only pretend to be calm.

"Don't worry, I'm an old driver." Xiu said, and then hugged Kathy in his arms and closed his eyes.

Nanami, who saw this scene next to her, was stunned.


You drive with your eyes closed?

Before she could say anything, the Water Drop started without any warning.

And the speed soared from the beginning, flying close to the ground.

The weeds and bushes blocking their way were blown away by the impact, and could not shake the Water Drop at all.

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