Adventurer of the Elf World

Chapter 559 Fluorescent Grass

After returning to the Elf Center, Xiu took a shower to clear his fatigue of the day, but he did not dare to relax. Instead, he picked up the documents again.

A thick stack of documents, these things were printed on more than 200 pages. You can imagine how much content is inside.

Earlier, he had planned to read a few papers in his spare time, but he found that he underestimated them.

Finally understood why Professor Oak did not mention the relevant situation before.

There is too much professional knowledge involved, which is not something a beginner like him should start with.

Busy learning enriched Xiu's boring night life.

He spent a lot of energy to barely read it while looking up information.

"It's difficult~ Why don't I have a system or chip? At least give me a photographic memory..."

No one heard Xiu's complaint, and even if they heard it, no one could understand what he was saying.

After finishing a paper, Xiu couldn't stand it at all. He climbed into bed and fell asleep at the appointed time.

It was not until he woke up the next day that he recovered a little bit of energy.

Looking at the scattered documents on the desk, Xiu knew that this was not a problem that could be solved in a short time, so he had to restrain his greed for the system and his laziness, and prepare to devote a long time to learning.

He got up and prepared everything, and then got up and left this safe place.

Walking out of Nibi City, Xiu stood on the river bank and looked back. It was a human city with tall buildings. It was beautiful, but it was destined not to belong to him...

After crossing the river, Xiu entered the Evergreen Forest again.

This time was different from the previous one. He learned from the last lesson and was more prepared. His equipment was greatly improved, and he entered it in a more suitable form for the forest.

The route was to cross the entire Evergreen Forest from the southeast corner of Nibi City.

Two-thirds of the Evergreen Forest was relatively flat. Although there were mountains, most of them were scattered and could not form a continuous mountain range.

But that was the southern part of the Evergreen Forest, and in the north, that is, in Nibi City, there was an extension of the southern vein of Yuejian Mountain.

Although the undulating mountains are not too high, there are too many of them. After climbing one mountain, there is another mountain. It is difficult to have a broad view.

It is precisely because of these terrain problems that it is difficult to build roads. Without roads, those mountain products and materials cannot be exchanged for money and materials, which makes them meaningless. Without resources, it is difficult to develop a human gathering place.

Another reason is that the mountains are barren, and most of them have only a thin layer of soil, and the bottom is solid rock, which does not have the conditions for large-scale reclamation.

Although the mountains and forests here are also lush, the trees and vegetation are only of average height, and they look very short compared to the towering trees that Xiu had seen before.

This is why the outer forests near Nibi City do not have countless towns and villages like Changpan City.

But there are also specialties here, that is, the mines between the mountains...

Another abandoned mine.

Xiu stopped and looked up at the situation here.

It has been a few days since he came in. He often sees some mines along the way, but most of them have been abandoned for many years, and some are just caves dug by prospectors.

For these places, Xiu often just explores them simply. There are some elves living in these mines.

Among them, there are more rocks and ground systems, and of course there are the number of Zubats that make people's scalps numb.

As for this mine~

Xiu stepped into it with a flashlight and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

There was nothing strange, it was similar to the previous places.

Xiu lost interest for a while, and when he was about to exit, he found a grass on one side of the mine tunnel, which had a very strange appearance.

The whole is the same as an orchid, but the branches are slender, and a small bell-like flower extends at the end.

This plant grows next to a cave wall, just leaning against it.

The ground is full of fragments of stones, and there is no light, no water, and no ventilation here. How can there be such a plant?

This strange plant attracted Xiu's attention.

Xiu took a few photos with the help of a flashlight, and prepared to record some data and go back to ask Village Rain Forest what kind of plant it was.

But after he finished taking the photos, he discovered a very interesting phenomenon. This plant was actually glowing.

Just as he put down the flashlight to fill in the label.

At that moment, the light missed the plant. Although it was only a weak fluorescence, Xiu was sure that he had just seen it.

If you don't observe it closely, you may not be able to find it.

But this light blue fluorescence disappeared quickly.

Xiu kept observing and recorded the whole process of the fluorescence slowly dissipating with his eyes.

This phenomenon directly aroused his interest.

There was no fluorescence at first glance, but after he took the photo, a very weak fluorescence appeared, and this fluorescence would slowly fade away with the passage of time.

So what caused it to glow?

There was only one difference before and after.


The reason why Xiu waited for the fluorescence to fade was to test his guess.

Turn on the flashlight, shine it on the plant, wait for one minute, and then turn off the flashlight.

Sure enough, the small bell hanging on the plant was emitting a faint fluorescence, and because it lasted longer than before, the fluorescence lasted longer this time, about forty seconds.

"It lights up when there is light, and dims when there is no light. Why does this effect look so familiar? Could it be... a solar flashlight?"

Xiu Zhen became more and more curious.

But this time he took out a pen and paper and a timer, and he also installed a sleeve to adjust the aperture size on the flashlight.

Xiu took out some environmental monitoring instruments and squatted in the corner to study the plant. He tested it step by step, from leaves to branches to flowers. After a series of tests, he finally determined that the leaves absorbed light energy, and the conversion efficiency was...

After recording the relevant data here, Xiu focused his attention on the surrounding area.

After checking the mine tunnel for a while, Xiu found some similar plants, but they had not grown up yet.

After confirming that it was not a solitary plant, Xiu selected three small ones and dug them up.

However, this time they were not for specimens, but were placed in a container temporarily modified from an incubator.

Constant temperature and humidity, and a layer of black cloth was covered on the outside to block light.

There was no way. Xiu was not sure what would happen to this plant if it was exposed to light for a long time, so he could only set it according to the conditions in the ruins.

I believe that when it comes to the expert Murasame Linzi, there will be new discoveries. His only responsibility is to discover things.

After finding a new plant here, Xiu continued to move deeper into the forest.

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