Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 558 Dealing with Miscellaneous

The girl also responded, holding a bowl full of rice in her hand.

"Here." The girl put the rice bowl in front of the empty seat.

"Thank you."

Xiu nodded and smiled, but before he sat down, Xun, who was about to leave, stopped where she was, staring blankly at the two pairs of chopsticks in her hand. It was obvious that she seemed to have forgotten which pair was hers.

Xiu couldn't help teasing her when he saw her in such a daze: "It's all right, I don't mind."

Of course, Xiu didn't mean to die, and then he added a sentence.

"Just kidding." He smiled and raised his hand to point at one of the pairs and said: "The wet chopsticks should not have been used."

"Hmm~" Xun had to put down the chopsticks in a hurry and returned to his seat.

The old man just smiled at this scene and didn't say much.

After Xiu sat down, he looked at Xun who was covering himself with a bowl and laughed a little.

It took a while to prepare the food for several elves and some specially prepared nutritional pastes.

After all these were arranged, Xiu used the printer in the breeding house to call out the prepared documents from the illustrations.

These were the papers that Xiu bought from the Internet based on Dr. Oak's information.

After all, he had been in the research institute, so he was very familiar with reading papers.

There was another point. He had to pay a lot of money to read and download these papers online, which was also one of the incomes of those doctoral scholars.

Even many experts and scholars make money from this.

It's not strange to ask for money, but the price is ridiculously high. He was deducted tens of thousands for downloading a few papers. It's not difficult to see how expensive knowledge is in this world~

"Okay, let's count the money." Xiu put away the illustrations and sat up from the computer.

Xun looked at the tools in Xiu's hand with some curiosity, but didn't dare to ask, until Xiu opened his mouth and woke him up.

"Oh! OK~"

After counting the money and handing it over briefly, Xun's eyes fell on the illustration on the table again.

Xiu smiled at her and took the initiative to explain: "This thing is called an illustration..."

He briefly explained the basic functions, which made Xun more curious.

She had never heard of this kind of thing before.

But Xiu's next sentence made her a little unresponsive.

"Do you want it? I'll give you one."

Xiu was not just talking, he took out a brand new illustration and put it on the table.

Xun looked at the box on the table and suddenly felt at a loss.

There was no way, Xiu's behavior was really strange, who would give something without saying anything?

But Xiu didn't care about her reaction, but took the box apart and explained to her the accessories and how to use them.

This made Xun a little bit in a dilemma, so she had to watch from the side.

"Come here, I'll teach you how to use the computer part."

Xiu handed the illustration to her, and then guided her to connect to the computer to operate those functions.

And gradually Xun was attracted by this strange tool.

"You can share your experiences in different sections, and you can also post questions or tasks. Other users of the illustrated book can see them. If you have any questions that need feedback, you can log in to the forum to find the administrator..." Xiu spent a little time teaching her the most basic operations, and then let her explore the more advanced ones slowly~ "Okay, it's getting late, we'll meet again if we're lucky." Xiu didn't say anything nonsense and left here directly. After the person disappeared, Xun reacted and looked at the illustrated book in her hand in a daze. Xiu did this for a reason. The expansion of the illustrated book's users requires accumulation, and it needs more different types of trainers and breeders to use it, so that it can be perfected. Xiu liked this person very much, and giving her one was nothing. He had already sent a few others. It was already night when Xiu came out of the breeding house, but he didn't go back directly, but walked to a very strange place. This thing is a market specifically for trainers to trade, but it's not a black market. Because there is no organizer here, it's all a place where those bottom-level trainers gather on their own. There are all kinds of people in it, and the order is even more chaotic than the black market. However, the things here are also very strange. There are all kinds of things, but there are also many scammers. Whether you are picking up a bargain or making a mistake depends entirely on your own level.

There are no complicated procedures and no one to watch over it. Xiu easily entered the place. At a glance, the most common things here are the materials for the Pokémon.

For example, hypnotic powder, paralysis powder and poison powder.

This kind of thing is generally not available in public, because it is too dangerous for ordinary people and can easily cause accidents, but it is not included in the list of contraband.

Some trainers make money by this, specifically looking for grass-type Pokémon to cultivate, and then "squeeze juice" every day like cows.

Even more exaggerated, they directly set up stalls and release Pokémon. Whoever wants as many Pokémons as they want will be released on the spot.

There is no way, this kind of thing has a time limit, and good storage conditions can extend it, but it will not be too exaggerated, so coming here means that the storage time of the things is better than those on display.

But Xiu did not come here to find those materials or contraband today, he has better things on him.

He came here to set up a stall today.

That's right, he has a batch of goods to sell.

During this period of time, I have accumulated a lot of garbage that needs to be disposed of.

For example, various wound medicines, especially those that have been used, not many people will buy them, and Xiu himself doesn't dare to use them, but this is a very good choice for some trainers who don't have much money.

There are also Poké Balls, various tools, clothes and quilts, etc.

He found a place and spread the unwanted sheets on the ground, and placed bottles of medicine and some sundries.

Then he wrote the price on the cardboard, and then sat on a small stool to look through the printed papers.

The price Xiu put out was very tempting, but when the visitors knew that it was used, most of them left, or they wanted to lower the price.

He came here because he had nothing to do, and then planned to clean up the garbage and brush up the papers.

After being annoyed by these people several times, he added a few words on the cardboard.

In fact, Xiu's things are still very cost-effective. It took less than an hour to sell almost everything, and then he packed the rest and sold it to the store next door. In this way, he finally cleared out most of the sundries on his body.

Although the money collected was not much, for the frugal him, it gave him a different sense of accomplishment.

While there was still time, Xiu took a quick look around the area. The people here were all shrewd and there was basically no chance of finding a bargain. That kind of thing was destined not to happen to him.

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