Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 529 Investigation

Looking out the window, you can see the snow-capped mountains in the distance, but it’s not as good as it was in summer, and you can’t really feel the snow scenery.

“Maybe I can come here in winter and take some friends to go skiing…”

Xiu was a little dazed looking at the distance, and after a while, he smiled bitterly and retracted his gaze, then slowly shook his head, expelling the fantasy of retirement life from his mind.

After returning to the room, Xiu did not lie down, but released the elves and fed them.

Because of the tight time and too many outsiders around at noon, he did not release them, and now of course he had to make up for it.

But they are good in everything, the only thing that is more difficult to deal with is that they cannot show their faces in front of people.

Only Casey and Jigglypuff can be released.

The appearance of the giant claw mantis and the sandrat is too characteristic, and being conspicuous means trouble, which is what he avoids.

While the elves were eating, he also took out the map he drew in the car. Because he only memorized it roughly, the reproduction was extremely simple, just a few lines and circles.

Take a photo of the map and save it in the atlas for future use.

"I'm going out for a while. If you don't want to score, stay in the room first."

In the end, Xiu only took the Sandshrew and left the rest in the room.

There was no other way. No matter who stayed behind, Casey had to stay behind, otherwise Xiu would be worried.

Fortunately, the Sandshrew now has combat capabilities, but it shouldn't be used this time.

He just wanted to visit the situation in Bohe Town and find out what the townspeople know about the snow-viewing mountain ruins.

The tourist town has indeed greatly increased the exposure of Bohe Town. You can see some beautiful snow scenes in the local area by searching on the Internet.

But this era is not the information age yet, and many news cannot be found on the Internet.

For example, there is no clue about the avalanche incident in the background of this time.

Since the ruins appeared here, the nearby residents may know something.

Dr. Endo and others have their official sources of information, but these will obviously not be revealed to Xiu for no reason.

So whether it is out of habit or for his own safety, he also needs to master certain information.

Or he doesn't like to go into an unknown ruins without preparation.

As a tourist town, the architectural pattern and style of Bohe Town are quite interesting.

The distance between the houses is not too large. There is a main road leading to the direction of the Snow Mountain, and then it branches out to form the whole town.

There are many shops on both sides of this street. Their facades are very distinctive, with some strange symbols and objects decorated on them. It looks like an alternative feeling, even compared with the busy streets in the city.

But now it is basically deserted, and some stores are directly closed, leaving only a sign outside the door, some of which say when it will open.

And some are directly transferred from popular shops, with contact information on them.

Some residential buildings with homestays hanging outside the door are also empty.

But considering that it is the off-season for tourism, this is also very normal.

There are actually not many residents in the town, and Xiu asked around and found that there are more than 300 households in one.

And many people here come here to do business and live here, and there are not many real aborigines.

It’s a pity that those shop owners don’t know much about the relics of the Snow Mountain, and have never even heard of it.

Of course, Xiu was not stupid enough to ask directly about the ruins on the snow-capped mountain, but slowly explored other scenic spots.

But unfortunately, he still got nothing.

Until Xiu walked to a small shop near the end of the road and just before leaving the town. Most of the surrounding shops were closed, and only his shop was still open.

"Those people want to block all the news. How can they tell you about the things on the mountain~"

A shop owner who was eating snacks saw Xiu asking about these things and said with a little ridicule.

"Does the shop owner know something?" Xiu turned his eyes to look over.

The shop owner was a middle-aged man with some local characteristics. He glanced at Xiu and said lightly:

"You may ask the mayor about your question. Those are just people who moved here in recent years. How can they know anything? Besides, they blocked the accident to protect their reputation. Don't be fooled by them."

Hearing this, Xiu smiled helplessly. He visited many small shops along the way and spent a little to find out the news.

There is no way. If you want others to speak up, you naturally have to pay some price.

"Thank you, I will pay attention." Xiu smiled bitterly and shook his head, saying: "Where is the mayor?"

"Just over there." The shopkeeper put down the snacks in his hand and raised his hand to point in a direction, then casually asked: "Are you here to investigate the things on the snow-viewing mountain?"

"Yes! I wonder what the uncle knows?" Xiu did not deny it. In fact, Xiu discovered it when he was communicating with those shopkeepers just now.

Most of them knew it, but they just pretended to be crazy and stupid and refused to say it.

After all, the avalanche took away several people at that time, and the impact on the local area was quite large.

Especially in tourist places, the death of people will more or less affect people's concepts.

The shopkeeper saw that Xiu admitted it and did not continue to speak. Instead, he was silent, and he seemed a little hesitant, and he didn't know what he was worried about.

Xiu did not ask any more questions, but took the opportunity to observe the store.

Unlike the shops selling small items and catering, this shop mainly sells paintings and handmade souvenirs.

The walls are covered with paintings, and some are piled in the corners.

Xiu glanced over and found that most of these paintings were of snow-capped mountains, but... how to say it... the snow-capped mountains in the paintings all had a very strange feeling.

Unfortunately, Xiu didn't know much about it, and couldn't describe the feeling.

"Are all these paintings painted by the owner? They are very artistic~"

The man looked up and glanced at Xiu, and said expressionlessly: "I bought them in bulk."

"The owner has a good eye for these paintings." Xiu didn't feel embarrassed, but continued.

"Okay, the town is small, and there are basically no tourists coming here at this time. Apart from the ruins, there is nothing to attract outsiders.

So we knew everything when you came in, and we also knew that you came here to investigate the snow-capped mountain ruins, so don't pretend."

Xiu had nothing to say now, and could only smile awkwardly.

However, he reacted quickly, and after a little thought, he suppressed his doubts and said to the shop owner, "Actually, we are a team sent by the Alliance to investigate the ruins. I will tell the teachers about this matter. Thank you very much for your help, uncle. What's your name?"

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