Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 530 Information

Because of the age problem, Xiu directly pretended to be a student group and pulled the teacher in.

"Many people in the town know about this matter. It's not a secret. They just don't want to talk about it because they are afraid that tourists will hear about the death here. The alliance must know about this matter, and your teacher knows it better than me."

After hearing what Xiu said, the owner didn't want to touch this matter. After a brief explanation, he started to drive people away.

After the owner said so much, Xiu originally wanted to buy a painting to help out, but was forced to be driven out.

Xiu looked back at the store, and the owner who was leisurely eating snacks. He was obviously an ordinary person, but how could he know so much about the ruins?

"What a strange person..."

Since he had a goal, Xiu went straight to the mayor's house.

After asking a little, Xiu stood in front of the house.

It was a very simple two-story house, but when he thought about what he had just heard that the mayor was an old man living alone, he understood.

"Excuse me, is anyone home?"

Xiu went forward and knocked on the door, but the person who opened the door a moment later made him a little strange.


"Why is Xiu here?"

Neither of them asked further, but Xiaogang took Xiu in.

"It just so happens that we are learning about what happened in the snow mountain. Come in and listen together."

There were several people sitting in the living room, including Dr. Endo and the two teachers. In the middle sat an old man in his sixties or seventies.

The old man had gray hair and looked very thin. His cheeks were slightly sunken, and his exposed hands looked like dry branches.

But he looked quite energetic and spoke fluently.

I heard what they were talking about before Xiu went in, but after he came in, everyone stopped and looked at him.

"Hello, everyone!" Xiu seemed very calm and nodded slightly to a few people.

"It was Xiu who knocked on the door just now. It's a good opportunity for him to listen." Xiaogang on the side took over the matter.

"Well, Xiu is a very good trainer." Dr. Endo took the topic down, then continued to look at the mayor and said, "Please continue."

The mayor was fine, but the two teachers seemed a little curious, but they also knew that now was not the time to explore this, and they all waited quietly for the mayor to continue.

The waves caused by Xiu's appearance also disappeared with the words of Xiaogang and Dr. Endo.

The two of them also stepped aside and sat next to Dr. Endo.

"Where were we talking just now?"

"Search and rescue after the avalanche."

"Yes~" The mayor nodded slowly, and then continued: "After the two people escaped, we organized people to search and rescue, but..."

Xiu listened to the mayor's words and slowly reconstructed the incident in his mind.

In short, it was an avalanche, people got into trouble, and then fled to the town. The mayor waited for the snow mountain to stabilize before organizing a search and rescue team, but in the end only a few bodies were found.

After a story was told, several people looked at each other for a few times, and then there was silence.

The principle of avalanche is that the gravity of the snow keeps pulling the snow down, while the friction between the snow and the mountain pulls in the opposite direction, and the two form a balance.

When this fragile balance goes wrong, an avalanche occurs.

Usually there are several reasons.

One is that the snow is too thick.

The second is that the surface snow melts when the temperature rises, and the snow water seeps into the snow and the hillside, thereby reducing the friction between the snow and the ground and destroying the balance.

Another reason is that human activities destroy this balance.

Because the town relies on tourism to make a living, they pay great attention to safety issues here. If there is a risk of avalanche, they usually deal with it in advance instead of letting the snow accumulate to form a hidden danger.

It’s just that this avalanche did not actually occur on the Snow Mountain, but on a mountain to the north of the Snow Mountain, and the ruins are located on the mountainside.

So after the avalanche occurred, neither the townspeople nor the tourists took it seriously. After all, it’s not a strange thing for an avalanche to occur in Wanli Snow Mountain, and no one cares at all.

It wasn't long before someone found two injured people at the foot of the mountain. At this time, everyone worked together to carry the people back to the town for treatment. At the same time, they learned from the two people that there were still people on the mountain.

At this time, the mayor organized a search and rescue team, and indeed found three popsicles and the exposed ruins.

The matter of life and death could not be covered up, so the mayor had to report the matter and wait for the alliance to deal with it, hoping to solve the matter quickly and save the tourism industry of Bohe Town.

This wait has been waiting until now.

"We have organized three search and rescue operations. The first time we found two bodies, the second time we found one, and the third time we found none, so we stopped, but we don't know if there are any more."

The mayor recalled a little and supplemented what he said just now.

Although the mayor didn't say it, everyone actually knew that those people could not be alive.

Because the avalanche occurred in the afternoon and winter quickly entered the night, not to mention the limited vision at night, the question of whether the avalanche would continue to stump everyone.

Even if you are saving people, you must ensure safety!

Otherwise, is it necessary to sacrifice yourself?

If they are buried in the snow for half an hour, they can still be rescued, but if they wait for a whole night, they will be frozen. Not to mention whether they will suffer internal injuries, they may die on the spot.

The reason why they are so hard to organize rescue is not because of anything else, but because they are afraid of affecting the local tourism industry.

What if someone is skiing and finds that they have hit a salted fish with a pole? What a psychological trauma that would be!

The village chief also organized a search after the snow melted in the spring, but found nothing.

After a discussion, Dr. Endo frowned slightly, and his face looked quite majestic.

Dr. Endo was silent for a moment and said, "Let's set off tomorrow. This matter can't be delayed."

Dr. Endo made the decision directly, then said goodbye to the mayor and rushed to the hotel.

Xiu was walking at the back, a few steps behind them, with some confusion on his face.

"What's wrong?" Xiaogang saw that Xiu was behind them and took the initiative to slow down and came to his side and asked.

"Wouldn't it be too hasty to go up like this~" Xiu didn't say anything polite, but put the question out.

He was really confused by Dr. Endo's decisive decision just now.

Don't investigate again? It might be a bit biased to listen to only one person's description~

However, Xiu knew that he was just here to make up the numbers, so he didn't say much.

Now I want to hear Xiaogang's analysis of this matter.

"You're worrying too much. In fact, everyone knows that the ruins are not dangerous."

"Why do you say that?" Xiu was a little curious. This did surprise him.

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